Hail the King

: 861, where is the monthly strongman?

"The light of the candle can be smashed with the moon?"

Above the height of more than 500 meters, more than 20 seniors in the moon rank like the stars, and Dali Sandro is surrounded by the middle. They feel the despair of the Zenit below, and there is a kind of insult. The thrill of the Dallas, the monthly strongman of the eighth-grade strength of the new moon, said to Dali Sandro: "The Zenit people are dying, you don't need adults to shoot, let us servants. Let's do it for adults!"

"Alright, since these poor mice make such choices, let them slowly taste the taste of despair." Dali Sandro’s scorpion spurred the brutal banter, slowly saying: "On the wall Rats, first kill half, give me a pile of people, I want to make today's sunrise sky, red blood!"

The voice fell, and the figure of the five or six-month-old powerhouse rushed down like a lightning bolt.

The magical guardian enchantment of St. Petersburg [the guardian of the goddess of the earth] is a magical attack used to defend the local army. Naturally, it is immune to physical attacks. Naturally, it is impossible to block the figure of the strongmen of the month. In a flash, six seniors It has already reached the top of the Nancheng Gate, but it is more than ten meters away.

"Haha, angering Dali Sandro, you should be killed by your ignorant northern barbarian!"

"I regret it now, just let your emperor climb out of the palace and ask for mercy at the gate of the city, leaving a trace of blood to your Zenit Empire!"

"And what nonsense they have, Daly Sandro said, kill half first, I can't look like those nobles and five-star warriors to start!"

"Hahaha, don't worry, you want to enjoy the pleasure of condescending, let the poor mice, before dying, feel the fear and regret of death, hehe!"

The seniors of the month were laughing and shouting in an unscrupulous manner.

Some information was obtained in advance, and the Zenit's monthly powerhouse was almost completely degraded in the battle of the previous ten empire invasions. At that time, it was not the shampoo king who turned the tide and was already destroyed. So at this time, The Nites have no strong hand, and the **** Dali Sandro is in the rear. They have no warning or fear for this first-class empire.

Above the wall, the Zenit nobles and soldiers had dry lips and were angry and helpless.

The eyes of the people were concentrated under the ground drain, and the black lacquered armor was like the iron-casting **** Al-Ashavin. At this time, in the case of the imperial priest who defended the country, Wu Shengbo Wang was unknown. Next, only this triumphant Yum! Marshal can become a little hope and light in the heart of everyone.

There is no sadness and no emotion on Arshavin’s face.

Did not make any reaction.

He seems to be waiting for something.

Just when everyone was confused, the next moment, two streams of light from one east to the west, from the depths of the emperor, came to the bottom of the city gate, stagnation of the void, revealing the strength of the monthly powerhouse, One of them is a gold armor, holding a gold rifle, and it is like a sun in the sky. It is the sun gold knight Chris Sutton, the other is also a Chinese costume, tall and thin, with a gold in his hand. The hip flask, full of wine and sleek body, is the first bard of the empire, Materazzi, who has not appeared for a long time.

The two stood in front of the city wall, standing side by side, the body is like a mountain, blocking the six invaders who are high in the air.

Above the wall, the crowd burst into cheers.

This is a monthly strongman who belongs to Zenit. When the Empire is in the most dangerous situation, they are alone but do not escape.

"Haha, came two strong little mice, a little bit interesting, I thought the big mouse in this rat's nest was dead!" Among the six, a strong monthly strongman, imitating Dali Sandro's tone, haha ​​laughed, although he did not expect Zenit to have two more seniors, but only two people, not enough to worry, he laughed to his companions: "I don't know Which one is interested, kill the two big mice!"

"I come!"

The two-month-old powers rushed to shoot before others. They wanted to perform in front of Dali Sandro and get the favor of the second disciple of the mainland Wusheng. If they can enter the Wusheng Mountain in mainland China, then It is a good thing that the military people dreamed of.

Bang! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Chris Sutton confronted a monthly strongman wearing a bronze armor, and Materazzi instantly clashed with a monthly powerhouse with a huge sword of three or four meters.

The remaining four seniors are shining with all kinds of flaming flames, and lightning generally rushes to the city.

