Hail the King

: 788, Double Kings (3)

Updated: 2012-08-20

The "Poseidon Punishment" that was just displayed seems to be light weight, but it is actually the most powerful combat skill that the proud Haizu princess can use after he wakes up. If he wanted to defeat it, he would kill the distant damn. The despicable human race completely defeated the morale of the human beings on the island. Who knows that it was easily broken by the other party. It is really the hero of the Hai Princess who held the golden scepter.

"Poseidon is on, I can't think of awakening after a thousand years. My strength has been degraded to such a degree. Even a human being in the realm of a big-day sage in a district can hardly win..."

Although the delicate golden mask on her face covered all the expressions, the touch in her heart was not so calm on the surface. She took a deep look at the magical armor in the middle of the sky, holding a giant warhammer, like the God of War. The general figure, the Haizu princess gently breathed a sigh of relief, a purple long hair slowly falling down.

When the golden light flashed, she returned to the ancient bronze warship.

"In this case, use the number of endless low-ranking cannon fodders to kill these low-lying humble humans!"

She has no interest in continuing to fight.

The identity of the lord of the sea in the fragrant sea, how noble, since ancient times, the Terran is in her eyes, like a beast, a trick can not smash the enemy, continue to fight without any meaning, continue to entangle, but the achievement of the low-lying people Glory, even if the opponent's strength is stronger, it is only a relatively strong one among the beasts, how can we fight with ourselves?

The trident's golden scepter is gently waved, and the golden and luxurious atmosphere is filled in all directions.

Suddenly, like God is calling, in the black sea, the water waves stir up, the whole sea is like boiling, the harsh snoring, there are endless, all kinds of sea madness I rushed out from the sea and rushed over to the island of [blood crimes].



The surprise in Sun Fei’s heart is not small.

Before this move, it seems that it is very easy to pick up, but the real danger is only Sun Fei knows.

There is a kind of power in the golden light column that is much higher than the big Japanese level. It is a higher level of power that transcends the understanding of ordinary human beings. It is similar to the gods, extremely strange and terrible. Sun Fei’s hands, if not With the existence of the war giant hammer, which is said to never be destroyed, I am afraid that it is hard to say that it is to block the light column and want to live under the light column.

Until this time, Sun Fei held the hands of the war giant hammer, still trembling slightly, the back of the hand and the wrist, it is already exposed by the blue veins, covered with traces of red spots.

This sea woman can be said to be the most terrible enemy in Sun Fei’s thousands of battles. He almost hangs down the King’s Majesty.

To know that these days, Sun Fei has been in the Diablo World to kill monsters, the strength is rapidly improving, [barbar mode] has reached 41, the progress can not be said to be small, if placed two or three days ago, I am afraid I really can't stand the trick of this sea woman.

Are the strengths of the Hai royal family so powerful?

Thinking about the information obtained from the minds of the two savage sharks in the sea, Sun Fei’s mood began to be heavy.

It’s just an inland sea like the fragrant sea. If the seas in the deeper and deeper abyss of the Azeroth continent are awakened and resurrected, they can easily be like a locust crossing. The Terran above the mainland, as food is generally swept away?

The golden flames flashed and all the bad conditions were expelled. Sun Fei forcibly increased his combat power, and the barbarian's wild power soared to the peak state, and he was about to fight with the owner of the sea. Looking up, the other party was actually fluttering back to the ancient bronze warship, no meaning of fighting again.

Sun Fei stunned, and thousands of thoughts flashed through his heart, and there was no pursuit.

"The so-called Princess Wharton in the fragrant waters is just like this! Is it a war?"

Looking at the low tide of the lower tides that flooded the tide below, Sun Fei understood the opponent's intentions, but this was in the middle of his arms. Now he put away the immortal king suit, and the golden flames flickered like Wang Yang. [Blood sin] The island and the camp of Chambord are shrouded in it, staring at the ancient bronze warships in the distance, deliberately provocative, wanting to explore the sea of ​​the fragrant sea.

