Hail the King

: 797, Double Kings Club (12)

Updated: 2012-08-25

This magnificent temple in the center of the city of the sea is obviously the place where the sea people used to resurrect the evil spirits, and it is also the act of the sea lord to do everything possible to calculate it. Here, there may be something besides the evil spirits. Such a mysterious and terrible thing, so Sun Fei did not dare to have the slightest meaning, covered in a thick golden flame, the power shield opened to the extreme, and this carefully proceeded.

Among the halls, there are countless huge stone pillars carved with spiral patterns. All these pillars are of the same size and height. Like the same type of trees in the forest, they stand tall. Full of power and oppression, connect the smooth floor to the dome above.

The black rocky ground reveals a lustful, lustful, depressed and gloomy.

Sun Fei carefully observed and found that the ground is smooth like glass. The surface has a transparent crystal layer with a width of one finger and a finger. Through the crystal clear crystal, you can see that the thick red lines of the thumb are like the blood vessels of the human body. Spreading below, even fiercely shaking, as if there is life, very strange!

Hey! Hey! Hey!

Sun Fei went all out, and he had already put on the existing set in the "Imperial King Set". The boots of the Great Wars stepped on the ground, and immediately made a sound of a simple knocking, even more Out of the temple, the silence is cold.

The spirit is like a tidal wave, radiating silently.

Sun Fei’s face quickly could not help but change.

Because he suddenly discovered that in this strange temple, the spiritual power that can spread at least five or six kilometers outside can only extend beyond 500 meters, and the distance is shortened to about one tenth, the entire temple. The law of space and time is completely different from the outside world. It makes people understand that things are north and south. The five senses are close to chaos, the air is thick and evil, and the whole space seems to be a huge smog swamp, which makes people unable to extricate themselves!

Such a vision makes Sun Fei affirm that the altar of the revival of the evil spirits must be in this temple.

Called [The King of the Immortal Soul] in his hand, keeping the vigilance of 120,000 points, Sun Fei step by step toward the depths of the temple.

This kind of deja vu is an illusion that His Majesty has a illusion, as if he is in the world of Diablo, alone, facing a terrible and powerful evil boss.

Gradually, Sun Fei discovered that the temple is even more strange.

From the outside, it looks like this temple is magnificent, but the square and the square will never exceed the length and width of the kilometer, but in it, I have already walked at least four or five kilometers, but still can not see the end of the temple. A huge stone pillar with a thread around it seems to be never-ending. It forms a strange labyrinth of maze, always exists, and the front is always dark, and you can't see the end.

Space magic? Still a fantasy?

Sun Fei closed his eyes and no longer used his eyes to look at the surrounding environment, but he used pure spiritual power to find his way.

This way, I walked forward for more than ten minutes. The sound of the water I heard before seems to be getting clearer and clearer.

Sun Fei stopped and opened his eyes.

He saw a small canal with liquid flowing in front of him - it was a canal, but it was a groove with only the palm of his hand. The incision was smooth, with a strange but mysterious chilly route, set in a smooth On the crystal ground, the strange thing is that the golden liquid flowing in the groove is only a thin glimpse, but it is incredibly sounding like a loud sound of a big river.

Sun Fei’s face once again showed a different color.

Slightly observed, he has figured out the origin of the liquid in the groove.

It is blood!

Golden blood!

"This is the blood of the sea woman..."

Sun Fei remembered that, besides the temple, after the owner of the sea was injured by his undefeated emperor, the golden blood flowing from the jaw of the golden mask, the drop of blood, whether it was color, breath or smell, It is exactly the same as the golden liquid flowing in this groove.

"Don't the owner of the sea family go crazy and bleed himself to the blood of the body, flowing into the groove?"

Sun Fei’s eyebrows are rising, and his handsome face reveals the color of thought.

He knelt down, put his fingers, touched a little golden liquid, sniffed and sniffed, and felt it a little. This blood has a faint strength of strength, the texture is extremely high, far beyond the power of the general level, he suddenly A flash of lightning flashed through his mind, and there was a faint color in the light: "It turned out to be like this. I think I already understand what is going on. This seaowner, though a woman, is absolutely It’s terrible, it’s really a good thought, it’s awkward to others, it’s more embarrassing to itself, and it’s such a big price for the evil spirits to resurrect as soon as possible!”

Huo Ran got up, and Sun Fei didn't hesitate any more. He followed the groove of the golden blood flowing on the ground, and the lightning progressed.

Sure enough, after a few minutes, the maze has come to an end.

There was finally a glimmer of light in front.

A huge light door in a square appeared at the end of the temple.


Sun Fei's figure flashed and rushed into the light door.

Suddenly in front of the eyes.

This sudden glare, so that Sun Fei just rushed out of the darkness, slightly fascinated his eyes, but his brain is very clear, [immortal king broken soul] instantly protected before the body, under the force The figure flashed wildly and changed direction abruptly to avoid a sudden attack by a terrible enemy.

After all, there may be a **** of evil who is about to resurrect.

However, the expected attack did not come.

It is also not a **** scene in the blood of the corpse.

There was a crisp and pleasing sound of birds singing in the ear, and a scent of flowers on the nose.

The breeze is coming, and the face is not cold.

Sun Fei slowly opened his eyes and stayed in the same place.

He incredibly saw that there were green grasses and emerald trees in front of the eyes, time and space conversion, in the distance, there are yellow, unknown, beautiful birds like elves, jumping and singing among the branches, several young seven colors The deer ran between the trees, a crystal clear stream flowing through the clean woods, white water splashing on a few cyan stones in the middle of the stream, splashing a circle of crystal clear blisters, a few golden The beautiful fish licked its tail and jumped out of the water from time to time.

In the middle of the picture of this beautiful moment, a white body, burly figure, like a crown jade, a star-shaped star, a sharp eyebrow, a heroic young human, standing in the wind against the wind, a shoulder on the shoulder Beautiful yellow bird, smiling at Sun Fei.

"This... what is going on?" Sun Fei was surprised.

M.lgbd, this is not scientific!

According to the normal logic of the warriors and demons in the past, this light gate should be the altar of the resurrection of evil spirits, although the place where the altar is located is not necessarily the **** mountain of the corpse, but at least it will be sinister and lonely. Full of the mysterious ancient land of vicissitudes of life and sullen temperament, the half-revived evil spirits will surely attack all outsiders, especially human beings, who are like blood food for the sea.

But... In front of this world of wonderland, what the **** is going on?


Second more.


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