The fact that everyone just looked at Arshavin’s actions has already made these seniors understand that the thin young man wearing the black iron scarlet armor under the enemy building is the commander of the Zenit. I want to kill Arshavin before the Wanjun, and the morale of the Zenit.

The sound of exclamation sounded like a tide in the city.

In the face of savage murder, Arshavin squats with a long knife, his body straight and standing, never shaken, stunned, long hair flying, the cloak is like a banner that does not fall, flies up and down, one step does not retreat.

Suddenly, four streams of light flashed from the crowd of ordinary soldiers and slammed into the four strong men.

"What? Is it four seniors?"

Above the city, soldiers and nobles can hardly believe everything they see in their eyes. The four streams of light are the figures of the four moon-level powerhouses. They are lightning-fast, carrying a majestic atmosphere, like a giant. The dragon descended and blocked four invaders who followed Dali Sandro!

In the meantime, in the sky, twelve strong men of the month are caught and killed.

Even the Zenit nobles and the soldiers themselves did not understand, and the four seniors came from where they came from, why they were all ordinary soldiers, and no one had discovered their existence before. At the crucial moment, suddenly burst out, temporarily disintegrating the embarrassment above the city!

Above the sky, Dali Sandro and the remaining 16 moon-level powers have changed slightly.

The appearance of this scene made them very surprised.

Did the information obtained from the Lyon Empire and the Anzhi Empire not say that the Zenit's monthly powerhouses have all died in the war?

"Oh, interesting, no wonder these mice, I dare to be enemies with me. I still have some strength hidden!" After a little surprise, Dali Sandro’s face once again showed a playful look and a smile, for him. It is said that even if there are hundreds of thousands of monthly powerhouses among the Zenit people, it does not matter.

Because the strongman of the month is in front of the big-day powerhouse, as if the ants face the dragon, a breath, you can kill countless.

The fierce battle is continuing.

And in the distant sky, there is a difference between Dali Sandro and other people watching the battle. Everyone on the wall of St. Petersburg is holding the breath and watching the 12th-month strongest. The battle, because they understand that the outcome of the battle will determine the fate of the entire empire.

"Kill! Hurricane screams and kills!"

In the battle group, a burst of pressure over all the voices, a gold armor of the Sun Gold Knight Chris Sutton exhibited his own famous fighting skills, although at this time there is no his wolf beast is present, but the golden gold Fighting gas into a huge one-horned wolf beast, he shot a shot, it seems that even the void is pierced, even the person with a gun into a golden streamer, penetrated the opponent.

Finally there was a duel and a win and loss.

Sutton got the favor of Sun Fei, and got the cultivation method of the martial arts of the martial arts, which was recorded in the book of the martial arts collection of the ancient gods, the martial arts collection of the martial arts, and the body of the seed that Sun Fei planted. In the past two months, the progress has been rapid. Although his opponent is similar to Sutton's strength, he can't stand the suction of the sharp gold and the fighting spirit of Sutton. He is killed by this trick. It turned into a **** mud and burst into the sky.

The city’s head has a burst of thunderous cheers, like a mountain call, like a tsunami, like a wind!

The victory of this battle made the extremely nervous Zenit finally breathe a sigh of relief.

After leaving the battle circle, Sutton's chest violently ups and downs, this nirvana consumed a lot of energy, almost emptied his vindictive continuation, he must hurry to restore strength, to cope with the next more brutal battle!

"Ha ha ha, I can't think of being kidnapped by this kid!"

In the battle circle, Drogbaha, who dressed up as an ordinary soldier, laughed. His opponent was a two-meter giant who used a pair of nail-headed hammers. He also took the power line and hardened Drogba. Regret, as Mars hit the earth, it was hot and slamming, and it was hard to regret the opponent’s heavy blow. Drogba borrowed more than 50 meters away. He reached out and a huge black Taurus styling tower shield appeared. In the hands, the body leaned forward, made a charge posture, shoulders and shields, roared, a huge golden bull illusion appeared behind him, a little meal, the two with a shield made a streamer, a flash!


