Hail the King

: 740, do not learn sword

Sun Fei did not have any shelves of Imperial Wu Sheng, and he spoke very casually. Four people chatted for a while. Sutton gradually discovered that he really understood the fabulous man in front of him, the so-called 'between the upper aristocrats'. The evaluation of the shampoo king rude barbarian ', the shampoo king vulgarity', 'the shampoo king is not educated', 'the shampoo king arrogant arrogant', is simply a nonsense to rumor, the real shampoo king, only when you become him Friends can understand.

Sutton was grateful and thanked Sun Fei for his promotion of the realm.

Sun Fei waved his hand and smiled and explained: "Even if it is a strong person in the big day, it is impossible to promote others to the level of the moon. Otherwise, is it possible to mass produce the monthly powerhouse? Those who own Among the high empire of the great Japanese sages, isn't the monthly strongman more like an ant? The most important thing is your own strength. It has already vaguely reached the bottleneck. Only one step can make a breakthrough. Forge ahead is the first, the promotion of the realm, strength, luck, courage, state of mind, temporary state... the weather is indispensable, and under that day, your spirit is in the best state, angry, All of them are devoted to the battle. It is one of the four states that are most needed when the military breaks through. The seat is only a little helper. The most important thing is to rely on your own efforts and rituals. On that day, when you face the strongman of the Lyon Empire, you are afraid of it, and you can't hide it. Even if you are strong in the world, there is no way to help you improve your realm!"

Sun Fei is telling the truth.

The state of Sutton on the same day, like the relationship between two small and unguessed, developed to the extent that only one layer of window paper was left. Sun Fei was only filled with the role of a matchmaker, and the window paper was smashed, and everything left was natural. If you change to other people, Sun Fei can not be so smooth to promote his hard life to the realm of the monthly strong.

But even so, Sutton is still grateful.

He himself understands that although it is said that if you miss the day, relying on yourself to comprehend the breakthrough, it will take at least one or two years to advance to the level of the moon, and to get the big-day honorable person. The strength of perfusion, the body feels the power of the great Japanese sage, is equal to planting a strong seed in his body, and later comprehending higher power, it must be smooth sailing, this is a rare opportunity .

Sun Fei nodded and looked at Sutton and continued: "Today, please come to Wusheng Mountain. It is not what I meant, but the royal family passed the order of the emperor. After that, you will leave the Knights' Hall and remove the ruling knight. The position, in Wushengshan, one heart to practice martial arts, do not know if you are willing or not?"

Sutton groaned and suddenly understood.

If he changed to a year ago, it is absolutely difficult to abandon the glory of the Knights' Court and the glory of the ruling knight. He is not willing to stay in this lonely mountain. Although Wushan Mountain is good, for young people, it is like It’s really uncomfortable to watch the night, it’s hard to show off, but after more than a year’s tempering, this former arrogant ruling knight’s state of mind has long since become harmonious, naturally it’s a big joy, and I promised.

"Well, now on the mainland, the smoke is reviving, and the empire's chaos has erupted. Although the Zenit Empire is in the north of the mainland and does not enter the war between the mainstream empire of the mainland, it is also difficult to preserve. This time the ten empire joint invasion It has exposed too many problems. The most important thing is that the empire is flawed in high-end force. The number of seniors in the month is too small. This time, the royal family will let you practice martial arts in Wusheng Mountain. Naturally, you think that you are talented. It is the first person in the young generation of the empire, and it is expected to hit a higher level..."

Sun Fei explained it carefully. From the storage ring, he took out a thick book and handed it over to Sutton. He continued: "This booklet is about more than a year since I was practicing martial arts." Some of the opinions and experiences contain a few martial arts and fighting skills, which I hope will be useful for your cultivation."

Sutton was overjoyed, picked it up, opened his eyes and looked awkward, and suddenly his face was excited, and even the hand holding the book was shaking with excitement.

Although Sutton’s strength is not as good as that of Sun Fei, he was born into the Imperial Aristocrats and served as a knight’s house. His eyes are far from being comparable to ordinary warriors. After reading a few pages, he knows the meaning of this booklet, and it is definitely the martial arts of the sharp gold. The Supreme Collection, if it flows out, will inevitably set off a battle for a thousand miles in a million miles.

He did not think that the shampoo king did not cultivate the sharp gold vindictive spirit, but there is such a deep sharp gold martial power feelings, it is simply unpredictable.

He did not know that this book is Sun Fei’s book according to [The Devil’s Sword] and his current strength level. He compiled the classics last night, which is equivalent to tailoring for him, as long as he follows the book. Recorded to cultivate, not a decade, is expected to hit the realm of the great Japanese level.

"Thank you for the great Wu Sheng." Sutton was extremely grateful and carefully booked the book.

"Well, it is good for your cultivation. This seat will not sit in the town of Wusheng Mountain for a long time. Afterwards, everything in the mountains will be managed by the disciples of the late Krasic Wusheng. You will use all your thoughts on cultivation. Ok, by the way, guide Lu Fei’s martial arts and guard the sacred mountain for the Empire. Remember, the deeper your strength, the faster the tension, the safer the empire!”

"Ah? Adults... You want to leave the emperor? In case the Dortmund empire masters come..." Hearing that Sun Fei would not sit in the town of Wushengshan, Sutton was shocked. Today's empire is inseparable from the town of Wusheng. .

"You can rest assured that there are still masters in the imperial capital, and the strength is not under the seat. Even if there is a big Japanese-level sage, the strong will come, there will be no return, the emperor is as stable as the ancient mountains, you Don't worry." Sun Fei did not say who the master is, and Sutton was shocked. He guessed it, but it was difficult to guess. Seeing Sun Fei didn't want to say anything, he didn't continue to ask! ”

After a pause, Sun Fei smiled and said: "Well, I am here today, I have to entertain a few guests. The mountain has already prepared a place for you to practice and live. You must first go to see the dissatisfaction!" In the distance, Wu Shengshan’s disciple came over, with Sutton disappearing into the distant green mountains and green waters.

In the following time, Sun Fei was very calm and exchanged with his little apprentice Lu Fei for a while.

Gradually, I discovered that this little guy is a little ghost, and his little mouth is like a smear of oil. The skill of flattering is natural, and there is a fight with the flattering Oleg, and his taciturn and extremely proud Laozi [a sword] In comparison, there is no genetic factor at all, not like a father and son, lively and excessive.

"Master master, I don't learn swords, swordsmanship is not good, Dad learns swords for a lifetime, so hard, and ultimately you can't beat your old man..." The little guy soon was not afraid of Sun Fei, wrapped around and said that he was scared. Latitude was afraid, and his son was annoyed by Wu Sheng.

Sun Fei laughed happily: "Well, don't learn swords, then you talk, what do you like to learn?"



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