Hail the King

: 792, Double Kings (7)

Updated: 2012-08-23

Sun Fei can't dare to support the big. After all, the underwater world is the land of the sea. This huge ethnicity written into the mythology is like a cloud. For thousands of years, it has been entrenched on the seabed. Maybe there is still no such thing. When you move out, you are in danger of being trapped. If you are in a hurry, your mental energy will radiate out like a tide. All the movements below will be collected in your heart. After you have not noticed the change, you will slowly sneak down.

Sure enough, it is to the bottom of the sea.

At first glance, the terrain here is very soothing and flat. There are no tall hilly mountains. A miserable white has spread to the endless darkness in the distance, but after careful observation, Sun Fei discovered that this should be a place. A dense seabed of fossil forests.

There are white coral fossils everywhere, one connected to each other, and the crowns have even been connected and grown together. Compared with the trees on the land, the only difference is that there are no long leaves, bare trunks, and the tops are covered with The strange texture, each one is tens of meters high, the branches and forks are quite dense, but they have already been petrified, lost their vitality, in the calm sea, do not move, like the eternal body In general, I don’t know how many years existed, and it’s like corals that are densely covered with the entire sea floor.

The place where Sun Fei stood was above a relatively large fossil tree canopy.

Really to the bottom of the sea, it seems that it is not so dark, the tree of the fossil tree is pale, exudes a faint white light, not glaring, but thousands of such fossil trees are connected, and the white light released is Bringing a hint of light to this lonely and sinister underwater world, like a bright moonlight falling on the earth, there is a different kind of beauty.

It is already tens of thousands of meters under the sea floor, and the water pressure is naturally amazing.

Loris, who was biting his teeth behind him, had already felt tremendous pressure and sweat on his forehead.

He was covered in a faint flame, and a red-red shield was fully extended to protect him. Unfortunately, he cultivated the fire system. In this vast ocean, the strength was limited to the maximum extent. The vindictiveness, there is only less than half-month-level middle level left here. If you dive four or five kilometers down, I am afraid that he will not be able to stick to it.

"Lyon, if you don't want to die, go back. After a while, I won't have time to save you." Sun Fei gave him a look.

It’s a good word, but when you say it from Sun Fei’s mouth, it’s a bit of a joke.

Lorris blushes, opens his mouth, just want to say something, who knows that Sun Fei does not look at him, but finds the direction four times, his body flashes, stepping on the fossil tree forest The crown of the tree, the bright gray power beam that rises into the sky, approaches the sky.

Only near the light column can you find the sea **** who is slowly awakening, and maybe there will be a chance to do something now.

"Hey? Feeding and feeding! Shampoo King, I know what you are going to do, but you will not succeed, even if it is not fully awakened, the power of a **** is not something that we humans can resist." Loris tightly Followed, and shouted: "You can't succeed alone. Now you are going to die in vain. You must find more powerful people to come here, join hands, maybe you can still fight and continue to seal."

Sun Fei ignored him, and the speed did not slow down.

The closer to the bright gray pillar that rises from the sky, the more intense and violent the violent violent atmosphere around it.

Only the sea here has completely calmed down, no longer has the power of the huge spin and tear. Everything is silent like the windless sky in summer and night, and there is no sea figure around, but it gives people the feeling. It is like walking in the blood of the endless corpse of hell.

The ordinary strong people are in it, only afraid of the huge pressure of not using the sea water, but this evil violent temperament that pervades around them is enough to kill their souls and plunder their lives.

"This crazy man..."

Loris was ignored by Sun Fei and gnashed his teeth.

But he had to follow Sun Fei’s back and bite his teeth.

He is a very clever and arrogant guy. When he sees this situation, he knows that it is impossible to persuade the young man to go back. What's more, he actually doesn't understand himself. His own proposal is impossible because of the current evil spirit of the four weeks. To the extent, there is no time to prepare for the Terran, perhaps not yet waiting for the strong people to come together. The sea **** has already completed the awakening and stepped out of the sea to kill the Quartet.

At that time, in order to restore their strength, the Haizu fierce gods will inevitably engulf the endless creatures, killing the empire around the fragrant sea area, within a thousand miles of the sea area, must have become a dead country, the souls mourn, the bloodshed thousands of miles, the carrion The trace disappeared.

Because this **** of recovery is a **** of evil.

The **** of evil.

Among the ancient myths and legends, the battle between the gods and the devils is horrible, especially the sinister evil spirits, which are the fruits of the five ancestors, and one day and one night, they can swallow thousands of creatures. Unmanned, it has become the demon of all ethnic groups. However, later, with the end of the era of the Divine Era, the shadow of the gods has not appeared on the mainland for more than a thousand years. Some people boldly speculate that the gods and the demons have long since died together, even some priests of the Holy See. It is not necessarily true that I believe in the so-called heaven and the gods. They believe in God in their mouths, but they only wear the glory of God for their words and deeds.

At this time, Loris was still a little unbelievable. Why is there such a fierce **** in the deep sea?

Isn't it the world that has no living gods in the mortal world?

Unexpectedly, today there is such a terrible existence that will appear in the world.

Lorris didn't know about it and said that anyone would believe it.

At least not because he saw it with his own eyes, he would never believe it.

Because of this, he had to bite his teeth behind the shampoo king. At this time, he did not even find himself. When he did not know when to start, he even quietly had some indescribable for the first enemy of the Lyon Empire. confidence.

"Maybe this madman can succeed?"

Lorris bit his teeth and followed Sun Fei behind him.

He is a decisive person. At this time, he will definitely stand on the side he thinks is right.


When there were less than 100 meters from the bright gray light column, Sun Fei stopped.

Because there is a huge deep canyon in front of you - or, it should be a trench.

This trench is like a bottomless abyss, exuding a black scent, like a black flame, burning and annihilating, like a gap cracked from hell, giving a feeling of suffocation, as if There are hidden dangers and murders hidden.

Hearing the sound behind him, Sun Fei frowned, but in the end he still took a few items from the storage ring, and did not return to the ground, just under the package of golden flames. Loris came over.

Lorris was shocked and subconsciously fished in his hand. At first glance, he was a set of strange armor with powerful flames, a magical rifle with a flame, a red sword, and a few thick thumbs. Crystal clear bottles, seemingly used to hold high-end drugs to quickly treat injuries and restore strength.

Lorris was overjoyed and understood the meaning of Sun Fei.

At the moment, he did not swear, and he armed his armor on his own body. He wore a sword across his waist and took a long gun. He took the pharmacy into his storage ring. These equipments are all flame energy, which is suitable for his fire. The whole person's strength suddenly improved a lot, and his heart was full of enthusiasm. He was going to say thank you. When he looked up, he saw that the body of the shampoo was flashing and he had jumped into the dark trench of the Grand Canyon.

Lorris muttered, without any hesitation, and jumped into the trench.


Second more.

Thank you for your concern. The daughter-in-law is a benign tumor. If the operation is successful, it should be a problem.

Thank you for your support.


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