Opposite, a loud sound, the body of the giant man with his hands on the nail hammer was fixed in the air, and immediately the orange stream was shot from his huge body. The whole person was like a cracked clay figurine. , broken into pieces of flesh and blood, falling to the ground.

Another battle was won, and the Zenit won another game.

The cheers that could not wait, once again rang in the city, the soldiers jumped up, and the nobles embraced them.

At the same time, there were several battles that broke the game.

Pierce, who became a regular soldier, after applying the strength of his opponent, he will display the "Sword of Excalibur", an invisible sword that will be invincible, will be separated from the body, a white hair, like a steel needle, slender figure, The murderous Pierce puts on a cool posture, and then retreats back, a master style!

The assassin of the ordinary soldier costume, Philippe Inzaghi, flashed his body and shattered the light armor of the soldier. He flashed like a ghost and ghost in the void, suddenly left and right, suddenly up and down, and the ghost was difficult. After measuring the dizziness of the opponent's play, the [Yellow Touch] passed over the opponent's heart and throat!

Before Inzaghi and Pierce ended the battle, Dessler, who had his eyes closed, had already cheated his mind and destroyed his opponent, the mind of a savvy spiritual wizard who made the nose as long as it was stepped on. The poor magician of one foot became an incompetent idiot, and fell alive and fell into a meatloaf!

This time, even the Zenit people in the city have been completely shocked. Some people have already recognized that these four mysterious masters suddenly belong to the city of Chambord, especially Drogba and Pierce have participated in the Empire Battle Martial Competition. I got the reputation of [White Hair Fast Sword] and [Black Hair Mania], which is a small celebrity. At this time, I was recognized by many people.

This is what many people have not thought of. The former martial arts of the third and fourth grades have now become the top powerhouses of the hurricane, enough to influence the fate of the empire... Why is the miracle staged on the shampoo people over and over again? Many people can't help but think of the demon god.

"Ah..." At this time, there was a scream in the sky.

It was the opponent of the bard Materazzi, who saw his companions die in succession, fear in his heart, no war, no care, was turned into a water arrow by Materazzi, hit the chest , suddenly **** shots, handcuffs chest, the funeral dog generally escape, do not dare to fight again!

The battle ended temporarily.

The cheering sound of the tremor came to an abrupt end.

Above the enemy building of Nanchengmen, there is silence.

Even the most optimistic Zenit aristocrats did not think that the final result of the 12-month-old powerhouse was actually a one-sided situation.

I didn't expect the victory to come so suddenly, it was a little unbelievable.

"Ha ha ha ha, miscellaneous people, aren’t you clamoring to destroy me Zenit? Come and come, another wave, Lao Tzu will kill you all together!"

Drogba and Pierce are both the mainstays who watch the excitement and see the enemy arrogant. The natural performance is more arrogant than the enemy. Two people stand in the void, proudly provocative, and look like they are owing. The statue of the **** is like a big **** with a tail lifted, and there is no such thing as a strong master. So that Inzaghi and Deisler, who were close to the two people, quietly moved out and said that they did not know this. Both are great.

However, this gesture made the soldiers on the city sneer, and the fear and tension that had been overwhelming in people's minds, because of the performance of the two great cockroaches, the time disappeared.

In the sky, 16 seniors in the moon are embarrassed. For a while, no one dares to rush. The strength and fighting skills of the six Zenit people have made them unable to see the depth. If you go up, you might die.

Dali Sandro's pupil suddenly shrank, so the scene made him feel the accident, he can naturally see the true strength of the top six Zenit moon-level powerhouses, but the opponent's precise control of the vindictiveness The subtlety of ability and martial arts has shocked the second disciple of the martial arts, which is clearly the shadow of the martial arts of the ancient gods and gods that Maradona has been rehabilitating for hundreds of years.

Feeling slightly sinking, Dali Sandro did not look at the bullets incessantly, six invisible swords, quietly rushed toward the six Zenit strongmen.

This is the killer!

With the strength of his great day, he suddenly secretly shot and attacked, and others could not detect it.

Even Drogba and Pierce didn't notice it at first. When they felt that the terrible strength was coming, the reaction was too late, and the invisible sword suddenly showed a terrible air. The six people only felt instantly involved. Stinging, body cracking, bone marrow pain, the whole person seems to be blasting, but can not escape.

