Hail the King

: 828, white hair black face old man

Updated: 2012-09-06

The pretty young woman was stunned and she looked at her eyes in disbelief. "Why are you saying this? You..." When she said this, her beautiful and clear voice had tears in her eyes, like Suddenly I didn’t know the knight in front of me, and my eyes were full of questions.

After the slightest glimpse, the leader of the knight, Meri, did not look at the eyes of the inquiry. Instead, he shook his head slyly and looked at her up and down with aggressive eyes. The fingers twirled the hair of a pure young woman and shook her head. Road: "Hey, what you are now, hungry face, yellow skinny ghost look, where is there a trace of the glamorous white gold lord? This is the reason you chose Ugo Loris? It seems that the high-ranking King of Buckingham can not Protecting you, when you chose him, did you think that today will be a prisoner because of him, even if you have enough food, how pitiful, is it regretful now? Hahaha!"

When the Cavaliers leader finished, the beautiful Princess Wang slowly understood what was happening. The rolling tears disappeared from the beautiful scorpions, and the gaze of the inquiry turned into surprise, and then it looked like a stranger.

Princess Julia shook her head gently, but did not speak. Wang Hao’s eyes eventually turned into disappointment.

Under the gaze of this disappointing gaze, the knight leader finally felt a hint of guilt and anger.

He suddenly became angry and angered to the ear of the beautiful Princess Wang. He smiled wickedly and sinfully: "Julia, don't look at me with this kind of gaze, you have to understand that without my order, Buckingham House is all up and down. If you starve to death, you won't get a piece of rice and a drop of water. Even if one day, Ugo Loris will return, and he will see only the body and the bone."

Beautiful Wang Hao wiped the tears from the corner of his eyes, and the whole person instantly became indifferent, sneer: "Let's say, what do you want?"

"How?" Merida smiled, and there seemed to be something broken in his heart, but he did not hesitate to look at it, and he said fiercely and fiercely: "You know, from the age of ten, I always thought To get you, today, it will not change."

Beautiful Wang Yan smiled, abandoned the memories of the old days, raised the noble chin, and his face was cold and cold: "Sure enough, this is an embarrassing idea. No matter the past or the present, you are far worse than Loris. Too far."

"You..." Merida was furious.

Wang Hao looked up and looked at him: "I promise you."

"What?" Merida stunned.

"I can promise you, but you must first transport the food into Buckingham House, one kilogram of rice, one kilogram of clear water, one thousand gold pork..."

"Ha ha ha, good, good, this is no problem."

The leader of the knight, Merida, did not think that Wang Hao had promised so easily. He was overjoyed. He grew up with the beautiful and pure woman in front of him. It was a childhood friend. She knew her personality in her soft outer body. She thought she would rather die, but she did not I thought that I could achieve my wish so quickly.


"It seems that you have a good wife."

Not far away, with the help of [The Throne of the World], Sun Fei, who was hiding in the gap of the space, said to Lorris with a smile.

The two had not been long before they came to Buckingham, but they also understood the cause and effect of the matter.

Loris witnessed his temptation and hated the voice: "Hey, I have been trusting Mérida with Julia, and I have recommended him to enter the Imperial Supervision Department. If there is no promotion, he is a small warrior who has no aristocratic origin. How to look at it may become one of the five supervising knights of the Ministry of Supervision. It’s damn, this ungrateful guy, this time, instead of not helping, he is falling into the dark.

"Don't be so angry, who wasn't smashed when he was young," Sun Fei comforted him with sorrow and sorrow, saying: "Just blame yourself for being too stupid. I didn't find that this little aristocrat was estimated to have hated you."

"I am going to kill him..." Lorris said that he would start.

Sun Fei grabbed him: "Now we can't show up, don't worry, let me deal with it."


Merida’s eyes burned with radiant heat, and the dawn was like a knife. I couldn’t wait to immediately strip the delicate and beautiful woman in front of me. After a series of orders, the knights and soldiers of the brigade quickly drove. The carriage came over and transported the previously agreed food and water.

Because the emperor had his life, everyone did not get into the Buckingham Palace, so all of this food was packed in the carriage, and it was systematically docked at the door of Buckingham House.

Sun Fei had to do it. After seeing this situation, he waited for a while for a while.

"Now, Gary King of the Golden King?" At the gate of the palace, the leader of the knight, Merida, looked at the noble and beautiful Princess Wang, and could not wait to ask.

"When the food is moved in." Princess Julia turned and said something to the maids around her. The maid went to the government to inform, and soon there were some fussy masters and servants who had been hungry, struggling to pull all the carriages. Go in.

"I hope you don't regret it, Your Royal Highness, otherwise, Buckingham will not get any food from now on. Except for the Buckingham Kings, the servants and guards in the government will all be caught in the blood of the Ministry of Supervision. Among them." Merida's negative measurement threatened.

Princess Julia was so high that she had a white, smooth chin and scorned: "Where do you want to be?"

"Hahaha, okay." The fire of the martyr in the head of the knight's leader Merida is hard to hide. With a wave of hand, there is a black knight holding a bright and magical horse-drawn carriage. He laughs and laughs: There is a command from the majesty, no one is allowed to enter and exit Buckingham House, so, hey, you can’t leave the gate for too long, our good deeds can only be carried out in this carriage, hahaha, your call will be Smaller, otherwise my brothers will hear the noble Lord Buckingham’s Highness, the voice of the bed. Oh!

A touch of anger flashed in the clear eyes of Julia.

She gently held a short blade in the sleeve of the plain skirt and made a decision in her heart.

And Merida can't wait to reach out and look at this noble woman...

Just then, unexpected changes have occurred -


Merida's extended palm suddenly burst open without warning, and the part below the wrist instantly turned into a **** fog, like a magnificent flaming **** fireworks.

"Ah..." Merida grabbed the broken arm with her left hand and screamed in horror: "Who? Who?"

The officers of the surrounding supervision department immediately reflected after the initial shock. The quality of the army of the Lyon Empire was vividly reflected at this moment. The Ministry of Supervision is the most important department of the empire. The surrounding knights are like a precise operation. The machines are generally arranged in a neat array, protecting the Merida in their hands, such as blasting from a steel hedgehog.

A magical flame rushed into the sky, this is the warning of the Ministry of Supervision.



The first is more.


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