Hail the King

: 706, hatred

The situation was so dangerous that all the ship slaves were shocked and frustrated.

And Sun Fei can already be sure that these two guys, whether Barbosa or Jack, are really swearing.

He did not panic, thought about it, time was tight, and he no longer waited for the two monks to bow down and decided to adopt coercive means.

As soon as the mind was moving, a spirit of power came out silently and did not enter the body of the two.

Sun Fei clap his hands, and this smiled: "If you want to see the two of you, it is very similar to the two old friends who had been a long time ago. This has repeatedly suppressed the killing of the heart and will conquer you, otherwise... I know that you two It’s all bad water, not a good thing, but I advise you to be honest and don’t play tricks. The king has planted a spiritual brand in your body, even if you have escaped to the end of the mainland, I can It’s easy to find you and kill the six-star warriors in the two districts. For the king, there is no difference between the ants and the ants. This is the last chance, don’t challenge the patience of the king.”

After that, the figure was shining, the golden flame was flashing, and the person of Sun Fei had disappeared into the control cabin.

Jack and Barbosa jumped together, but after hesitating, they didn't dare to change.

Although these two monks were hot, they were also scared by Sun Fei’s means. They did not dare to move for a while.

The next moment, I heard the other ship slaves pointing at the magic screen to make a windmill.

Everyone looked, but I saw a young black-haired king. I had already appeared under Xuanzang in an instant, and slowly extended a palm. The palm was attached to the bottom of Xuanzang, and I did not see how he contributed. This heavy More than tens of thousands of pounds of the lord-level Xuanzang, slowly stopped the fall.

"Hey!" In the control cabin, a piece of air that **** in the air.

All the ship slaves were scared by the scene they saw.

Robben and the old Aryang have long known the Ma Yong of His Majesty, and this is not a surprise.

But Jack and Barbosa saw this scene, but they looked at each other and almost screamed out each other. The Dortmund empire was a strong man of great strength, but the two had not seen the ship slaves. There are fewer strong men in the Empire, but I have never seen such a terrible strong man like this dark-haired boy.

They have been on the boat for more than ten years, and it is natural to know clearly that this lord-class Xuanzang, although cast from extremely light iron wood, has at least 10,000 pounds of weight, this handsome brunette, People are still in the void, there is no place to borrow power, but it is like holding a feather. Just relying on its own strength, volleying this huge ship, this strength... has surpassed both of them. The limit of imagination.

Who is this boy?

In a small frontier region, how can there be such a heroic character?

At this time, two fierce monks, this extinguished other thoughts and completely became honest.

They ask themselves, although they are embarrassed, but after all, they are just a group of desperate people. It is not a bad thing to surrender to such a strong person.

Seeing the general scene of the demon in the sky, not only the ship slaves in Xuanzang, but also the soldiers and civilians inside the shampoo city under the protection of the magic shield on the ground below, they all shouted 'King Long live, a mountain of tsunami cheers.

Sun Fei volleyed the huge Xuanzang and was not eager to fall.

There was a lot of volley in the air, and the king’s heart was moving. It was such a direct movement of the Xuanzang, flying in the direction of the back of the city of Xiangbo, and it was near the Wujian Tianfeng, and soon found nearby. A solitary peak is not a dangerous one. It refers to a stroke, a golden sword light flies away, and the mountain top of this mountain is directly cut off, and a huge platform with a radius of more than 20 acres is cut.

This scene is also enough to stimulate a group of slaves.

Sun Fei slowly released, and placed this Xuanzang slowly on the platform.

Throughout the process, everyone in Xuan Zang’s control cabin clearly saw it.

In particular, Jack and Barbosa, both in terms of insights and schemes, far surpassed other ship slaves. The heart is simply setting off a storm, such a strong person, have they ever seen it before? The so-called shoulder mountain super sea, is nothing like it? This handsome black-haired king is still so young. The road to martial arts is bright. Who can predict, to what extent can such a peerless person reach in the future?

These ship slaves have been trapped for at least a few years on Xuan Zang. They have never seen the sky, so they are all unruly, extremely eager for freedom, and they have long vowed in their hearts. As long as you can breathe a breath of fresh air outside, feel the radiance of the sun, even if it is broken, it is willing.

They are eager for freedom and are not willing to be bound.

Over the years, they have been struggling for freedom all the time.

Under the organization of two hearty guys, Jack and Barbosa, the ship slaves spent a few years working secretly secretly learning how to manipulate Xuanzang, planning to wait for a suitable opportunity, taking the opportunity to seize Xuanzang. Escaped from the control of the Dortmund people, so only when the Dortmunds and Sun Fei and others fought, the storms and violent attacks, killing the Dortmund controllers above Xuanzang, have basically controlled Xuanzang, but The three men of Sun Fei entered the control cabin with lightning speed and occupied Xuanzang.

The original ship slaves still had some resistance to the emergence of Sun Fei.

But at this moment, Barbosa and Jack both thought more.

Their original plan was to capture Xuanzang, and then they went far and wide, and then Xuanzang's speed and strength, organized an air thief mercenary group, and now they are free and easy, and now they think about it, I am afraid that there is no such thing. So simple, not enough strength, how to avoid the pursuit of Dortmund people and the coveted powers of other parties, a month-level powerhouse is enough to make them sullen.

It would be much easier to organize a squad of airborne mercenaries if you can get the support and protection of a peerless master like this young king.