"The human race is low, the beast is not as good, how can we match the princess?"

"Haha, I really don't know the so-called. Since ancient times, the Terran has been a vassal of all ethnic groups. It has been enslaved by the tens of thousands of people, and it has been demanded. The killing is involuntarily, even the animals are not as good as the labor force of fertility. Even the slaves are not as good as they are now. Is it ridiculous to play against the great Princess of my family?"

"Oh, poor pity, I really don't know. If I break through the millennium today, I will be able to break through the darkness and return to the heavens and earth. It is to destroy the human race and realize the hegemony that was not completed before the millennium. Dominate this piece of heaven and earth, and even kill everyone on the mainland, chickens and dogs do not stay!"

I felt the provocation of Sun Fei, and the masters of the sea on the ancient bronze warships screamed out loud.

Between words, it is extremely ridiculous.

Sun Fei can see that this is not because they deliberately pretend, but a sense of instinct that goes deep into the bone marrow, just like the anger of the noble dragon after the earth dog glanced at the white eye.

Haizu, they never put the Terran in their eyes.

"I don't know what is called, you are!" Sun Fei suddenly haha ​​sold, and raised his finger: "Open your eyes, take a good look at this heaven and earth, in the eyes of the king, you are just a group of poor people who climbed out of the grave. The worm, the millennium, the era of the enslavement of the Terran, has long since passed. Now the whole world is the world of the Terran. Now, it’s ridiculous to talk about what is dominant and hegemony. It’s just a group of decaying bodies that are lingering and daring. So arrogant, self-destruction!"

The voice of Sun Fei, in the golden flame of light, overwhelmed the sound of the battle of the battle, like the wrath of the gods, resounding between the heavens and the earth.

In this case, the faces of the higher seas were discolored.

The golden armor figure who stood quietly on the ancient bronze warship, bursting into the purple mans in the eyes, the towering chest undulating a few times, and finally seemed to think of something else, restrained the momentary anger Intention, the golden light flashed and disappeared on the battleship.

Then the ancient bronze warship slowly separated the sea wave and sank into the black sea.

The battle continues between heaven and earth.

On the island of [blood sin], the bodies and blood of the seas are constantly accumulating.

Until the morning of the next morning, when the golden sun slowly rises from the distant sea level, the battle still does not stop, and the hundreds of thousands of low-level seas are like never killing. Suddenly climbed out of the sea and launched an attack on the Camp.

At this time, almost all of the more than 2,000 urban management in the camp had already played.

Powerful weapons, sturdy magic armor, advanced tactics, scientific rotation, and the protection of the mighty and invincible King’s Majesty, have made the urban management fighters who are more or less a little bit at the beginning, have completely adapted to such a battle. With more and more sophisticated skills, more and more experience, high warfare, fearless, and quickly complete the process of transformation from a battlefield rookie to a warrior who has fought battles!

When the sun shines on them, the eyes of each soldier have become as sharp as a knife.

Their expressions may be a little tired because of the night's battles, but more of their perseverance, standing there one by one, like a gleaming long-nosed knives that have just been sharpened on the sharpening stone, blooming with burning Glorious, like a hungry beast, a natural iron and blood, deep into the bone marrow, is daunting.

This is the result of the battle baptism.

It is also the result that Sun Fei expects.

The bright military code rang. In the camp, four ultra-long-distance portals fluttered with fantastic brilliance, and there were more than 2,000 new recruits. The neat formations from the transmission array came out incessantly. They will take over the more than two thousand robes that have fought for more than a night and experience the same process of transformation.

According to Sun Fei’s plan, if such a battle can last for more than ten days, then all the troops in the city of Chambord will be transformed.

Everything is going on under the plan of His Majesty the King.


Thank you for your support. Recently, I am a bit low. Please forgive me. The knife is trying to adjust its status.


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