Hail the King

: 773, island

Just when the Guangming was in a desperate situation, not far from the front, land appeared.

When the first sight of the long-lost coastline and lush green hills, the students of Chambord City could not restrain their excitement and cheered.

Sun Fei’s face also showed a smile.

With land, there is capital against the sea.

At first, everyone thought that it was at the end of the ocean. When it was near, it was discovered that it was a small island, but even so, the uplifted mountains and white sand beaches blew through the forest. The sound is enough to make everyone who has been drifting on the sea for nearly ten days, tired of monotonous and lonely scenery.

Of course, more importantly, the emergence of this island can temporarily alleviate the plight of everyone.

According to the island, it is better than the [Guangming].

If the Hai people are ferocious again, can they directly sink this huge island?

[Guangming] speeded up the speed of navigation and finally came to the leeward beach of the island before sunset.

University students such as Louis, Pato and Oscar almost cheered and jumped from the dress, rushed to the cool, soft and soft white sand beach, kneeling on the ground and kissing the sand. After the robbery, the rebirth of the general call was smashed.

The captives also issued a burst of goodness. Under the command of the chief captive Loris, the prisoners of Lyon began to carry stored food and fresh water from the [Light].

But soon, some people discovered new serious problems.

"How could this be?"

A long red-haired red hair is like a female college student, Luis, who is swaying in the evening wind. She looks at a huge hole on the right side of the storage bin, and there is little food and fresh water left. .

Before the departure of the Byzantine country, [Guangming] stored enough food and fresh water for at least three hundred people to open and drink for three months. It is ample reserves, but in front of them... I am afraid that everyone’s food consumption will be reduced to The original one-third is not enough for one hundred people to use for two days.

“When the last time the Hais struck, the storage warehouse was crushed. When we found out, it was too late. Most of the fresh water and food and fresh water have been washed away by the sea. The rest are still us. The result of the rescue!” Buckingham King Lorris spread his hands and explained helplessly.

"This is impossible!" Louise's blown white tongue and charming face showed a hint of unconcealed doubt: "Alexander has long protected the entire [Guangming], the masters of the sea can not be close to the ship Within 100 meters, how could it be possible to hit the storage bin out of the broken hole?"

"The truth is like this." Lorris apparently did not want to explain more.

"Hey, a group of dirty, brutal and low-lying invaders, none of them are good things. Don't let this lady discover that you deliberately broke the storage bin and lost food and fresh water. Otherwise, you will all die very hard. Especially you, a small white face that is not yin and yang, if you dare to swindle, you will cut the adult stick!"

Louis, who has developed a lot of beauty, said, licking the beautiful red hair, with a sneer on his face, he didn't buy it at all.

Although it is the daughter of the famous Han Han in the city of Shampoo, but in the end, it is the daughter's body, but it is not as impatient as Pierce, but the mind is extremely delicate, the elf is weird, and there is a small change in the Wenchuan University. The title of the witch is a very difficult little slippery head.

Moreover, as a madman's big shampoo cityist, she madly worships the majesty of the king, and also madly despise everything and the enemy of Chambord, so I will not believe in the singularity of Loris's 'no sinister white face', carefully Observing the breaks in the hole of the storage bin, and not finding any clues, this was done, and the prisoners were strictly supervised to safely move the remaining food and fresh water to the coast.

After everything was properly placed, I was worried that [Guangming] would be put on the beach and the seas would be destroyed at any time. Sun Fei simply moved the entire warship to the land.

Both Loris and the prisoners of Lyon were temporarily brought together and supervised by Torres, who had cured the wound, to prevent accidents.

The magical little genius Neymar started the repair work of the busy magic power transmission array.

Other college students started working on the camp under the command of Big Sister Louis.

The handsome young college student Royce, who followed the leader of the Arab caravan in the [Rog Camp], has been a professional expert in this field. He is skilled at playing with various instruments and is quickly at a distance from the beach. On a hill outside the rice, a perfect camp was built.

There are countless magic traps around the camp.

The university education of Chambord City has shown perfect value at this moment, and the secret weapons produced in [The Madman Lab] have also come in handy. A small camp of 100 people is completely comparable and firm. The military camp of thousands of troops and horses, any force wanting to hit such a camp, I am afraid that we must pay the price of hundreds of bodies!

A giant magic tent appeared in the center of the camp, which was the big account of His Majesty.

It was only Loris and the prisoners of Lyon, but they did not know that there were still hidden secrets in this tent.


Arranged everything, it is already the sunset.

Before dinner was ready, Sun Fei arranged for himself, and with three college students, Louis, Pato and Oscar, quietly left the camp.

Before going to the night, you must first ensure that there is no other dangerous existence on the island, so as to avoid being caught off guard when there is an accident. Moreover, the food and fresh water contained in the [Guangming] are inexplicably missing. Maybe there are other foods and water sources on the island.

The scale of the island is even larger than the impression of the people before.

Behind the camp is a dense forest, which gives Sun Fei a feeling like a tropical rainforest.

The vegetation here is extremely rich, and there are all kinds of towering giant trees that need to be held together by three or four people. Perhaps it is a long time. The gray-white tree is covered with green mottled moss and a variety of evergreen vines. With a serrated leaf, you can draw a scar on the person's face. The ground is only soft white sand at the beginning, and there is a layer of thick rot leaves behind. I don't know how many years have accumulated, even They all turned into dark brown mud.

It is difficult for light to illuminate the ground through the dense tree umbrellas on the top of the head. A variety of strange insects are drilled between the leaves.

Of course, in such a humid and sinister environment, there are indispensable poisons, colorful snakes and other types of poisonous insects that will jump out at any time to give people a fatal blow. They are full of traps and murderous everywhere, and they are horrible.


The first is more.

It’s starting to break out now and fight for five more today.


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