Hail the King

: 696, the old people meet again

This scene, straight to see Xuan Zang above and below the crowds of the city of Shampoo, like a mythical battle.

In the courtyards of the public halls of the Chambord City, the empire ambassadors who have just dispersed are watching the huge mysterious sky and the fabulous battle in the sky. The shock of one heart is hard to say. Who can actually suppress such a sinister murderer like Chambord to this point. []

At this time, the Zenit empire had not left, and the second emperor Domingos rolled over the white horse, a silver magic armor, set off the mask of the silent helmet, and the sword light in the sky illuminated him. Handsome as a demon face, if someone carefully observes, you can see that the empire, who has been calm and calm, is full of grace.

"Is the situation already ruined to such an extent? Can the power of the enemy be able to move freely on the empire's territory?"

Domingos sighed and bowed.

However, he quickly thought of something, and his look immediately became inspiring. He urged his majesty, and took the lead. He flew away in the direction of the city gate and shouted: "Everyone keeps up, we leave here overnight, and we are rushing to the army. Be sure to rush to St. Petersburg before dawn!"

"His Highness, Your Highness, you are careful, the situation is chaotic, and the city of Chambord has been caught in the flames of war. It is better to wait until the king of Shampoo has calmed down the war. We are not too late to start!" Someone suggested loudly in the ranks.

"Start immediately, the offender is embarrassed, even if it is dead, you must die in the emperor." Between talking, Domingos was riding alone, and could not wait to disappear into the night.

[Fairy Witch] Paris and [Red Beard] Granero looked at each other and saw each other's worries. With a smile, Granero shouted: "Everyone keeps up, immediately sets out to protect the prince. Your Royal Highness!"

A thunderous horseshoe sounded on the street, and more than 20 elite knights followed closely. The team rushed straight out of the city, preparing to cross the river and join forces with the opposing forces on the other side...


"[One sword], you are the treason of the treason, and let the old man roll out!"

In the sky, Sun Fei was holding a hammer and looking at the face, and looked at the opposite Xuanzang ship, suddenly angered.

The sound is rolling like a thunder, and it resounds between heaven and earth.

"The shampoo king, long time gone!" A thin figure appeared in the ship of the Xuanzang ship.

This man is wearing a yellow and black gorgeous armor, faintly flowing with terrible magic, carrying a double-handed sword with a scabbard on his back, the blade is crystal-clear, like a smear star, usually attached to the body, not tall Not low, not fat or thin, the long hair of linen is scattered on the shoulders, a pair of scorpions are extremely sultry, faintly flashing this red awn, as if it is an ancient behemoth, ready to choose people and addicted.

Although the dress is very different from the previous one, and the facial expression has undergone some subtle changes, but it can still be seen that this sudden appearance is the first master among the affiliated countries of the Zenit Empire. Flying for the first time in the ranks of the personal volleyball competition in the Empire, the prince of the country is a sword.

"Sure enough, you are so disappointing to the king!" Sun Fei went up and down a lot, with a disappointing color on his face.

Ten minutes between the first sight of the Jianguang, Sun Fei has a feeling of deja vu.

Only at that time, Sun Fei could not be completely sure.

Because the sword trajectory and moves, although very similar to the swordsmanship that was once shown in [Sword], the sword has completely changed, and it is quite different from the arrogant advice of the former [Sword].

And just a series of interactions between the electric and light fires finally let Sun Fei determine that this mysterious swordsman is inevitably the former [one sword].

This discovery is indeed disappointing to Sun Fei.

In the past, [a sword], although standing opposite the king, but strong, is even more arrogant, has the pride and dignity of the real warrior, stunning and stunning, can be regarded as a generation of talented people, so much so that Within a period of time, Sun Fei has a kind of sympathy for the strongman of this dependent country.

However, in less than half a year, [a sword] even abandoned the dignity and glory of the warrior, not only betrayed the Zenit empire that raised oneself, but also invested in the Dortmund empire, and even led Xuanzang to invade the Zenit Empire... Although Sun Fei did not know what kind of story happened in this, but [one sword] such a treason to the enemy's doctrine, has really fallen to the point of sighing.

"Disappointed? Hahaha, what? Is my sword long, not sharp enough?"

It seems that he was irritated by Sun Fei's contemptuous and contemptuous attitude. [A sword] A raging anger on his face flashed away, and he was full of arrogant laughter.

"Shu Bo Wang, do you know everything at all? Today, I have long been the loser who was suppressed by you. I have already achieved the rank of the great-level sage, and I am the head of the Doutmund Empire of the Seventh Empire. Like the clouds, the soldiers are like rain, they are invincible, how distinguished they are, haha, now you are in front of me, just a strong low-lying indigenous, no matter the power or personal strength, it is not my opponent at all, what qualifications? Say this to me?"

"Low-inferior Aboriginal?" Sun Fei shook his head with pity, and immediately thought of something, and asked: "It seems that you have completely forgotten the roots, the empire has broken out, the empire has been in danger, and the Lyon Empire and the Dortmund Empire Carrying the thunder, suddenly it was difficult, and the army was overwhelmed overnight, and there was no obstacle to the imperial capital of St. Petersburg. In this case, I am afraid that there is also your credit?"

"Hey? Did you already know?" [Sword] face, a touch of color flashed away, and immediately sneaked out in disappointment: "Haha, this is just right, Zenit Empire is in danger of being ruined, dying soon, I am afraid At this time, the capital of St. Petersburg has been captured and became a **** sea. The Zenit royal family is only a moment away. The shampoo king, if you kneel down and beg for mercy, the general can save you from death and give you the gift. The squad leader, the squad leader, the squadron of the empire of the air empire, hahaha, what a prestige, it is nobler than you to be a small subsidiary king, do not know how many times, haha... how? ?"

"The person who knows nothing is you." Sun Fei shook his head and did not speak again.

I am too lazy to say it.

I haven't seen it for more than half a year. [One Sword] is not the genius swordsman who used to be arrogant.

There is no such thing as a singularity in his body. Instead, there is a kind of arrogance that has never been seen before. In his eyes, there is a dark red flame, as if Has become a violent ancient behemoth, arrogant, easy to hi, ignoring, discarded the old rust sword, replaced with a gorgeous sword, abandoned the coarse cloth, replaced with luxury armor, if not the face It also preserves the similarity of seven or eight points. From the point of view of the spirit, it is simply a change of one person.

at this time--

"[一剑] General, what are you still talking about with this low-lying indigenous, don't hurry to kill him, don't you say that there is a peerless beauty called Angela in Chambord? Oh, this prince can't wait. , killing shampoo people, you take revenge, I only need that beauty, hehe!"

A sharp and harsh sound suddenly came up from the main mast of the Xuanzang, with an impatient taste in the tone.

"His Kagawa Shinji, you can rest assured, the woman named Angela will be yours." [One sword] turned and respectfully answered, finished, turned back and smiled at Sun Fei with a provocative smile. .

Who knows that Sun Fei is not as furious as he imagined. Instead, he looks calm and looks at [a sword] with pity. He slowly said: "Come on, let go, fight, mean and poor treason. Let me, my former opponent, smash your poor pride and help your degraded soul get liberated and rested!"

When the voice fell, Sun Fei looked up suddenly, and his eyes burst into the air, killing the plane and shooting.


The third is more.


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