Hail the King

: 811, Harbour City

Updated: 2012-08-30

The failure is that, despite all the hard work and even the little life, the sea evil spirits still broke through the seal and landed in the world. Although the process is complicated, the result is already doomed. It is.

The success lies in the fact that the sea gods have suffered heavy losses and their strengths have plummeted. There is almost no possibility of making waves in a short period of time. Before Kluivert’s injury, the human country on the mainland around the fragrant waters is temporarily Still safe.

In addition, this trip to Haiti is also huge for Sun Fei.

For the first time, His Majesty the King realized that there was a more profound and more powerful martial arts realm on the top of the fierce day of the great-day sage. This is definitely a huge impact for Sun Fei. And shocking.

It also means that he is about to face a serious and deadly problem -

After the clearance of the Diablo World in Hell's Difficulty, after the power of the Golden Finger is over, how should your strength continue to improve? If you stop here, you will never be able to stand in the martial arts of this world.

Of course, I saw the peerless style of the mainland Wusheng Maradona, which is known as the 'first strongest on the land'. It is also one of the harvests. Although it is only a glimpse, it is just a shadow, but it also makes Sun Fei Convinced, Sun Fei also knows that the original human race can also have the power to control the spirit.

The breeze blows and the sun has set.

Close your eyes and sit quietly on the throne of the world. Sun Fei is constantly summing up the reflections on the gains and losses of this adventure, and the influence of the birth of the sea gods on the current situation in the mainland. There are two or three hours, Sun Fei. I have never said a word, and I have never moved, like petrochemical.

And Loris stood quietly on the stone steps that the throne spread, and did not dare to bother.

Four hours later.

Sun Fei opened his eyes.

There is no confusion or confusion in the scorpion of Lang Xing. The light is superb and firm.

He slowly stood up and stretched out, exhaling a sigh of breath, turning his head and smiling at Loris around him: "Okay, let's go."

"Ah, where are you going?"

"Of course, I went to the Lyon Empire. You said that you have to help the king find the mysterious cloak who has planted **** scorpions in your body."

[The chaos of the world] turned into a streamer, breaking through the sea, skyrocketing, disappearing into the distant horizon.


Just after Sun Fei and Lorris disappeared.

On the tumbling sea, a tall, mysterious figure with a cloak in his body, appeared quietly, watching the two disappeared in the distance, and the two bright red flames in the eyes under the black silk cover. It is like a beggar burning in two groups.

"It's him, it's really him, a small human being, got the bequest of the king of God, and kills people by several times. You can't help him. Damn it, **** it, you can't get enough energy, my strength can't be in the short term. Complete recovery inside, can be horizontal, now I am not his opponent, but I must kill him, sooner or later must kill him, hahaha, God's bequest, belongs to me, always belongs to me No one wants to take it away, even if it is to bury the whole world, I will not hesitate!"

A series of mental fluctuations, from the body under the black cloak, the hurricane generally ravaged the sea, set off a wave of waves.

"Right, they are going to the Lyon Empire. Oh, it seems that I should go to the Lyon Empire again..."

After a long period of treatment, the burly figure turned into a streamer and swept away in the direction of the Lyon Empire.

Shortly after the mysterious man in the black cloak, it was another huge wave, suddenly rising from the bottom of the sea.

Under the glory of the golden flame, the owner of the sea has never appeared above the waves. Looking at the place where the black cloak mysterious man and Sun Fei disappeared, the purple scorpion under the golden ornate mask projected hatred. The beam of light, sharp and sharp, killing the plane.

"A hateful ambition, the seas in the fragrant seas have been used, the losses are heavy, the king city that has been preserved for thousands of years has been destroyed, millions of people have been slaughtered, and even the gods of my family have been seriously injured and disappeared. Today The mainland has become more terrible than it was a thousand years ago. This is my fault. I am too proud and too arrogant. After a thousand years have passed, the world has changed. Isn’t the sea race at the top of the race? How, this blood debt always has to repay the family. I want to go deep into the abyss of the ocean on the edge of the mainland, wake up the royal family in other sea areas, convince them, and pour the power of the whole race to reproduce the glory of the former sea!"

Self-blame, review, reflection, and planning.

After the sea lord stood for a moment, his body swayed and separated into huge waves and sank into the sea.

Since then, no one has ever appeared again.

