Hail the King

: 769, mysterious power


Sun Fei screamed for a bullet, and the golden sword screamed through the sky, and the huge red tentacles of the roots could not be cut off. The volley waved and rescued the sailors who had been rolled out.

at the same time--

Hey! ! ! ! ! !

A series of cyan streamers are shot from above the main mast, like a meteor falling into the sea. The horrible cyan beam avoids a lot of sea water, as if there are more than a dozen diameters of one meter collapsed on the sea surface. The light did not fall under the water.

The next moment, there was a scream of howling under the water.

On the calm sea, suddenly a wave of raging waves screamed, as if something terrible behemoth was struggling underneath, stirring up the waves, followed by a black-red blood wave rolling from the water. Come up, dye the seawater within a square of a kilometer into a scarlet color.

On the deck, the chief captive of the [Guangming], Loris, appeared, shouting at the rushing prisoners of war, and commanding the sailors to return to their respective positions, struggling to control the [Guangming] not being tumbling. The waves were overturned, and with the efforts of the prisoners of war, the ship finally began to stabilize.

At this time, the tumbling water finally calmed down.

The huge bodies of five or six deep sea beasts floated from the water and were exposed above the water.

This is a huge sea beast with amazing size. The huge body of about 100 meters makes these corpses almost catch up with the size of [Guangming]. On the epidermis of the scarlet brilliance, a layer of thick liquid is creeping. The shape looks like an octopus that has been magnified many times. Each deep-sea behemoth has a giant mouth covered with layers of dense teeth and sixteen pieces of software tentacles that are hundreds of meters long. These are the tentacles just now. , almost caught the sailors into the water to swallow.

These deep-sea behemoths are the most terrible ship killers on land and sea voyages, and they are ignorant of the sea adventurers who are buried in the ocean every year because they are stared at by these giant beasts.

It is a pity that today they met Sun Fei’s group of 'land-based beasts.'

The final end, is the "child of the wind" Torres with unparalleled strength and amazing arrow skills, killing one by one.

Torres jumped to the floating body of the deep sea behemoth and observed it for a while. It seemed to be what he found. He exclaimed. After a while, he jumped back and said: "These behemoths do not seem to have the power of magic and vindictiveness. Even World of Warcraft is not, but because of the huge body of nature, it has the power of horror, but I found this in them..."

Said, Torres shook his hand.

It’s a few pieces of huge bronze armor. It seems to be because it has been immersed in water for many years. Some parasitic aquatic organisms have been attached to it, and there is a layer of green faint algae. These attachments can be removed. The nail piece is obviously made by artificial smelting. There are some simple patterns on the top and the barbs on the edges. It should be used to set it on the deep sea monster.

"These sea beasts, is it someone to support?" Sun Fei David is strange.

Who has the ability to support such a behemoth?

This conjecture seems a bit crazy, but the bronze piece in the hands of Torres illustrates all the problems.

Sun Fei took Louis, Pato, Portland and six other college students to board the floating body of the behemoth. After careful observation, he found that each deep sea beast had thirty or forty pieces of such bronze armor. The pieces, which are distributed in the vital parts of the body outside the giant tentacles, are arranged in a very regular manner, which means that these pieces are not naturally grown.

"This is not an ordinary bronze material, it is a hippocampus copper, a metal that can only be seen in the depths of the sea." Among the nine college students, a boy with a tough face, a slightly dark skin and a thick black hair was carefully observed. Very calmly reported to Sun Feifei.

His name is Oscar, and he is a stranger among the students in Chambord.

Oscar didn’t like vindictiveness and martial arts since he was a child, but he was obsessed with alchemy and some bizarre theories. He was a relatively remote and unpopular course in the smelting of metal smelting and magic-derived history in Chambord University’s Wenwu University, and in these areas. Excellent talent, won the appreciation of the female blacksmith Chasi and the nuns and the uncle Kane, is also a small magic alchemy madman.

"This kind of hippocampus copper is only available in the deep sea. It is difficult for human beings to sneak into such depths. It is said that only the flames in the sea can smelt forged hippocampus copper, ordinary land flames, it is difficult to melt them," finally can be in the king陛Before showing his own ability, Oscar is no longer a face of a juvenile, excited, and talks.


Oscar collected more than a dozen pieces of hippocampus cast in copper. It is necessary to experiment with some recipes for alchemy. At the same time, the above casts are also necessary for research, at least some clues can be inferred.

After about an hour of delay, [Guangming] continued to move slowly.

Who knows that when a night falls, a storm suddenly hits, and a deep black cloud envelopes the entire sky. Only a silver-like blade of lightning flashes through the sky from time to time, bringing a fleet of fleeting light. It was dark everywhere, and the rain came to the end. It was just a slanting down from the sky, as if the sky had collapsed.

[Gloss] has finally encountered the test of the power of heaven and earth.

This time, it was the chief captive who wore it. Lyon saw the Hanwang Loris come forward. As one of the commanders of the former Navy, he apparently used to see such scenes and systematically commanded other prisoners to control the warships. Finally, when the place where the sea and the sky meet, the slight dawn, the storm that has suddenly passed.

However, there have been casualties.

Six sailors were swept away by the huge waves, disappeared, and ten people were rescued back by the master of Torres in time, but the bumps were not hurt, and they temporarily lost their ability to work and could only be carried to the bottom cabin. Rehabilitate.

The dry ducks in Chambord finally realized the power of the sea.

After a night of tossing, one by one was swayed, although each one was strong, but it was also swayed by the bile, and all of them could not get up in bed. Among them, there was only another. The Oscar didn't seem to be affected, and when other students climbed to the side of the ship to vomit bile, he was relishing what he was doing with the hippocampus.

No one thought that when it was almost noon, [Guangming] was once again attacked by deep sea beasts.

This time, the number of giant beasts has reached more than 20, and it has been violently attacked. It will almost directly turn over [Guangming]. If it is not the key moment, Sun Fei suddenly shot, killing more than ten deep-sea behemoths in one stroke, I am afraid that everyone only I can swim from the sea to the Lyon Empire.

And this attack finally made everyone sure, this is definitely not a coincidence.

[Light] should be stared by a mysterious force in the sea.


Second more.


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