Hail the King

: 722, the price

[The Sword of the Earth] is the high-ranking martial arts skill of the empire of the hurricane of the Lyon Empire, Anthony Revieh Schlei, relying on the sword of the earth, and Levier does not know how many enemies of the Lyon empire were killed. He also won the reputation of [The Earth Warrior] for himself.

Even in the battle with Sun Fei, Levier had just performed a [Sword of the Earth].

Although Levier’s [Sword of the Earth] was broken by Sun Fei’s gestures, this month’s fighting technique is undoubtedly a very powerful combat skill. During the exhibition, it devours the magnificent momentum of the heavens and the orange flame. The illusion of the sky, the omnipresent terrible earth field and the sessile orange sword of more than 100 meters, all left a deep impression on everyone on the battlefield today.

Even at this time, between the heavens and the earth, there is still a faint residual earthy atmosphere of the previous move.

No one thought that the redemption of the Sword of the Earth would be seen so soon.

In the sky, Sun Fei stands tall, black hair is like a waterfall, twilight, handsome face with undisguised murder, his body around, orange flames filled, swamp invisible earth force field silent The more terrible thing is that the sessile yellow giant sword, which is more than 100 meters long and five or six meters wide, has four handles at the same time, which are listed in the four directions of Sun Fei's body.

This is the enhanced version of the "Sword of the Earth."

More powerful!

More terrible!

More horrible!

In the field of the ground force, the four strong men in the Lyon Empire changed their face.

They tried their best to escape, but desperately found that they could not break free from the shackles of this force in a short time.

The strong fight, only in the first line.

Any slight slight disadvantage will result in difficult consequences.

The four strong men of the Lyon Empire were so delayed that they suddenly fell into the embrace of death.

The four-handed orange-colored stalked 100-meter giant sword locked four people in four directions. With Sun Fei's hands pressed down, it was already like Taishan's topping, aligned with the center of their forehead, and brushed it. Come down!

"No... stop!"

At this time, the voice that had appeared before was passed from the depths of the Lyon Empire. The voice was full of anger and horror. At the same time, a red flame ran a light, carrying the terrible power of rushing the sea. , tearing the sky, sharp and unparalleled, destroying the earth and destroying the land, and rushing to the shape of Sun Fei in the battle center.

The strong man hidden in the army of Lyon, shot.

Obviously, this person did not expect that the long-lost Sun Fei, who had been performing before, would suddenly explode such a powerful attacking power, suddenly knowing that things are not good, and seeing that the four seniors are not Enemy, in danger, can not take into account the tradition of the battlefield strong battle, openly breaking the rules, and attacking Sun Fei.

Wei Wei saved Zhao. He wanted to force Sun Fei to self-protect by this means and save the four seniors of the Lyon Empire.

Even the six-level empire of the Lyon Empire can't afford the loss of seven seniors.

However, it is late.

Too late.

Sun Fei kills together, the four-handed sessile 100-meter orange giant sword is unstoppable, and seems to be slow and fast, giving a very strange visual illusion, as if beyond the boundaries of time and space, just a flash, It cut from the sky to the ground and then disappeared.

Cut by the lightsaber from the body, the four seniors of the Lyon Empire, suddenly stopped all struggles and screams, as if they were subjected to a fixed body, dull and stiff in the void.


A piece of paper was torn and generally squeaked, like a rolling thunder, and it was repeated in the ears of everyone. Before the people on the battlefield reacted, it was at this time that only the four big ones standing in the void were seen. The figure of the strong, suddenly a blood line appeared from the eyebrows, blood smashed.

Then, the four people won, from the top to the bottom, neatly split into two, cut into two halves from the middle.

Suddenly the blood burst and the internal organs splashed and fell to the ground.

The four strong men, the first two seconds of prestige, turned into eight **** bodies with blood and heat.


It’s a spike!

Everyone on the battlefield was stunned. It was all about thinking and language skills. It killed the four great powerhouses in one fell swoop. What is going on?

In particular, the soldiers of the Lyon Empire were severely hit. The morale that had just risen suddenly fell irresistibly. They couldn’t figure out why this Zenit, who had no mastery, suddenly broke out so powerful. The strength of the four major monthly powerhouses, like kittens and puppies, was easily hanged!


A loud noise called the people on the battlefield back to reality from the shock.

However, it turned out to be the four strongest men who killed the Lyon Empire. Sun Fei did not hesitate to take a hand back, and then sent him first, and raised his hand to hit a huge golden fist, and he could not attack it. The reddish streamer shattered and shattered.

The horrible waves of air rushed around, and after a long while, the energy flow slowly spread.

At this time, one of the sky wearing an ink-colored magic armor, a tall burly like a beast-like figure, appeared in the place where the four strong strongmen of the Lyon Empire were.

This person does not seem to be very old, that is, four or five years old, but the height is more than two meters five, the tiger's back is bearish, the skin is dark, the face is ugly, the skin is crumpled, it is like a scar, and the forehead is wide. The slightly curled long hair comb becomes a dense braid, the body is thick and the teeth are sharp, like a hair.

He stood in the void with anger, releasing an indescribable sense of oppression, like a black tower.

"Unforgivable, low-pitched stupid low-ranking people, the prince said, let you stop!" Ugly Black Tower strong man looks like a knife, staring at Sun Fei, killing the plane and shooting, said one word at a time.

His Majesty shrugged his shoulders: "Oh, sorry, you react too late, it’s too late!"

"You, you are dead." ‘Black 狒狒’ stayed, and suddenly became angry.

His gaze, with scarlet blood, and a strange power, is about to swallow Sun Fei, the voice and tone of his voice are also overbearing, the condescending momentum, indicating that this person is obviously a long-term decision I am used to giving orders.

He looked at everything, even if Sun Fei had shown tyrannical strength before, but he could not let him take a high look.

He said this sentence, giving people the feeling that they are not threatening, but making an inevitable judgment.

All the signs indicate that this is obviously a terrible powerhouse. The strength is unpredictable. The strongmen who have exceeded the former Lyon Empire do not know how many times. The momentum is like a mountain, the general monthly powerhouse, let alone It is fighting this 'black scorpion', I am afraid that standing in front of this for a few seconds, will be forced by the terrible pressure and pressure to the extent of willpower collapse.

It is a pity that Sun Fei is not an ordinary strong.

"Wipe, who will not force it?" The king slammed the next sentence to create the momentum of the opponent, all of which was destroyed in an instant: "Da, don't compare with me, you are still far away."

"Ignorance of the low-ranking people, you have to pay for your rudeness, paying the price of life." [大狒狒] has been out of anger, how many years, why have someone said this in front of him, he smirked cruelly, revealing The sharp yellow teeth, the low sputum in the throat, fiercely said: "Because of this sentence, I swear to kill every Zenit, regardless of men and women, young and old, I will use the most cruel way. Killing you, these low-ranking people who do not have the land to live!"

"Ignorance is high, silly. Congratulations, you finally succeeded in angering Laozi." Sun Fei’s look also cooled down: "I don't like being threatened, so you will pay for what you just said. And the price is very simple, that is your life!"


The first is more.

After clicking on the million, it should have erupted, but there is no manuscript, and I mourn.

At 7 o'clock tomorrow night, yy channel 21071949 activities, when the last event q coins prizes, and a large number of prizes sent out, and oh, invited the low-handed loneliness, half-step vicissitudes, desert three giants to interact, hope Everyone can take the time to participate.


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