Hail the King

: 728, the roar of the northern giant bear

"How come you haven't...have not died yet?"

The mythical prince of the Lyon Empire, Gome, was so stunned that it was unbelievable. Under the frontal bombardment of such a magical cannon, the low-lying Zenit was not dead yet. Was he a demon who could not kill? Is it... is it...

At this moment, Gomi’s mind suddenly crossed a terrible idea of ​​lightning.

"Don't you... have you advanced?...Advanced the big-day sage? This...how is this possible?" Gomi stuttered to Sun Fei, who found that his body had been invisible. Locked, moving can't move.

"Bingo, guess right, but unfortunately no reward!" Sun Fei's smile, in the eyes of Gome, is a timely call of death.

At this time, there is no need to suppress your own strength, and there is no need to hide it.

Today, in this battle outside the Imperial Capital, Sun Fei has deliberately kept a low profile from the beginning and suppressed his own strength - in fact, even if he does not deliberately suppress, Sun Fei’s [barbarians mode] has the power to be ruthless. Force, not like vindictiveness and magic, has the energy fluctuations familiar to the warriors of this world, so it is very easy to be shackled by opponents.

The direct consequence of this is that every time the enemy thinks that he has sent a master enough to solve the problem, he has repeatedly sent his life force to Sun Fei’s butcher’s knife. Otherwise, Sun Fei will not be so smooth and continuous. I lost so many opponents in the January class.

In today's World War I, Sun Fei will learn from the book of the "Devil's Sword" that the strange force method is used to the point where the fire is pure, and the fighting skills under the big Japanese level are as long as they are watching. At a glance, once you play it, you can use this method to reproduce it. Although the difference is obvious, on the surface, it is generally the same as the original, and the power is more powerful, which scares the enemy's gall.

Undoubtedly, after today, the unparalleled prestige of the shampoo king ‘the way of his own, and the other’s body,’ will be spread throughout the continent within a million miles.

At this time, Sun Fei no longer has to play pigs to eat tigers.

In the distance between St. Petersburg, the sound of the military number and the bell of the war has been heard. The people are thick and sturdy, murderous, and firmly closed the four-sided city gate that has been holding for nearly seventy hours. At this time, it opened up. Under the leadership of the Emperor God, the angry and war-torn Zenit soldiers emerged from the gates like black torrents!


The Zenit counterattack has finally arrived!

This is the roar of the weak!

This is the resistance of the oppressed!

This is the anger of the northern giant bear!

Sun Fei didn't even rush to kill the Lyon King Gomi in front of him. With the counterattack of the Emperor, his body slowly floated toward the sky and finally completely expanded his power.

With the power of the gods appearing in this world, the golden flames of the king’s knees burst out like a sea of ​​oceans, and the golden and majestic golden brilliance instantly permeates the entire battlefield, and the white St. Petersburg giant city Plated with a layer of noble gold!

At this moment, on the battlefield, countless people were shocked.

Millions of creatures stared blankly at the golden figure in the sky, just as believers were watching their gods.

A virtual totem of a barbarian warrior with a height of 100 feet, appeared behind Sun Fei.

This is the illusion of Bourkeso, the immortal king of the barbarian family. Except for a slightly blurred face, other parts of the body are vivid, like a wild **** of war standing in the void, dressed in the "immortal king suit", exalted [ The King of Immortals, this is an image of an invincible emperor, who is in the world and is invincible.

Big day honorable person!

This is the power of the great-day sage.

Like the gods, the angels shudder.

As Sun Fei showed his power completely, the situation of defending the battle in St. Petersburg suddenly appeared one-sided.

Even an idiot would understand that when the Zenit had a strongman with a big Japanese sage, it meant - it was synonymous with invincibility. As long as there is such an unparalleled **** of war, St. Petersburg is never difficult to break. The fortress, even if it is ten times more troops, will not want to destroy the Zenit Empire.

The strongest in this realm has already surpassed the limits of manpower.

It does not belong to the power of the common custom.

