Hail the King

: 834, trap

Updated: 2012-09-11

"Wait for such a long time, huh, shampoo king, are you finally here?" The kindly gods who suddenly appeared looked at Sun Fei with a smile on his face, as if he was greeting a long-lost old friend.

"Do you know me? Waiting for me? Who are you?" Sun Fei quietly hid the green gems into the palm of his hand, and he could not help but be surprised.

The strength of this white-haired old godsman is amazing, and it has been invaded by a hundred meters away from him. Only then is he discovered by himself, at least the strongman of the top of the rising sun, according to the distribution of the church gods among the sacred priests in the major empires. According to reason, the highest power of the Guardian of the Holy empire in the Lyon Empire is only perfect in the month, and there should never be such a master of the great-level sage.

Moreover, the face of this white-haired white-shoulder is peaceful, but Sun Fei always feels that there is something wrong with it, revealing an extremely dangerous feeling.

"Haha, little guy, you came to my place, and even asked me who I am?" The old **** teacher slowly walked a few steps, gently touching the rows of wooden chairs around him with dry fingers, looking up to A strange look at Sun Fei, smiling with amazement: "Before four days, the people of the whole city of Gerland called me the glory of John, I am the person in charge here, the servant of God."

"Four days ago, what about now?" Sun Fei slowly gathered strength and guarded carefully.

"Now? Hahahaha, now?" In the eyes of the old gods, there was a **** glow, and he looked up and said: "Now, I am God and control all God."

"Is it you?" Sun Fei suddenly understood.

The king’s body squats and flashes into a streamer. In the twinkling of an eye, the whirlwind has turned into a golden sword, and the dragon is screaming out, killing the old gods 100 meters away, the same moment, one The pale silver scroll was shaken, and Sun Fei approached the old gods. In the [Prisoner's Scroll], he flew out of the generally flashing **** runes and shrouded toward the old gods.

Because the two **** rays are very familiar to Sun Fei.

This is the blood that has appeared in the dark eyes of the golden scorpion. Whether it is the shape color or the fluctuation of the breath, it is unforgettable for Sun Fei. There is no doubt that this old-aged teacher called John has encountered and [a sword The same fate was attached to the golden scorpion.

"Hey Hey Hey!"

A series of nightingales, the voice of sorrow and laughter, came out from the mouth of the white-haired gods. In the face of Sun Fei’s unrelenting attack, his face had a strange and glamorous smile, and the wrinkles and pleats bloomed like a flower. Chrysanthemums that are about to decay, do not mean to hide or hard to pick up.

Boom! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

A series of huge crashes and bursts of sound suddenly appeared.

[Hurricane 斩 轰 轰 的 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色 金色One blow only knocked out a ballast and a dragon-shaped depression on the crystal wall, but in the end it could not be broken.

[Prisoner's Scroll] The rune of the gods was blocked by this crystal wall, and it failed to accurately lock the target. It was turned into a silver prison inside the crystal wall, and there was nothing in it.

The next moment, Sun Fei’s third wave of killing has arrived.

Booming and banging! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

A series of heavy punches slammed on the crystal wall, and each punch was enough to blast a strongman who entered the big Japanese level. However, the crystal wall was still intact, and occasionally there was a fine line. White cracks appeared, but as the entire first church hall suddenly became white and glazed, it quickly disappeared and the crystal wall returned to its original state.

"Haha, hahaha, no use, stop struggling, I spent four days of hard work, specially prepared for you [the sorrow of God's grace], this is not the strength of this level can be broken, shampoo king, hahaha, Everything is over, your good fortune will not continue."

The white-haired godmother laughed, a white chaotic hair danced in the wind, and two **** red flames in the collapsed eye socket replaced the position of the pupil, frantically flashing, as the devil was suffocating.

At this time, strange and terrible changes have appeared.

On the ground of the church, which was originally smooth and seamless, the white lines continued to spread and spread from the ground to the walls on all sides, to the dome, to the stone pillars, to the wooden chairs, to the statues...

The white lines are finally covered in the whole church. Even the four-walled lamps and the white wax soft waxy body have soft silvery white light flashing. Almost instantaneously, the beautiful and deadly white lines are dense. The ground is covered with the entire space, like a white rose that blooms quietly, and the power that is unimaginable is slowly emerging.

This is a huge and cumbersome magical array of gods.

The magical circuit is like a sea of ​​stars, and it makes you feel dizzy at first glance.

The position of Sun Fei is exactly the center of the magic array.

Everything happened between the lightning and the fire. It was too late for Sun Fei to reflect.

This is obviously long-awaited, and it has long been calculated. When Sun Fei stepped into the center of the law, he immediately started - Sun Fei guessed that I was afraid that when I stepped into the first church door, the formation was already Quietly launched, the white-haired gods--exactly, the golden scorpion took the initiative to show up, distracting his attention in words, in order to be able to guarantee the smooth start of the formation, and bind himself in it.

This is a long-planned plot.

"Damn, why is this? Is it that Loris deceived himself?"

This thought flashed through Sun Fei’s mind, but was instantly denied by Sun Fei.

The previous experience of suffering and commonality made Sun Fei believe in this former enemy. Loris is definitely not the kind of person.

"It seems that Loris is only used by the Golden Dragon. This **** sly, knowing everything that happened during this time, must know that he is eager to find it, so he set up such a killing... a hiding In the secret of the terrible and terrible opponent, this time is really too big."

Sun Fei probably guessed some clues.

However, at this time, obviously there is no energy to ask these questions that are meaningless. The most urgent task is to go out from this so-called "Sigh of God".

Sun Fei quickly calmed down and began to carefully observe the white lines on the four sides. He wanted to find out some flaws in the magical circuit and break the terrible law.

Just then, amazing changes have emerged.


The first is more.

There is still more today.


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