The sickle's sickle has already caught the neck of Zenit's six strong men in an instant, and as soon as you pull it gently, the six will fall.

Materazzi and Sutton looked so sharp, they wanted to scream, but they couldn’t speak, and Drogba, but they were not afraid, and even did not struggle to resist the swordsmanship. It seems to be dependent.

Sure enough, the next moment, when the six swords are about to break into the six-person body, six transparent and invisible strengths, do not know where to appear, can not be blocked in front of the six people, 12 foreigners are difficult The terrible power of detection, in this moment, unfolds a silent confrontation, and a stock of darkness flows toward all sides. The dangers are like the dark waves, and when they are careless, they will suddenly smash the sky.

Finally, after a ten-second offset from the evenly beaten bite, all the power disappeared.

The six strong men only feel that the skin that makes their skin hurt and the bones are broken, like the tens of thousands of steel needles, finally disappeared. The six backs are sweating at the same time, and they want to collapse and know themselves. Just danced with the **** of death, and the brutality of it was not enough for outsiders.

"I don't know which one is the best in the world?"

Sutton and Materazzi are screaming in their hearts, and they also have a glimmer of hope. If there is a strong man who can resist Dali Sandro standing on the side of Zenit, then the empire may be able to escape one today. Robbery, otherwise, even if the six of them killed the opponent's six seniors before the six, it is just drinking and quenching thirst, can not control the final situation.


In the sky.

Dali Sandro's pupils shrunk and his heart was shocked.

"In the Zenit camp, how can you still hide such a master? Is this impossible? Even if it is the entire northern region, there is no strong person who can compete with me. I remember that before going down the mountain, Shizun once said that the world is Big, able to fight with me, only a few old monsters!"

Reluctantly suppressing the shock in his heart, Dali Sandro's performance is not moving, his eyes are swept over the wall, and he wants to find the man who secretly shot, but he has nothing to gain. On the wall of St. Petersburg, even a strongman of the month No, let alone a great-day sage who can pose a threat to himself.

He carefully recalled the scene just now, vaguely feeling that the strength of the person who secretly shot should be under himself, and his heart was slightly safe.

"You, you, you...you six, shot the big mice for the seat..." Dali Sandro ordered the six seniors around him. The strength of these six is ​​better than the opposite. The strengths of the six Zenit strongs are higher. One-on-one killing of the opponent should not be a problem, but in the next moment, he suddenly changed his mind and waved: "You should take the shot together and deal with such a group that don't know how to live and die." Rats don't have to obey the rules of the military duel!"

Sixteen seniors are actually waiting for this sentence.

Since you are a second disciple of the martial arts in the mainland, you are not afraid of being a shame. We naturally don’t care. In any case, it is the most important thing to keep your life. We are plundering the magic stone of the treasure. Not to be desperate.


Sixteen seniors, like hungry locusts, rushed toward the opposite side.

"Shameless, mean and shameless!"

"Where is the dignity of the warrior going? Shameless, shameless!"

Above the city wall, whether it is an ordinary soldier or a noble aristocrat, all of this scene is angrily screaming. In the Azeroth continent where the strong is respected and the warrior is supreme, such a scene is absolutely a slap in the face.

However, the condemnation of the weak is pale and powerless.

Everything, to no avail.

"Hahaha, come on, Lao Tzu wants to kill a big one today." Drogba and Pierce were not afraid, but excitedly laughed, a singularly strange, like the stars, far away, deep and mysterious vicissitudes of the call, from them The body spread, and a pale gold square box dripped and slid out of their bodies.

This is the armored vestment of the second generation of the Golden Saints after the evolution of the [madman laboratory].

The box opens automatically and blooms with golden brilliance. A golden male sacred cow and a golden goat with a knives bent like a knife rush out from the box, and then disassemble it, turning it into countless golden spots. Usually cast to the body of Drogba and Pierce.

