Hail the King

: 823, my hammer borrows from you.

Updated: 2012-09-04

Sun Fei shook his head against Loris, who was preparing to kill the killer, and told him not to shoot. He stepped out in a step, and the golden flames burst forth, swaying like an arc, and easily blocking all the energy that came from the sea. The body is ten meters away.

Sun Fei stood in the same place, punching a punch and a fist, not the slightest momentum.

In a twinkling of an eye, a total of twenty-six punches were shot.

Twenty-six golden punches all smashed into the 16-month-old powerhouses that were killed by the four sides, as well as the bodies of the ten strong men hidden in the dark hurricane and the magical array. Everyone’s body was instantly stiff. His eyes widened incredibly and lost his ability to move.

The strength gap is too big, it is not an opponent at all.

From the beginning to the end, the shampoo king did not even move a step, just raised his arms, the strongmen who came to the siege this time, have been wiped out.

The night wind blew, and everyone’s heart was cold.

Sun Fei walked slowly and step by step, standing in front of a chunky moon-level powerhouse wearing a red armor, looking down and saying: "Who assigned you?"

"Oh, scum! Shameless human scum, is my own. As long as there is a sigh of relief, I must call on the strong people to kill you the biggest traitor in the history of the human race for the millennium!" The strong look flashed and his face turned red.

"Hey." Sun Fei sneered: "Just you are, and he, he three," Sun Fei pointed to two other flashing moon-level powerhouses, disdained: "It’s three of you who are in the crowd. Constantly provoke distraction and provoke others to take shots. You are hiding behind yourself. If you don’t see the situation, you have to run away, isn’t it?”

"You...you are a vicious guy, what are you talking about, I don't know..." The chunky moon-level powerhouse changed his look and immediately sneered.

Sun Fei sneered.

The eyes swept over the face of the strongman who fell to the ground, slowly saying: "Want to kill you, only between the backhands, but this king is not the kind of bloodthirsty madman, you are all one by one. The strong person who dominates the field can have today's achievements. It is not a simple generation, but it has been sent to death by a few words. Do you still don't understand it? Think about it, or you will die when you die. Can be a confused ghost."

At this time, everyone was restrained by Sun Fei, and he was shocked by the strength of Sun Fei. After hearing the words, some people roared, some people bowed their heads, some people looked flashing, some people appeared in fear, and some people seemed to understand what .

Sun Fei is no longer nonsense, turned and left.

"Just leave?" Loris was puzzled.

"Don't leave what to do? Is it really necessary to clean them up?" Sun Fei asked.

Lorris opened his mouth and there was no better way. He could only unwillingly leave behind Sun Fei.

The two people were extremely fast, and in the twinkling of an eye, they disappeared into the distant mountain forest and disappeared.

"The ban on you will be solved in 30 minutes. Think about it. Don't go to the career of the ambitions. If you don't know what to do next time, you won't have such good luck."

Sun Fei’s voice drifted out of the distant forest and clearly sounded in everyone’s ear.

When I heard this sentence, everyone secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Knowing this, they have no life and worry, and they all have a sense of disengagement from the embrace of death.

After three or four minutes.

"Hey, scum, miscellaneous scum, have the ability to kill Laozi." Someone saw Sun Fei go far away, only to swear.

Some people have revealed the color of thinking and found that they really don't understand the king of shampoo. When they saw it today, they felt that such a handsome and handsome young boy is not like the legendary big devil in the legend. Is it true? Is it being shackled?

One by one struggling to do it from the ground, some close people began to whisper.

"Everyone, what do you think about tonight?" The first fire-fighting veteran of the fire system said with a sigh of relief.

"The shampoo king does not seem to be a sinful person. Is the rumor wrong?"

"Well, yeah, I see this young and strong, open-minded, bright and upright, and I have heard of the king of Shampoo in Zenit. He doesn't seem to be the kind of person in the rumor. Besides, a human being. What kind of benefits can the collaborating sea people have?"

"Although it is not yet conclusive, things don't seem to be what we think."

Some people have opened their mouths, and others have gradually joined the discussion. Sun Fei is right. These people may not be as strong as themselves, but they are all human, and their vision and experience are quite brilliant. They were previously disciples of Wushengshan in the mainland. This identity gave shock and conviction of rumors. Now, after the battle tonight, I have seen some clues.