The cold wind in the gloomy sky, the sea waves on the sea, the black sea water madly rolling, the water is also mixed with some sly sea corpses up and down, the dark space seems to be hell, suppressed.

Everything seems to indicate that a horrible era has quietly opened.


Ten days later.

A port city in the northern coastal region of the Lyon Empire.

Under the scorching sun, there is a faint smell of mud in the air.

In the bay area, people are rushing through, and the sound of banging and resentment screams, almost everyone is trying to repair broken ships, and a large number of workers are under the supervision of soldiers. I cleaned up the silt that was deposited on the dock. I looked around and there was a scorch everywhere. The whole house was obviously just hit by the big water. Even the distant lighthouses that had served for more than 30 years in the distance were destroyed by the waves and turned into ruins. .

"Nine days ago, Deron City suffered a tsunami that never happened in a hundred years. The waves of hundreds of meters swept across and destroyed the entire terminal almost instantaneously. The fishermen and the Imperial Navy suffered heavy losses. Roughly, at least 10,000 people In the midst of this sudden tsunami attack, the administrative system of the entire city has almost become paralyzed."

Lorris shuttled through the crowd for a while, inquiring about the news and coming back to Sun Fei.

The two ended more than ten minutes before the trip on the vast sea, appeared on the pier and came to land.

Under the guidance of the free guide Lorris, the first stop of the two chose the port city of Delon City, the northernmost territory of the Lyon Empire. According to Lorris, the city is the northern coast of the Lyon Empire. The business center, known as the First Seaport, is very convenient for transportation. Every day, a large number of merchants flow in and out of the city, and it is very easy to pass and collect news.

When he heard the result of Loris's inquisition, Sun Fei was silent.

Obviously, the so-called tsunami that has never happened in a hundred years is precisely because of the battle of the world that took place at the bottom of the sea.

Ten days ago, Dali Sandro and Kluivert had become a demon, smashed the city of the sea, penetrated the sea floor, causing the ocean currents to turmoil, and the volcanic eruption of the seabed was probably above the sea. The height of the tens of meters is spreading in all directions. When the waves rush to the coastal area, it is basically less than one tenth of the original, but for ordinary humans without defense, it is definitely a In the face of such a supernatural disaster, ordinary humans seem so helpless.

The city of Deron is hundreds of thousands of miles away from the center of the battle. It has been affected by this. So far, the far-flung kingdom of the Byzantine country is afraid of even more serious losses. If luck is worse, Byzantium The newly formed navy of King Constantine has been ruined by the whole army.

Sun Fei didn't say much. With Loris, who wandered around the pier in Deron City, they came to the city and found a fairly good hotel, which was temporarily resettled.

After flying for nearly ten days on the vast sea, even if the two were so powerful, they had already exhausted. Before going to the Imperial Emperor of Lyon, Sun Fei decided to rest here for a day, tonic, and recharge.

After coming to the room, Sun Fei fell to sleep.

When I fell asleep and opened my eyes, it was already in the evening. Loris didn’t know where to go. It was not in the hotel. Sun Fei had eaten something indiscriminately, changed a set of clothes, and quietly left the hotel.

Drum City is not the first port city in the northern part of the Lyon Empire. Although it has experienced a sea disaster, the urban area has recovered its former prosperity in a short period of time. The streets have been cleaned up very cleanly. The crowds coming and going are bustling. This time is the time when the night market is about to open. There is a lively atmosphere everywhere. People seem to have forgotten the disaster that happened not long ago.

Along the main road in the center of the city, Sun Fei quickly came to the most prosperous main business district in the city.

At the beginning of the Hua Deng, the magic civilization of the different worlds was vividly reflected in the night. The lights were shining and the stars were shining, making the night look beautiful.

The Lyon Empire is a six-level empire. Its strength is not only reflected in the high-end strong force and the powerful and powerful army. It is a small northern Xinjiang city. It is not much smaller than the Zenit Emperor St. Petersburg. In addition to the dressing style and the slight difference between the Zenit people, there is little difference.

Sun Fei stopped at a large-scale weapons store.

There is a black flag hanging from the door of the weapons shop. The image of the **** dog with wings on the mountain is very vivid. For many people, this pattern is very weird, inexplicable, and it looks ugly and unlucky, but for Sun Fei said that this pattern is very familiar and friendly.

Because this is the sign of the affiliate branch of the Chambord City [Petition Office].


The third is more.

Brothers give strength, no collection, collect the book, the data is more important for the knife.


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