Between the golden masterpieces, the golden light spots became the various components of the gold armor. Lightning was generally shrouded in these two large-sized strong men. In a twinkling of an eye, a set of strange shapes and gold flowing with mysterious power Armor, appearing on both of them, this gold armor, regardless of shape or structure, is different from any style of armor known on the Azeroth continent, closely covering every key and joint in the human body. The part, but it does not appear bloated and heavy, but like a part of the human body, full of artistic atmosphere and beauty, the two shampoos in the golden armor, as if they were instantly turned into a demon god, the body is stunned and cannot be looked up.

In the meantime, the power of the two strong men fluctuated and rocketed like a rocket.

The space behind the two people instantly darkened, like the vast and mysterious space of the universe, which was addictive, and the stars shining with silver and silver suddenly flashed up to form the pattern of Taurus and Capricorn, and turned into a totem. , 篆 printed behind the two strong.

This sudden scene has eclipsed the heavens and the earth, making everyone in the world even more jaw-dropping.

People, including Dali Sandro, can't understand what this scene in front of them means.

Almost at the same time, Inzaghi and Deisler also completed the same scene of the sacred call, Inzaghi summoned the Gemini gold vest, four invisible shadows, hidden behind him, one Desperate, and Dessler summoned the Virgo's gold sacred garment. He crossed his legs and sat quietly in the void, holding a string of golden rosaries in his hands, closing his eyes and whispering in his mouth. A strange melody, like a drunk, like a dream.

In comparison, Sutton and Materazzi have lost a lot of color. The two have just ended a big battle. The exhausted temper has not fully recovered. Sutton is okay. He has a soldier from Sun Fei in his hand. Under the hair, the momentum is arrogant, Materazzi can only fight against the scalp!

Booming and banging!

In the meantime, the earth-shattering energy hits the sound of the blasting and resounds throughout the world.

The six strong men of the Zenit confronted the oncoming 16-level invaders. The two sides did not have any reservations. The first shot was a deadly killing, and the strongest strength broke out. At the moment of the handover of the soldiers, the four strong men wearing the golden sacred clothes showed an incredible battle, almost in an instant, and they blasted an opponent...

At the same time, at the same time, a golden streamer shot from the city of St. Petersburg, with the strength of the four gold Saint Seiya, a 30-year-old man with a strong face, long flames, gold armor, shining Jinguang, in an unrivalled state, was strongly inserted into the battle group!

"Flash - electricity - light - speed - punch!"

The mysterious man who joined the battle group is unparalleled and has a broken drink. For example, the mighty and majestic golden lion has a deadly roar, and his teeth are cold.

As soon as he got out of the box, countless lightning bolts burst out from his fist and instantly turned into a thick plasma silver snake, which drowned the distant battle group instantly. The speed of punching was faster than the speed of light. Far beyond the reaction speed of the general warrior, only a scream of screams came out. There were six moon-level strongmen who followed Dali Sandro between the punches, and they were hit by the light-intensive fists. In the middle, it was directly blasted, and it turned into a fluffy blood mist. It exploded in the air, blood and water flew, and the bones fell...

The city of St. Petersburg is cheering.

Everyone can see that the golden lion is generally an irresistible strongman, standing on his side, the gold armor on his body, and the previous [black hair madness] and other four gold saints from Chambord City. The fighters are generally the second, they all exude a vicissitudes of mysterious and vast atmosphere, obviously also a strong city of Chambord.

"It was the first master of the former Champa City, Frank Lampard."

Under the enemy building of the city, the purple girl purple flame standing next to the princess said softly. Her strength has grown to the peak of the seven-star, faintly able to capture the traces of the electric phoenix in the battle group, recognize the identity of the burly red-haired man who joined the team.

The princess is slightly frowning.

The great emperor Arshavin faced the armor of Dali Sandro, who was not in a mess, and heard a slight tremble.

The two of them were among the upper aristocrats in the entire empire. They first saw the original state of Chambord. At that time, Frank Lampard, the first master of Champa, was only a three-star warrior. In their eyes, the small size is like a locust in the gutter. The so-called nickname of the first master is more like a smile of the weak self-entertainment. It is simply a person living in two worlds.

Now, even ordinary soldiers who do not move martial arts can see that the strength of Frank Lampard has reached an unfathomable level, even in the midst of this earth-shattering battle of the mighty moon. It is also standing out, the golden lion's fangs flashing cold, under the lightning speed of speed, there is almost no enemy.

