Hail the King

: 778, are you the human race?

Updated: 2012-08-16

"Uncle Beletti..." The smiling teenager sighed softly.

The sigh contains a sense of vicissitudes of life.

Listening to Sun Fei’s ear, it seems to be a vicissitudes of sages who have broken through the red dust. Standing silently by his side, it is not such a young teenager, but this sigh is from such a teenager. It’s made in the mouth, but it makes people take it for granted.

The teenager stretched out his thin hands and gently touched the eyes of the old man who had not yet closed.

At this time, Sun Fei basically understood everything that happened here, and he was full of respect for the white-haired old man who insisted on this level.

This is the sympathy between the real powerhouses.

It’s a pity that it’s a little late. The white-haired old man named Belletti insisted on this level. It’s just that the oil is running out of light. It’s just relying on the last belief in the heart to support it. After seeing the strong support, this tone is a little lax, the whole People will be cut off from this vitality, and even if the gods of heaven come, they will not be able to save him back.

"Hey, low-lying humans... kill!"

After the initial hesitation, the Haitian powerhouses in all directions finally reacted. The two moon-class strongmen of the Haizi family exposed their cruel and awkward faces and rushed over.

The solemn atmosphere of time was destroyed.

Without the existence of the fire of the old man with white hair, the water element in the air is violent, and the sound of the waves of water is raging, and a blue flame of light rises to the sky, completely submerging the surrounding kilometers, the ground At the moment, a layer of blue-blue frost was frozen, and the trees and rocks exploded under such extreme chills, breaking into ice.

"Low-key sea!" Sun Fei murdered in the heart, did not turn around, just a backhand a boxing.

Two golden fists, instantly morphed out of the fist of the king's arm.

This golden color is the most deadly beauty in the world.

Like two golden stones, they came into the waves of the pavement, seemingly weak struggles.

But the result is not expected by anyone.

The two sea powers had no room for resistance at all, and they were passed through by the punches.

Slightly paused -

‘砰’ ‘砰’ two loud noises!

The two sea-strong strong men’s faces showed an incredible and desperate look, like a piglet bladder that was smothered by a playful child, suddenly bursting open, green blood and broken limbs were broken. It is like a fleeting fireworks.

The sturdy body was made into a blood plasma, and the blue flames in the air, the extreme coldness and the sound of the whistling waves also came to an abrupt end!


The remaining dozens of sea powers were shocked.

In the sky, the giant whale of the giant whale is so strong that the mouth is suddenly convulsively squirmed. The two savage sharks around him are also pale, and the other six sea-strongers on the ground suddenly Panicly stopped the pace of the front rush, watching Sun Fei's eyes, like watching the **** of death, the pair of cold and cruel eyes, also turned out the look of fear!

This is the moment of the fight, as the strong, they have already seen that the power of the later generation of the Terran is terrible.

The breeze came, the forest whistling.

The teenager in the shadow of the mountain road took a step forward. The last rays of the sky illuminate the pale and thin face of the boy through the forest and the canyon. His expression is surprisingly quiet, and there is no white-haired old man who has just fought. The sorrow of death, and the joy of his own desperate life, just slowly extended a cold little hand, holding Sun Fei's clothes corner.

Sun Fei held the juvenile's palm with some pity.

The palms are cold.

This is a thin, weak and distressing little guy.

"Human, report your name, you killed the sea warrior, will be punished by the sea god!" In the sky, the giant whale's strong voice, the sound is like a low boring thunder, shaking the canyon The rocks on the far side of the mountain fell and the giant trees trembled.

He still uses the continental lingua franca of the gods and gods, the syllables, the whispering pronunciation, but also the expression of clearing his own meaning.

Sun Fei followed the nuns and Uncle Kane, and learned the general vocabulary of the era of the gods and devils. Naturally, they can understand this kind of discourse. However, the words are not answered, and the volley is beckoning, and a golden flame net is like a swell. Out, the other two sea-class moon-level powerhouses on the ground were suddenly wrapped in the power of Pei Mo Mo, and they flew to Sun Fei!

"Do not!"

"Damn, I... Haihuang cursed you!"

The two strong men are like the little chickens that are held in the palm of the dragon. There is no room for rebellion. They can only curse and panic. The eyes are already desperate. After a thousand years of recovery, they thought they could Reproduce the glory of the old sweeping people... They really don't want to die so soon!

But Sun Fei took out his hands and held their necks.

Gently shake the wrist.

"Oh! Come on!"

In the crisp sound of bone breaks, the breath of life quickly disappears from their bodies.

The next moment, Sun Feijian raised his eyebrows.

The corner of the eye swept over the other two slowly retreating sea power strongmen. The two large bodies in their hands were gently pushed outwards, and a bang was heard. The next two bodies flew out and hit the two. A famous Hai nationality.


Two screams, like four groups of fireworks bloom, green and red powder mist burst in the air, two sea strong, lively by the companion's body hit a meat sauce!

These powers have made the rest of the sea powers ruthless.

The remaining four sea-strongers on the ground, where there is courage to fight, each look at each other, they saw the unspeakable fear in each other's eyes, screamed, and turned and fled.

Sun Fei did not pursue, but only shot four punches in an instant.

Four golden fists, illusioned from Sun Fei's fist.

"Ah, no, I don't want to die!"

"I just woke up, I am an elite of the sea, I..."


Among the screams of the sound, the four escaped sea power strongmen were each hit by the golden punches, and among the series of balloons filled with explosions, four sea turtles were broken and turned into bones. [A fist in the sky] Under the fist of the dead soul!

Thunder lightning general spike!

One-sided slaughter!

The other three sea people in the sky looked at them with their eyes, but they couldn’t even help them.

"Ah, ah, I know, you are the fierce madman? The "human madman" who slaughtered my countless sea masters? Damn it, you, you came to the island?"

Seeing the golden fist-printing light, the giant whale powerhouse in the sky seems to finally think of something, his face changed greatly, and it is difficult to maintain calm.

Behind the two savage sharks, after hearing the name, the body suddenly trembled unstoppable. Among them, there were two outstanding masters of their fathers, just in the naval battle two days ago. This [human mad magic] is like killing a chicken and a dog.

The ferocity and militancy of the Hai people are well known, especially the sharks, the most bloodthirsty and cold, never fear, but these days, Sun Fei, under a pair of iron fists, do not know how many sea masters have been ruined, the entire slain The seas in the Xianghai area, from the beginning, scorned, to the later anger, then to the violent, then to the state of mind, then to the shock, and finally to the fear of trepidation, after a thousand years, once again for the name of a human race and fear and fear!


The first is more.

Four more broke out today.


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