Hail the King

: 767, sailing

At the end of the day, there were only a dozen nobles such as Sherwood left behind.

At this time, under such a **** and cold picture, the group of aristocrats who only knew that they were fighting for power and conspiring to frame their own people had been scared, and Bezezov and Gulette had already passed out. The original The head of the Qingfeng City Garrison Army was scared to directly incontinence and incontinence. It is really hard to believe that such a timid as a scum of a rat is how to become the leader of the army of the Emperor!

"Oh..." A few buckets of cold water poured down, and the nobles seemed to kill the pigs, all screaming and waking up.

Some people are pleading for forgiveness, crying and screaming, and pushing all the crimes on other people.

Some people were completely scared, and even one sentence said it was incomplete.

Only the leading aristocrat, Sherwood, like a donkey with a chrysanthemum, screamed screamingly: "No, you can't kill us. You can't kill the vassal of the country, you can't kill the hereditary nobility that passed the royal seal. You have the right to judge me, only the imperial emperor can order the killing of the hereditary aristocracy... You are overpowered, the shampoo king you are overpowered, you will be punished by the empire!"

According to the Imperial Order, the protection of the country, Wu Sheng, did not kill the rights of the hereditary nobility.

Even if you talk carefully, the Imperial Wu Sheng has no right to interfere in the military affairs of the major provinces. These rights should have been exercised by the imperial royal family and the military. Sherwood and others should be sent to the emperor for trial, and Sun Fei’s tonight What I have done, although it is said that it is a heartfelt heart, if it is judged strictly according to the laws of the Empire, it is already an ultra vires, and will be questioned by the Imperial and Knights Halls sooner or later!

This is Sherwood's lifeline.

If you don’t die today, even if your own evidence is conclusive, if you go to the emperor’s trial, it will work properly. Maybe the hereditary title is difficult to keep, but it will never be executed. If it is a few years later, if the influence of this matter disappears, it may not be a comeback. opportunity.


"If you don't kill you, it's not enough to defend the empire's southern Xinjiang. It's not enough to pay homage to the lost soul. It's not enough to warn the locusts like you, so tonight, you must die!"

Sun Fei said one word, killing the plane and shooting, sealed all the luck of Sherwood, and let him fall into complete despair.

"Kill! If anyone dares to question in the future, let him personally ask me!" Sun Fei’s eyes swept over the square and saw the faces of the angry soldiers and people who looked forward to it. The voice was clear and unacceptable. Doubt, under the order of killing.

The Byzantine warriors put a dozen or so prominent aristocrats on the execution platform and raised the long knife in their hands.

At this moment, King Byzantine of Byzantine suddenly came out and took a long knife from the hands of the Byzantine warrior, hands-on, from left to right, one knife and one knife, one by one will struggle or plead or have been scared to faint The heads of the nobles, cut down!

The thunder of the square is thunder!

This is a big move.

"From now on, who dares to trouble South Xinjiang, in the Byzantine country to confess right and wrong, to provoke civil strife for power and profit, is known by the king, these people are role models!"

Sun Fei’s words echoed in the dark night for a long time, and echoed in the hearts of everyone.

Since the founding of the Zenit Empire, the upper class has never been massacred, and it is enough to rank among the top three aristocratic massacres. There are two ruthless cleansings of the Double Flag City and the Byzantine King City, so that later, the Empire Among them, Sun Fei’s other nickname, [Aristocratic Killer], was quietly circulated.


The second day.

The sky is blue and clear, like a huge blue Yingying gem set in the void, at first glance, it is very heart-rending and wide. The sea is vast, sparkling, breeze, with The warm and salty taste of the sea is a rare beauty for those who have never experienced sailing.

A medium-sized warship of the Lyon Empire, with its black giant sails, sailed on the calm sea.

Five hours ago, at the sunrise of this morning, Sun Fei and the students of the Chambord City, the occupants of the battleship of the Lyon Empire captured in the previous naval battle, quietly departed from the port of Byzantine King City.

The news of leaving is still in secret, only a few people like Byzantine King know that there are not many people.

All the way to the voyage, at noon, the warship has already sailed into the sea, looking at it, surrounded by undulating sea water, a thousand miles, magnificent, there are several unknown giant seabirds in the sky, screaming flying, see again Not to the shoreline.

[Alexander King] quietly embarked on the voyage back to Chambord last night. Sun Fei’s side left only nine Wenwu University students, near the waiter Torres and the stupid big brother Husky, and the The little noble Rennes Knight who survived last night's massacre, while other urban management and holy warriors returned with the [Alexander King].

Sun Fei selected a medium-sized Lyon empire ship. After some simple repairs, he selected more than forty men from the captive Lyon empire sailors, maneuvering the warship, and even putting on the suspension. The battle flags, signs, etc. are all Lyon empire, and the warships are guided by the King of Lorenz, who is a free guide, to the Lyon Empire.

At about noon, the ship was removed from the Gulf of Storms.

[The Fragrance of the Sea] is the inland sea of ​​Azeroth's mainland - in fact, the inland lake should be more accurate, because most of its waters are basically located in the mainland, only a few large rivers, the same The sea at the edge of the road is connected. However, because its area is too wide and it is salt water, there are more legendary seas, so people are used to calling it the sea.

And because of this kind of water, this kind of strange seaweed named 'Xiangzao' can grow a faint aroma. After the winter, the temperature will turn warmer, the algae will multiply rapidly, and the sea will even emit a touch of light. Aroma, so it is called [Sea of ​​Fragrance].

Starting from Storm Point Bay, it is not necessary to activate the magic transmission power full-time. According to the normal speed, it takes about two months to reach the coastline of the Northern Territory of the Lyon Empire. Of course, if the magic acceleration device is activated, it only takes about five or six days. The time can be reached.

Starting in the morning, at the beginning, the college students and His Majesty the Kings were particularly novel to HNA. They stood on the deck and enjoyed the vastness and magnificence of the sea. The students were on the rise, even wearing the three-point swimsuit that the King’s Majesty once boring and invented. There is a free and easy swim in the sea, and it is a pleasure to be with the sea fish.

However, the beautiful scenery, the time spent watching, is always a bit tired.

From noon to noon, Sun Fei returned to the cabin alone.


Diablo, the world of hell.

The second act, the desert pearl [Lu? Gaoin] remote wasteland, a place called the group snake canyon.


The first is more.

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