Hail the King

: 857, ancient times rubber fist

This is obviously a very strange boxing method. The arm can be freely contracted like a spring, and it can be stretched out and stretched out. It is more flexible than a weapon. The strength of the fist is extremely terrible. The bombardment is on the solid stone wall. The steel giant hammer slammed on it, and the thick wall was like a paper paste, which collapsed in the sky and the smoke.

I remember that Chris Sutton was also shocked when I first saw the way to practice Luffy.

He was born in a famous way, martial arts knowledge, know a lot of fighting skills, but never seen such a boxing method, not only strange, but also extraordinary power, anti-defense, a pair of arms is like a weak boneless, can be freely changed Like two living horror giants, and any well-known fighting skills on the mainland, it is completely ingenuity and another way.

This martial art, which Lu Fei called himself a rubber boxing, was apparently derived from the guardian king Wu Shengbo Wang Alexander.

Sutton's admiration for Sun Fei is even more determined. In his view, in this world, only the genius of the world, such as the shampoo king, can create such a unique and ingenious boxing method.

Above the ground.

After a brief death shock, the siege soldiers sent out cheers.

One by one, madly screaming, like a beast, rushing toward the fort, losing the protection of the stone wall, the poor guardian power of the elders can not stop this group of soldiers who are out of the beasts, after a short period of resistance, the Presbyterian The guards raised their weapons and squatted on the ground to surrender...

Occasionally, several masters were recalcitrant, and the lightning of a pair of fists flying by Xiaolu was dragged by tens of meters of arms and directly smashed into slag.

The sword was cut on the stretched arm, and a smashed leather armor was smashed, but only a shallow white mark was found on the skin, like a chopped leather on the tough leather. , being bounced out, it is not like a flesh and blood.

"Old things, insult my teacher, I want to turn you into a meat sauce!"

Luffy stared at the president of the Presbyterian Church. He extended a 20-meter lightning bolt and grabbed a piece of collapsed stone wall on the ground. He pulled it hard and the whole person flew away like a lightning bolt. The elasticity of the contraction of the arm spans more than sixty meters in an instant. Like a human-shaped cannonball, the pale-colored veteran president ejects toward the top of the building.

The rubber fists of Lu Fei’s cultivation are actually a strange boxing method that was passed down from the ancient times of the gods and gods. It is different from any traditional mainstream martial arts. It once shined in the chaotic era, sweeping the gods, invincible, once created After the name of Hehewei, it was also excerpted from the book of the Devil's sword.

After Lu Fei worshipped Sun Fei, a heart thought to learn to punch, Sun Fei detected his physique, it is precisely the legendary rubber body physique suitable for practicing this boxing method, 100% fit the requirements of the cultivation of rubber boxing, so cultivated, The progress is a thousand miles, plus Sun Fei spent a lot of precious medicines to promote the potential, but in just over a month, Luffy has already become the first layer of this boxing method, reaching six stars. The samurai's cultivation is.

Lu Fei regarded Sun Fei as a father and respected worship. He heard that the president of the Presbyterian Church was insulting and insulted Sun Fei. He had long hated his teeth and broke the fortress at this time. Naturally, he would not let go of this old man.

"Ah, save lives, save me!"

I only felt that a strong wind rushed in, and Rao was the elder of the Elders Association. At this time, I couldn’t help but scream. The strange and horrible voice before Luffy left a deep impression on him, and suddenly I couldn’t help but scream. No, the shadow of the gloom before it.

Several guards rushed over, holding a steel shield in their hands, forming a wall of people, trying to block Luffy.


Lufei people came to the boxing, iron fists bombarded on the shield, pieces of iron filings splashed, the guards directly sprayed blood like a kite flying all over the sky, heavily fading on the ground, seeing it can not live.

The old man’s death is like a mourning dog. He just turned around and fled. At this time, he couldn’t take it anymore and slammed his face. He stumbled and fell to the ground, and even the front teeth smashed several pieces of blood. The wolf was very embarrassed, shouting screamingly: "Montoya, Lord Stoic, save me, save me!"

These two names represent the two remaining monthly powerhouses of the Senate.

Among them, Stoic, who is known as the old monster, has a long-standing reputation among the emperors. His character is violent, his temper is violent, his murder is numb, and no one dares to provoke. He once claimed to be the first in addition to Yasin the Great. Master.

A few months ago, when Sun Fei roared the Emperor and asked the Great Emperor, the old monster had appeared in his arrogant posture. At that time, the Great Emperor and the Presbyterian Church were still in the honeymoon period, and they used each other. The old monster became greedy and intimate. Wanting to capture Sun Fei's chaotic throne, but the king was hammered and flew, almost drowned, and then no longer appeared, submerged and repaired.

In the scream of the president of the Presbyterian Church, the two-month-old powerhouse appeared.

Two extremely breathtaking atmospheres burst into the sky, and a red and blue flame erupted from the deepest part of the fort. There were two hurricanes in the flat, and the soldiers rushing into the fortress were like straw in the hurricane, directly blown. When it came out, the rocks in the ground were like rolling sand, flying sand and stone, and wounding many soldiers.

When the two great moon powers appeared, they suddenly set off a huge wave.

Even Lufei, a six-star powerhouse, was blown up and unstable. He grabbed the collapsed walls with his hands and changed his arms more than 20 meters. He circled the boulder like a rope. Didn't it be forced to fly?

The gap between the star warriors and the monthly powerhouses is exposed at this moment.

Although Lu Fei cultivates the ancient geeks and rubber fists, it is extraordinary and powerful. However, it is only the first layer of success. Only the strength of six stars, the huge gap in the realm, makes him far from the strongest of the month. opponent.

"Haha, kill him, kill me for him!" The president of the veteran club stopped the pace of escaping, turned and frantically screamed, and was chased like a dog. He also hated Lu Fei.

Montoya, the strongman of the month, promised a hand, a blue hand, a sharp murderous, streamer generally shot toward the road.

"Hey!" The golden gold knight Chris Sutton, who had been watching the sky, snorted and suddenly shot, and with a finger, a golden sword, easily broke the blue gas.


The first is even more today.

Thanks to the support of the brothers, I love you.


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