Among the crowd, the three-month-old powerhouse who had been named by Sun Fei before the throat, sat outside, with a sneer on his face, and made each other look and did not speak.

One of them triggered a magical prop in the wrist, a bang, a red brilliance, illuminating the dark night sky, in the **** forest night of this inaccessible Rolla, it is particularly eye-catching.

"Keller, what are you doing?" Seeing this scene, everyone stopped for a round, and the mighty old man asked.

Before Sun Fei’s words, everyone has already begun to doubt these three people.

"Hey, what, of course, is to find someone to save us..." The chunky strong man, Pi Xiao, replied with a smile.

His insidious smile and demeanor made people feel a little shocked, and a feeling of not too good climbed into their hearts.

Soon, a few streams of light came from far away, coming in the direction of the red brilliance.

In the blink of an eye, I found the lake where everyone is located. Guanghua has a flash of light. It is a monthly strongman wearing a black tight-fitting armor. These people are not old enough. They are not around the age of 20 or 30. High, both at the beginning of the new moon, obviously from the same organization.

"Master Kohler, how is the matter done?" One of the young people in their twenties glanced around the crowd and walked quickly to the side of the chunky month-old strongman Kohler.

"It's almost the same, but the shampoo king didn't kill the killer and spared one of these guys." He was helped by his companion, and Kohler's eyes were about to be drowned by the fat flesh, and he said: "I was sealed by the shampoo king." Fighting, this chopped strength is too high, you can't solve it, hehe," said here, he looked at other moon-level powerhouses that were sealed by Sun Fei, and smiled sullenly: "You hurry to shoot, 趁The strength of these idiots has not recovered, all killed."

"What? You want to kill us? You..." "Everyone was shocked.

"Köhler, what are you doing? Who are you being instructed by?" The fire-fighting and violent old man was shocked and angry.

"Ha ha ha, what? Old guy, this does not understand, of course, it is necessary to plant a blame, the shampoo king does not kill you, I kill, haha, after you die, I will release the news that it is the shampoo king You, then go to your relatives and friends, find your teacher's door, and spread the news that you died in the hands of the shampoo king. Hey, when there are more people to kill the shampoo for us." The fat month-level strongman laughed proudly.

This time, everyone is pale.

"You...you little man! The shampoo king said yes, you really have ulterior motives, we are all used by you." The mighty old man was furious and struggled to stand up, but he could not make the slightest power. The seal left by the shampoo king will take more than ten minutes to disappear.

"Haha, hey, you call yourself a hero, now I understand, it’s late!" Kohler, the chunky month-level strongman, shouted: "Quick hands, so you don't have to sleep long nights."

The young moon-level powerhouse wearing a black tight-fitting armor pulled out the weapon and began to kill.

"This is a conspiracy. It turned out that you are framing the shampoo king? You are a group of shards, **** despicable villains, and will be conspiring to show up sooner or later. My relatives and friends will not let you go..." Someone screamed.

"Who are you instructed?"

"Why do you have to deal with Shampoo?"

"No, don't kill me, I promise not to say anything..."

The roar and the voice of forgiveness sounded. At this time, the elites of the moons understood some, but it was already late. Unless there was a miracle, they would die tonight, and the death was unclear and became used. tool.

"Ha ha ha, kill, kill, one does not stay, yes, use a hammer to kill them, create wounds and illusions, I heard that the weapon used by Shampoo King is a giant hammer..." Kohler laughed.

A young black armor who was preparing to slash and slash a month-level powerhouse heard the words and stopped temporarily. He turned and said: "But, Master Kohler, no one of us uses a giant hammer..."

"You guys are stupid, can't you do this?" Kohler was furious, and the fat on his face trembled.

"Hey, I have a hammer here, do you want to lend it to you, and make sure that the wounds are exactly the same..." A voice came from the side.

"Thank you, that's great..." Kohler, who was a chunky month-level strongman, was overjoyed, but he didn't finish it in a sentence. Suddenly he felt that the voice was a bit familiar. He turned his head and suddenly stopped, and a fat fluttered uncontrollably. Get up, fight with your teeth, turn around incredibly, look at the figure next to you, say "You...you...you are not..."


Second more.

Thank you, Zhenbei, for your great support.


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