"His strength, I am afraid that it is already on the edge of the big Japanese level, and you need one step, you can achieve the promotion... It is terrible, such strength growth rate, I am afraid that no less than the shampoo king himself!" Purple girl Purple flames can not help but sigh, this is the instinct of the military.

He knows that all these reasons must be related to the shampoo king.

But all the warriors who follow the king of Chambord will grow at a horrible speed. Frank Lampard and Drogba are not examples. Chris Sutton and the kid named Lu Fei, It is also very illustrative.

"Long live Zenit!"

"Long live the eternal life of the empire!"

"Invincible! Invincible! Invincible! Invincible! Invincible! Invincible!"

A **** scene, the mythical battle for ordinary people, the invincible posture of the strong wave of the shimmering gold armor, the thrill of blood and white bone splash, the mourning of the enemy and the martial arts of the enemy. Amazing laughter...

The dramatic visual impact of this scene in the morning of desperation caused the Zenit people in the city to fall into madness. Even the aristocrats who were high on weekdays, for a moment, forgot to be with ordinary people around them. With laughter, shoulder-to-shoulders and hands-on-handedly cheered for the gold soldiers!

Just in this cheer, things that made countless people even more crazy happened.

But I don't know when, in the sky, there are a few more figures, standing in the void.

Some people have already recognized this, among them, "The Son of the Wind" Torres, "Split One Finger" Cech, [Cyclone Knife] Robben, [Giant] Oleg, etc., have been exposed in the Empire Theater Competition. The strong, there are also young gods Garcia, a few white-haired old-age seniors and other strange strong.

These people did not participate in the battle, but they watched the battle.

They showed a strong atmosphere and stagnation of the void, indicating a strong strength and also indicating their position.

This is the strongest of the Zenit Empire.

The scene is gradually moving towards a situation that nobody thought of before.

At least in the number of strong, the Zenit Empire is no longer at a disadvantage.

Moreover, even ordinary soldiers who do not have martial arts can see that in the midst of a shocking war, although the number is at a disadvantage, the shrines of the Champa City wearing gold armor have shown the destruction. The strength, especially the red-haired man who appeared in the later golden lions, was invincible. Under the double fists, no opponent could support a round and was beaten into blood and blood plasma!

"How could this be?"

In the midst of the war, in the twinkling of an eye, there are only less than seven or eight people who follow the Dali Sandro. The ones are all broken, and there is no slightest intention. This is simply a pothole. Ah, please don’t say that the good Zenit people don’t have a monthly powerhouse? Why are there so many now, and one by one is so ferocious... If you know this before, even if there is a big **** of Dali Sandro, they will never come down!


A month-old powerhouse screams.

He gave up the strength of feeding, and finally escaped from the battle circle and flew in the direction of Dali Sandro, but he was caught up by a lightning bolt behind him. Lampard’s lightning speed beats this. Lost the opponent of fighting spirit.

The sky was flashing, and the remaining five seniors fled like a mourning dog, bloody, like a nightmare, horrified, pale, they have been scared, including One did not even know the direction, and plunged into the city of St. Petersburg...

Above the wall, cheers and laughter are mixed together, like a mountain tsunami.

In the distance, in the sky.

Dali Sandro's face is gloomy, and he can't figure out why a small first-class empire can suddenly show such a powerful force. This is not in line with common sense. Other foundations are nothing but temporary. Zenit is enough to become a five or six empire.

Especially those who are wearing the gold armor of the month, mastered some of the lost martial arts in the era of the ancient gods and demon, the illusion of illusion when the summoning of the armor, which makes Dali Sandro shocked, which is beyond the ordinary The category of the strongman of the month, in these strong people, faintly revealing a trace of divinity, this is the most terrible place.

"These people should not be the people of the Zenit Empire. But what forces are there such powerful and terrible fighters? They actually intervened in the dispute between me and the Zenit Empire. Is it to be with Wushan Mountain in my mainland? enemy?"

