Hail the King

: 720, cut the melon and cut vegetables

"This is impossible! Who are you? Who are you? Why are you going to Niang's flames?"

There was no slight injury on Levier, but the horror on his face was like seeing the death, and the faint black smoke of the cockroach slowly slowly emerged from his mouth, nose, nose and nose. This is a very strange scene, as if there is a flame that burns in his body.

A sentence has not been finished, and terrible changes have occurred again.

A breeze blew, and the black robes on Levier were like the ashes, which spread out in the wind, revealing the underlying skin, a black smoke coming out of every pore in his body. It quickly became a frantic spray, as if there was a force in the body that was squeezed out and the whole person was quickly covered by black smoke.

In less than two or three seconds, the black smoke dissipated.

The most horrific scene appeared in the eyes of everyone -

I saw the head of the hurricane army regiment of the Lyon Empire and the eight-stage master of the half-moon class. When the black smoke dissipated, it fell from the sky, like a fallen leaf in the wind. It’s like spinning a ball, just like losing weight.

When everyone looked at it carefully, it was discovered that the original 'Levier', which was floating in the air, had only one complete human skin.

His internal organs, flesh and bones have long been burned to the ashes by the power of the flames, leaving only a thin layer of human skin.

This is the symptom of the killing of the martial arts of the Lyon Empire, who was previously killed by Sun Fei, and the skill of the martial arts [flame dark boxing] stunts - the middle-aged, the body flesh and bones are burned to ashes, but Being able to retain a complete human skin is an extremely cruel and cruel martial technique that makes people feel chilly.

Levier died unsuccessfully.

He couldn't figure out why, why would his opponent be proficient in the skill of his own master?

Even if Niang personally used this kind of fighting skills, it would not be his opponent, let alone break the higher-order fighting skills [the sword of the earth] with such fighting skills, and then he would not know it. Among them, the power of the flames was bombarded into his own body, but in just one instant, only one human skin was burned.

Equally unbelievable are the thousands of soldiers of the Lyon Empire.

The emperor of the emperor, who was worshipped by the Emperor, was once the leader of the mythical army that was invincible for the empire. He died in the hands of a young man who was unknown to the low-level empire. This kind of blow made the soldiers of the Lyon Empire. The morale, like boiling boiling water, was thrown into an iceberg and quickly cooled down.

Contrary to this is the soldiers of the Zenit Empire.

One by one in the city for more than sixty hours, watching the familiar robe one fell down on the invaders, spelled into this time has been covered with scars, full of artillery, black eyes, sleepy to the child to a bow The sleeping Zenit soldier suddenly seemed to be injected with a dose of cardiotonic agent. He suddenly became full of energy and screamed and cheered.

This sound, like the tsunami of the mountains, is stirring in the heavens and the earth.

"Invincible! Invincible! Invincible! Invincible!"

"Zenite is invincible! Champion Wang is invincible! Long live long live!!!"

Above the city wall, up to the emperor's official, down to the ordinary Zenit soldiers, even the warriors, arrows, sulphur, fire oil, who rushed to the city, slap their chests with their hands. Embrace together with people you know or don't know, cheering and venting your excitement.

The shampoo king has fought four opponents in three battles, and the mythical record has finally made a Zenit who is regarded as a low-ranking imperial citizen and suppressed by his opponent, shouting proudly. .

Sun Fei stood in the void.

On top of his head, the black smoke and red blood in the sky mixed together to cover the sun.

At his feet, the dead bodies and blood of the soldiers were dressed up in the rich land, and the blood spread in all directions, dyeing the eyes of everyone.

His long black hair was picked up by the wind, like a waterfall floating in the void.

At this moment, all Zenit soldiers even developed an illusion. It is not a mortal who guards the main entrance of St. Petersburg, but an invincible God of War!

"Ha ha ha, this kind of goods, is the so-called high empire strong, really unbearable war! Come and come, in the face of the array, who dares to fight with this king?"

Sun Fei is drinking.

The voice of the war of the overbearing body, like the **** of the nine-day godland, roared in a layer of turbulence, rolling in and out, and the horrible sound waves spread far and wide, and the opposite sides were shocked. Wan’s soldiers of the Lyon Empire were as earthy, squatting back, and did not even dare to look up.

Even in the distance, the location of the Lyon Empire Command in Jensen, at this time, there was a brief silence.


In the void.

The enchanting witch, Paris, stands quietly on the throne of the world, relying on the magical power of the throne of the world, she can stagnate in the void, even if it is the strongman of the great-day sage, it is hard to detect. Her presence, but she can clearly see what happened below.

No one is around, the witch unwittingly unloaded the fake face that has always been, a pair of temperamental scorpions, unconsciously revealing the faint color, watching the little man playing pigs under the tiger, like cutting The melons were cut into vegetables, and the master of the Lyon Empire continued to fall. She entered the intoxication.

In particular, I saw that this little man completely listened to his own suggestions. The performance of the arrogant and overbearing, but also suppressed his own strength, the witch's heart, even unconsciously appeared a trace of sweetness.

From the first time I met at the top of the Dongshan Mountain in Chambord, I was saved by the little man from the execution of the sword assassin in the pub in the state-owned area of ​​the 20th, and then to the later... I didn't find out when it was different from other people's feelings about this **** man.

A breeze blew and swayed the long hair of this fabulous woman.

She shook her head gently, and forced these strange feelings out of her own heart. She suddenly woke up a lot. Paris understood that after the battle, the Lyons had begun to face and value the little man, really The contest begins, and the little man will face even more terrible challenges.

"War, little man, your age, is coming!"


After a moment of silence, facing the provocation of Sun Fei, the Lyons responded.

The rumbling sounds like the fission of the earth, coming out from afar, the drums are just like thunder and lightning, to shatter the haze above the battlefield, this is the royal drum, knocking on the heart of every heroic Lyon warrior, rekindled The desire and confidence of the Lyons for victory inspired the morale of the Lyon soldiers.

Whenever there is trouble, the royal drums will ring.

The drums are thunderous, and every time they ring, they will lead the Lyons to victory and glory.

Soon, from the depths of the Lyon Empire, there were five streams of light that flew towards the center of the battlefield.

Five more seniors appeared.

The streamer swept through the void, with a horrible breath, as if from the thundering royal drums from the terrible abyss summoned the ancient behemoth, the powerful breath released, let the billion on the battlefield Wan Shengling is a shudder.

This is definitely five strong monthly strengths.

These five strong men appeared together, and they reached the front line in the blink of an eye. They didn't have any nonsense, and there was no pause. It was like a tiger rushing to the prey. At the same time, they rushed toward Sun Fei and surrounded Sun Fei. In the middle, it’s a slap in the face, and the strength of the whole body is running smoothly, and it is possible to make a fatal blow at any time.

"Shameless, even in the master battle, bullying!"

Above the walls of St. Petersburg, some people came out on the spot.


The third is more.

Thanks: chris玖, flame flying city, eee777, power kitten, headless, why bother to greatly support you.

On July 25th, yy activities.


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