In the city of Zenit, there was a buzzing sound of mountains and tsunami. The warfare guarded the imperfect capital of the storm. I don’t know what kind of disaster will come to the Zenit civilians on the head. At this moment, I cried and looked at it. In the sky, the same golden day is like a shining figure. They know that bad luck has gone, and the aggressor will be punished.

The soldiers of the Zenit corps who had been attacked by the city with their mortal and generous mentality, at this moment, only felt that the blood of the whole body was boiling and burning.

Even the most timid and embarrassing warrior, under the golden glory, became a warrior who died as if he died. More than 100,000 Zenit army, this time broke out a hundred times the power, the black torrent No one dared to sharpen it.

In the face of the attack, other imperial coalition forces that were still organizing resistance, this moment is full of souls, and morale has instantly fallen to the lowest valley. Even if the supervising team wields a sickle and continuously kills the soldiers who have turned and fled, it is difficult to stop the army’s decline. Soldiers eager to escape, like angry lions, shredded the star-studded masters of the supervised team that blocked the route. Later, the masters of the Lian Duo team turned and fled.

In addition to the Lyon Empire and the Dortmund Empire, the other eight empire are basically a loose sand. They are placed in a confrontation with Zenit’s northern giant bear, which even contains The remains of the empire that Zenit had destroyed were long-awaited birds, and the defeated soldiers were irreparable.

The squadron is like a slamming flood that generally flies in the distance.

The number of Zenit’s army is less than one-tenth of that of the squadron, but like a tiger entering the flock, the squadrons are crying and crying, and they are escaping, some can’t escape, and they squat on the ground and surrender their weapons. Even if it is caught and tried to sell, it will always save a life.

Stacking up like a hill, the weight of the grain, the grass, the weapons, the armor and other possessions are too late to be destroyed, and all become the trophies of the Zenit!

The so-called ten-nation empire coalition became a joke at this moment.

The only ones that performed normally were the Lyons and Dortmunds.

Although the Lyons chose to retreat, they did not completely collapse, slowly retreating, the formation was not chaotic, and the loss fell to the lowest point. Although there was chaos, at least there was no wind, no cranes, no soldiers, no formation by the Zenit army. There is still room for manoeuvre. .

The Dortmund battalion was slightly farther away from the first battlefield and did not suffer from the impact at first. As an eight-level empire, the army’s discipline, such as iron discipline and low-level empire, made the Dortmund in ten countries. Among the coalition forces, they stood out from the crowd.

For the Dortmund people, the most catastrophic thing is that Sun Fei, the enemy of the great-day sage, appeared in the sky above their battalion, and the pressure of the peerless powers made them unbearable. Some soldiers with lower strengths were directly killed by the blood of the city...

The six Xuanzang ships, in addition to the slightly smaller two small Xuanzang and the middle of the main lord Xuanzang, the other four have been slowly falling, the top of the boat propped up the parachute-like animal umbrella bag, finally It is to slow down the fall and not fall on the ground.

Sun Fei took a handful, and in the air, two Dortmund seniors screamed into blood.

The power of the strongman of the great Japanese sage is not the resistance of the strongman of the month, but only the part of the slaughter.

"No..." Another month of the Dortmund empire's strongman screamed, turning into a blood clot and a falling bone.

The remaining six or seven month-level strongmen have the style of the strong, like the dog of the family, they are flying around, and they can’t go all the time. If they are mourning, they are afraid of being stared by Sun Fei.

"Stop, Zenit's strong, let's stop fighting!" A loud and majestic voice came from the most central lord of the lord, and then there was a powerful force that stopped. Sun Fei pursued the killing of the monthly powerhouses.

This is also an absolute powerhouse.


The first is more.

Thanks: Thanks to nd_life giant reward, thanks to eee775 for a large continuous reward, thanks: the name is hard to start ai, starry sky, white rabbit prince, yy love red dust yy, idle cloud scholar, shadow dancer, chris 玖 big The support.


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