Dali Sandro was secretly vigilant, slowly improving his strength, slowly approaching, and asked aloud: "Who are you? How dare you intervene in the Wusheng Mountain in mainland China, is it necessary to be an enemy of my teacher Maradona?" ”

At this time, on the opposite side, the battle has ended. None of the 16 seniors of the month can escape their lives. All of them are chased and killed, and they are murdered by Huang Quan. The greed and flattery of the moment makes these strong people who can claim to be one domain. We paid the heaviest price.

This is the natural law of the Azeroth continent from the law, the strong and respected, hunting and anti-hunting, only the real strong, can survive in this cold and cruel world.

All Zenit moon-level powerhouses have slowly concentrated, centered on Frank Lampard, wearing the Leo Gold Saint Cloth, and lined up in a void before the St. Petersburg city. .

Materazzi and Sutton are the most embarrassed, with many scars on their bodies, but they are not fatal injuries. The blood is stained with red clothes. However, the two eyes are still sharp and eager to try. Obviously the battle just gave them no Less inspiration, especially the first bard of the empire, Materazzi, has long been plagued by the fact that the upper level of the new moon can not survive. Today’s death, he helped him break through the bottleneck and entered the half-moon class. The sequence is a blessing in disguise.

Drogba and other gold Saints also have scars, but compared to the first two, it is a lot lighter, are some shallow scars.

The second generation of gold saints made of black iron essence and demon bones, which incorporates the **** rune technique mastered by the Madman Lab, combined with the guardianship of the power of the stars, and the blacksmith Chasi casting technology. Improved, with extremely amazing defense, can protect the body of the Saint Seiya to the greatest extent, even if it is directly hit by the opponent of the same level, it can block 90% of the damage, which is also the ability of Drogba and others. In the group battle, only the main reason for attacking and defending the Quartet is to attack and defend.

"Oh, it’s ridiculous! Your Wushen’s second disciple’s great tone, not only compiled a big lie, but also smashed my king, and forced it to pull the city from above the mainland, and let the imperial royal family pay. The cost of bleeding, how, now, to the point where the soldiers meet, but do not know my warriors in Chambord?"

Lampard sneered and asked.

This is the first time that this taciturn genius warrior has said so many words.

"What? Are you all the people of Shampoo?"

Rao is Dali Sandro's deep heart and disappointment, but at this moment his face is extremely shocked. He didn't think at all that what he got was actually the answer. This is simply too outrageous. Is this world messy? How can a small subsidiary country have such a daunting strength?

"Why, are you afraid now?" Drogba sneered, holding his fist, and was not good.

Dali Sandro’s pupil suddenly shrank. He paused. He suddenly thought of something. His look changed and he laughed. “I really didn’t think that Chambord had such strength. It’s really to let this seat eat. Amazed, but, hahaha, this should be your full strength? The strongest warriors have come to defend the royal family in St. Petersburg, I am afraid that this time, the city of Chambord is empty? Hahaha!"

Among the laughter, it is full of sarcasm and ridicule.

Assassin's prisoner, Oleg's eyes turned, pretending to be a shocked expression, and exclaimed: "You... what do you mean?"

Dali Sandro's smug look, sneer: "I am afraid that this time, the city of Chambord has turned into a **** sea. Everyone, including every member of the royal family, regardless of men, women and children, has been exhausted. Killed, haha, it’s so smart, it’s being clever...”

Oleg trembled like a stunned stunned man, screaming loudly and asking: "What do you mean, you sent people to Chambord City? You are despicable..."

"Ha ha ha ha ha," Dali Sandro laughed incomparably, and it was hard to hide his smugness in his voice. He laughed: "This seat has already taken another person to go to the city of Chambord. A big-day honourable person is leading the team. This kind of truth, wanting to slaughter an empty city without the strong guardian, is easy, hahaha, this is the end of the enemy!"

Speaking of this secret, Dali Sandro is ready to appreciate the pitiful expression of the panic of the opponents.


"Hah, hahahaha, hahaha, laughing at me!"

"Auntie, it’s ridiculous to die, oh, no, laughing stomach hurts!"

"Haha, this... this stupidity... Also... dare to be my enemy? Hahahaha!"

