Hail the King

: 859, taboo topic shampoo king

Emperor Department.

The pungent **** taste, as if the air has become viscous plasma, the night wind is blowing, and it is full of fragrance.

The emperor’s ministry has turned into a horrible slaughterhouse. At least one-half of the military squadrons have become the ghosts of ordinary soldiers. In addition, some ordinary registrars and nobles of the military The warrior, who was also devastated by the slaughter, and the steel knives of the iron-blooded soldiers who executed the execution, all cut the gap.

The head of the black man, in the center of the main hall of the military, piled up a hill.

The blood of the dragonfly, like the creek water after the rainstorm, merges into a small red river, and then flows slowly along the stone steps that are covered with moss, exposed to the cold air of the night, emitting a slight heat. It seems to tell the last lingering love of life for this cruel world.

The iron-blooded soldier who was squirted by the knife and gun, looked solemn and stood straight.

The great emperor Arshavin seems to be a little absent-minded, as if he is thinking hard about what is crucial. He holds his hand on his chin and looks down at the ground as if it were a sculpture. It has been silent for a long time.

Such silence has made the entire military deliberation hall more and more depressed.

The aristocrats and military magnates who survived the massacre felt that they had been a nightmare, and the nightmare did not seem to be a sign of the end. The air was so depressed that everyone felt that they felt Breathing was difficult. They were afraid of the man who was sitting on the high seat and meditating. He waved his hand and ordered the massacre again.

call out!

The flame of a sharp signal, blooming in the sky, screaming and breaking the sound, broke the silence here.

The Great Emperor finally woke up from the long silence. He looked up and looked at the towering hills in front of him. There was a regretful look in the depths of his eyes. He waved his hand impatiently. The soldiers of the Iron Camp were all over and survived. Among the horrified eyes of the nobles, they acted and began to clean the blood on the ground, and the heads of the people were also transported out.

"You, you can go back." Arshavin stood up and said to the nobles in a low voice.

"Ah?" Someone exclaimed, and he said, "Don't, Grand Highness, don't kill me, I know everything, I am loyal to the royal family..."

Hula has a large piece, everyone pleads.

"You, all of you are the loyal ministers of the empire. When the empire was in the most dangerous situation, you stood in the camp of the royal family and the imperial people. They have withstood the test. I am very happy. I am proud of you, blood returns blood, glory. Returning to the glory, let the stars witness the vows of the Zenit royal family, loyal to the empire, you will get flowers and cheese!" The great prince sighed: "Things are over, everyone, please come back!"

After some explanation, the people got up and frightened, and they walked away with great enthusiasm.

Walking to the street, I found that there were all armed soldiers everywhere. Obviously, I had just gone through hard battles. The body of the armor was blood-stained, and the knife and gun were full of blood and cold. Some noble monks in the weekdays were full of fire. A shout of silence, the entire emperor seems to be soaked in a piece of plasma, suffocating.

The nobles were shocked that the changes that have taken place tonight have far exceeded their most exaggerated estimates.

Looking at each other's eyes, I saw the shock and luck in each other's eyes.

When the night wind blows, no one dares to speak, and walks toward their respective houses. No one can expect to get a counterattack against the fragrant king Alexander, which is almost ready for dust. At the last moment, Suddenly there was such a change in the sky, and even the need for the shampoo king to personally shoot, the imperial shampoo king front in the empire, instantly collapsed.

The name of the fragrant king of Alexandria, is about to become a taboo, can not touch, can not touch, it is best not to offend, not to calculate, otherwise, there is no place to die.


On this **** night, the only relatively calm place, apart from the slums, is the pavilion in the city.

The envoys from the twenty-two empire of the Northern Territory, like the rats that perceive the dragons crossing the border, dare not come out in the room, just before the night, two stalwarts who claim to be the youngest **** of the shampoo king Han, rushed into the sacred area, interrupted the thighs of the imperial imperial messenger, and hanged any foreign ambassador who dared to insult the shampoo king, and turned every messenger's face into a pig's head. Like killing pigs and dogs, it crushed the entire museum.

These ambassadors who must kill the shampoo kings are completely broken. The two brawny are like tigers that have broken into the flock. Killing people like pulling grass, there is no scruples at all, and they are swollen. Personal face.

From yesterday, these arrogant messengers, smashing their teeth and swallowing their blood, gnawed their teeth in the sacred area, waiting for the arrival of Daly Sandro and his party, to humiliate the Zenit. To kill the shampoo king, especially the white hair, a black hair, two **** brawny, must see their skins and dig into a complete bone shelf!

"Oh, chaos, the more chaotic, the Zenit people have collapsed madly. When the sun rises tomorrow, it is the end of this evil country. We want to kill every Zenit man who is taller than the rut, enslaved. All Zenit women!"

The messengers hid in their own room and made a curse of evil.


The night of bloodshed, slowly put a full stop.

The ancient and magnificent St. Petersburg city seems to have fallen into silence.

Time is like a river that rushes away. When you don’t go back, it quickly passes, the night is getting thicker, and then it begins to fade. The stars shining in the sky, from the hustle and bustle to the sparse, the oriental sky reveals the white belly. The sky gradually began to clear up.

The order was urgently arranged.

Above the walls of St. Petersburg, the soldiers were full of armed soldiers. They clasped their weapons, they were strong and fearless, and all kinds of precious magic weapons rarely seen on weekdays were carried to the city. The head, like a beast of wild beasts, reveals terrible fangs. The hundreds of towering towers of magic in the city are constantly gathering magic elements, flashing a faint blaze, preparing for a powerful attack.

Under the city's enemy building in Nanchengmen, the nobles put on the most precious magic armor, and looked nervously at the distant sky.

The light of the horizon has become more and more obvious.

The moment to determine the fate of the empire is coming.


Third, I still want to express my gratitude to my brothers and sisters.

Today is the Mid-Autumn Festival, I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival, a happy family, a lover will eventually become a genus, I hope that people will last forever, thousands of miles together.

thank you all.


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