Casting under the sway of this shampoo king is definitely more cost-effective than doing it alone.

Thinking of this, the two monks looked at each other and understood each other's thoughts.

In an instant, I picked it up again, for fear of the confrontation and rudeness of the two of them, and angered the young king, no longer need this group of people.

The human mind is like this.

Sometimes, just because of a simple idea, it will subvert the past insistence once and for all.

The previous second was dismissive, and the next second was afraid of losing, fearing to die.


Under the custody of Robben and the old Aryang, more than one hundred slaves came out of Xuanzang.

Just stepping out of the hatch, one by one is like crazy, rushing over, squatting on the deck, crying and laughing, greedily sniffing the evening breeze, watching the stars, staring at the fresh air, bursting into tears, Like more than a hundred madmen.

Although Jack and Barbosa tried their best to restrain their emotions, they had never seen the sun for more than a decade. At this moment, they could not help but cry.

Ordinary ship slaves don't think too much like Jack and Barbosa, and their thoughts have long been reversed. Today, if they are not Sun Fei and others, they can't live from the darkness of my life. The bottom of the inner compartment came out, I couldn’t see the stars, I couldn’t smell the fresh evening wind, maybe the last end, like many ship slaves that had died before, became a dead bone, I don’t know where they are still, they The idea is very simple, for Sun Fei, there is a grateful mentality.

So when Sun Fei appeared on the deck, the ordinary ship slaves squatted on the ground and shouted thanks.

Sun Fei did not want to be entangled here, but also intimidated the two monks, Jack and Barbosa, and handed over the task of guarding Xuanzang to Robben. He took a moment and returned to the shampoo with Aryang. In the city.

At this time, the casualties have been reported.

The city wall was bombarded by Xuanzang for the first time. There were 36 soldiers in the dead city, seven in the lower-level Saint Seiya, two in the loss of the dragon, and six in the destroyed houses, statues and stone temples. The system, the water supply system, and the sewer system are in a state of paralysis. If the total is money, it is at least five or six thousand gold coins.

Sun Fei looks dignified.

In fact, if it is only the loss of construction and property, the city of Chambord is still a cheaper one. The cost of a master-class Xuanzang is no less than a million gold coins, and it is priceless and market-free. It is hard to find, but sacrificed forty. The three soldiers of Chambord City, such a painful loss, can really make many people laugh.

After the rise of Sun Fei, in a short period of time, Chambord City has experienced repeated battles, almost unanimously winning zero casualties. This is the first time that it has damaged so many people and looked at the forty-three soldiers who died. Next to the remains, the distressed parents, wives and children crying, everyone is like a knife, and the hatred of the Dortmunds is constantly brewing and intensifying.

"Your Majesty, I have to avenge my father!" A boy who was only three or four years old, strong and sturdy, ran to the side of Sun Fei, screaming on the ground and shouting loudly.

In his pure black eyes, he was full of hatred and burning raging anger.

Sun Fei held the little boy in his arms and kissed his forehead.

Facing the eyes of the warriors who died, the king shouted: "All the warriors who sacrificed their lives to defend the city of Chambord will be awarded the title of martyrs. From then on, each of their families will be raised by the royal family. Their Children, children of the kingdom, will receive the best education, inherit the glory of the father, and their parents, also the parents of the kingdom, are the parents of every shampoo, and Alexander guarantees that they will not be subject to any unfairness. treat!"

The administrative planning and laws of Chambord City have long been sound, and the martyrs system has long been drafted under the proposal of Sun Fei.

Today, it is the first time in the history of Chambord to chase martyrs.

The families of the warriors and warriors shouted long lived and grateful to Dade, while among the other soldiers’ eyes, they burned the color of worship. This system and guarantee ensured that every Champion City warrior gained recognition and glory. They can no longer worry about it and fight to defend the king and their homeland.

The vanity of His Majesty is very strong, but at this moment, he is not happy at all.

It has been more than a year since I came to this world. Sun Fei himself has gradually integrated into the mainland of this jungle law. The endless killing has made Sun Fei’s values ​​gradually approaching the world. No matter how many enemy soldiers are killed, it does not matter. But every time someone sheds a drop of blood, anger can hardly be contained.

These forty-three lives have made it difficult to reconcile hatred between Chambord and the Dortmund Empire.

Compared with Dortmund people, it is also considered.

The fall of a country’s prince in a small town is also an intolerable hatred for them.

Chambord faces a huge enemy.

Unable to choose.

This is the crime of war.

Looking at the **** morning of the sky, Sun Fei seems to have seen that Zenit Emperor St. Petersburg is facing a **** battle at this time. The Dortmund and the Lyons are besieging the emperor, and the inside and outside of the wall must be the corpse. In the **** sea, soldiers are bustling like ants, using soldiers as mud, and life becomes fly ash at any time...

"I don't know how much time the emperor can support, no matter how Yassian emperor calculates it. For the Zenit Empire, this time will be a terrible test. There is no end in the nest, once Zenit is defeated, It is impossible for Chambord City to resist the coalition forces. It seems that sooner or later, I have to go to the emperor."

Sun Fei made up his mind and walked toward the Five Swords Peak.

Newlyweds, ** is worth a thousand dollars.

After the wedding ceremony was over, I have not had time to warm up with the two brides.


I was trapped on the road yesterday, one night.

It came out today, first more than 3,000, and the rest will start to make up tomorrow.

By the way, the update will return to normal tomorrow.


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