Hail the King

: 718, who dares to fight with me?

Sure enough, the next moment, Chris Sutton looked forward to the scene -

"Hahaha, the pig is a pig. Before you poke the knife, let you keep a few words. You don't know that the sky is thick. Well, since you can't wait, I will kill you now!"

It was still the brutal and arrogant laughter that covered up the cheers of the Lyons and spread from the endless wind blade storm.

Then came a lightning-like figure.

The figure greets the wind blade gods from the sky, and the horrible wind blade gods can not get close to his body, and instantly approached the front of the Lyon Empire. As soon as he reached out, he squeezed a roaring **** and pinched his neck!

"How do you... how do you do it?" I felt the breath of death. At this moment, the Lyon Empire’s strongman seemed to understand what it was. His face was an incredible look: "This is impossible... you are not a moon. Master, you...who are you?"

"You still don't know."

Sun Fei’s answer, and nothing changed before.

His wrist twisted gently, like breaking a useless dead wood, breaking his opponent's neck.


The body of the last moon-level powerhouse of the Lyon Empire lost its support of strength and gently fell to the ground.

It's like a pig that has been slaughtered has faded from the chopping board, causing a few dusts, and that's it.

Above the battlefield, everyone was stunned by this sudden shocking scene. On the battlefield of tens of thousands of people, a rare silence suddenly appeared.

The army of Lyon, who was still cheering, became quiet at this moment. The faces of Lyon soldiers were still full of excitement when cheering, and they were still open-mouthed, but they could not make any sound. They were used to the past. Over and over for more than sixty hours, Lyon’s monthly powerhouse showed that the low-lying Zenit masters were defeated and defeated. This scene suddenly appeared, causing them to fall into the aggressor. They fell into the sudden mistakes and confusions, and could not believe what they saw.

The Zenit soldiers, who had almost despaired, jumped incredulously at this moment. They only felt that a heart was about to jump out of the heart with excitement and excitement. There was an unconscious shout in the population. Some people used their hands. The weapons hit their armor, some people shouted 'invincible', some people laughed, and some people shed tears, praying for the high-ranking robes who died in Lyon's monthly powerhouse!

"Hahaha, is this the strongman of the so-called six-level Lyon empire? It is too disappointing to kill me." Sun Fei’s figure flashed and came to the wall of Zenit, facing the city gate, facing Wan The army of thousands of miles, laughing and shouting, "Where are the Lyons, who dares to fight with me?"

The sound is like the wrath of the gods, rolling between the heavens and the earth, resounding in the ears of everyone, and vibrating.

"Is he? This guy...Xiangbo Wang Alexander, is he actually coming?"

Above the city, I finally recognized the true identity of the peerless power emerged from the king’s camp. I was amazed at the heart, and a resentful feeling naturally came to my mind, but soon it was another one. The mood was replaced, and the pressure of the defending city, which was heavily pressed against his heart, quickly disappeared at this moment.

Obviously, he is the emperor of the gods, and the subconscious has also formed the invincible concept of the city of Chambord. With this peerless sinister sitting in St. Petersburg, the imperially imperial emperor suddenly becomes indestructible.

"Just hope this guy, don't make trouble, if it violates the military discipline..." The army **** Arshavin was worried, but he soon became dumb, because he suddenly realized that even if the shampoo king violated the military discipline, he seemed to take him. There is no way.

At the same time, among some ordinary soldiers, some people recognized Sun Fei’s identity.

"It is the king of shampoo, I know, this master, shampoo king Alexander!"

"I recognize him, the king of the shampoo people who had been in the emperor's capital some time ago, the terrible murderer!"

"It is him, it is indeed him. I really didn't think that this murderer has come to defend the imperial capital. Those **** aristocrats, isn't that the shampoo king is a despicable traitor? How now, he rushed to the city, and the nobility They are totally different!"

"This also asks, what are the good things of the nobles, they smashed the shampoo king, just to say that the shampoo king is a real good person!"

"Yeah, I thought that in the past, the three imperial martial arts conspiracy framed our Krasic Wusheng. It was the shampoo king who seized the imperial martial arts regardless of his own danger. You think about it, we are smashed. Can the people who are entrusted and optimistic about the West Qiwu can be traitors?"

"So, let's do it!"

"Ha ha ha, the other I don't care, I only know that now is the Champagne King who has killed two of the Lyon Empire's monthly powerhouses and helped us guard St. Petersburg. With this, he is our Zenit. big hero!"

The identity of Sun Fei, quickly spread among the ordinary soldiers, and set off a burst of shackles. Even some soldiers who had misunderstood Sun Fei because of the deliberate ugliness of the nobles, also cheered at this moment, because one thing is As everyone knows - the strength of the shampoo king is extraordinary, it is indisputable, such a strong person standing on his side, that is the most important.

"Shampoo, invincible! Invincible! Invincible!"

"Shenwu! Shenwu! Haha, who dares to fight with our shampoo king?"

"Stupid Lyons, this time I was scared and stupid? Hahaha, we have the shampoo king, you **** invaders, go home and go to eat milk!"

Without the instigation of the officers, the Zenit soldiers at the bottom shouted the name of Sun Fei, renewed their spirits, and the morale rose. Haha laughed and provoked the Lyons. The scene of the war was completely reversed at this moment. Come over.

Under the wall, tens of thousands of Lyon soldiers, at this moment, almost subconsciously brushed back and looked at the side of the party, they also want to know, on their own side, there is no strong, dare Show up with the shampoo king?

"I don't know the clown who lived and died. I won't be lucky. I just forgot it. It really is the untouchables of the lower empire. Hahaha, let this seat come to avenge the robes and send you to hell!"

A loud voice came from the direction of the army of Lyon.

Immediately after the lightning, there was a burly figure. The two thick eyebrows were almost together. The long blond hair was tied with a black ribbon. The national face was strong and proud, and the black robes were extremely elegant. On the battlefield, the volley pointed to Sun Fei and scorned: "Give you two choices for this poor fellow. Are you committing suicide, or is this seat killing you?"


Make up yesterday.

There are still three more today.


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