Dali Sandro waited for a sneer voice from more than a dozen seniors on the opposite side, especially Drogba and Pierce. The tears of laughter came out quickly, and the exaggeration was exaggerated. At the end of the day, the Assassin's Prisoner Oleg can't hold it anymore, patted the thighs and laughed, while laughing and wiping his tears.

A group of looks like you saw a super funny clown performing.

"Damn, you guys, low-lying mice, what are you laughing at? What are you laughing at?" Dali Sandro was furious, a feeling of not too good, coming up from his heart.

Opposite, a group of people until the laughter is almost the same, the young gods Garcia only resisted the impulse of laughter, and handed out a dark object, loudly: "You said that the big-day sage is strong, Is he?"

Dali Sandro reached out and touched the invisible force. He took the black shadow out of the air and looked at it. He almost screamed out. This black shadow turned out to be the leader of his own way to Chambord. - Alberta, the great imperial powerhouse of the great Japanese level.

This is the absolute strongest who should have killed the Quartet. At this time, like a squid dog that has been smashed, it is soft and stunned. I don’t know how to live and die. The terrorist power that is enough to move the mountain has disappeared. People, there is no violent power.

The indescribable surprise and fear of the moment occupied the mind of the second disciple of Wu Sheng.

He calmed his face and released a hint of strength into the body of Alberta. He observed carefully and found that the vindictive passage in the absolute strong body was completely destroyed. An indescribable horrible ice and heat alternated. , constantly destroying the body of Alberta, his body space has been completely destroyed, the power of the big Japanese level is not left, and the strength is completely destroyed. Even if the gods come to the world, it is impossible to help restore their strength. .

A strong person who is a great-ranking person, who stands at the top of Azeroth's mainland food chain, has been turned into a dead man.

“Who did this do?” Dali Sandro snarled.

The killing in his heart has been difficult to conceal. He has already perceived it. Defeat the strongman of Alberta. The strength is lower than him. It is not enough to worry about it. It is just that the strength and potential of Chambord City shocked him.

At this moment, for the first time, he regretted to provoke the enemy of the shampoo king, but everything has already happened. Then he regrets that nothing will be done. He can only make mistakes and wrongly, and use the Thunder method to completely eliminate the roots. Otherwise, wait until the city of Chambord really grows. I am afraid that my last days will come.

"The mice, you, really irritated me, completely angered me, all give me death!"

When the voice fell, Dali Sandro completely broke out of his great strength in the scorching sun. An indescribable terrorist force broke out from his body that was not a tall and burly. The power element between heaven and earth became violent. As a result, the invisible transparency lingers in the void, and even the rules of the heavens and the earth seem to be slowly changing.

Such a horrible power, as if Daly Sandro became the center of the world.

Become a demon who can't win and can't look up.

Opposite, in addition to Lampard's reluctance to stand still, other moon-level powerhouses squirting blood back and forth, like a small seesaw on a stormy night, and are swallowed up at any time. Danger, before such power, the monthly powerhouses are as powerful as the insects facing the dragons.

"Ha ha ha ha, a group of ignorant poor worms, thinking that killing a few months of strong, can you provoke the dignity of this seat? Well, this seat will let you know now, the gap between the ants and the dragon, It can never be made up!"

Dali Sandro was laughing, only slightly pinching a handprint.

Suddenly, even Lampard could not stand steadily. The gold vest of Leo could not provide more protection. His mouth spurted blood, and the sound of broken bones came from the body. The whole person was like a sandbag thrown out. Fled out.

Lampard has already stepped into the realm of the great-day sage, but still has no resistance, let alone other people. Under the power of the slap, there is no self-reliance, like a hurricane. The rice paddy generally flies out in all directions, and the strength is slightly lower, such as Materazzi and Sutton, and they fainted directly...

The heavens and the earth are shaking, and they are trembled by the terrible power of Dali Sandro.

Guarding the orange mask of St. Petersburg [the guardian of the goddess of the earth], the guardian surrounded the emperor did not know how many years, supported by countless magic arrays and a large number of magic stones, but under the influence of Dali Sandro’s power fluctuations Like a fragile eggshell, it breaks down and quickly annihilates in the void.

The cracks in the ground cracked, the cracks on the wall were spreading, the heavens and the earth were eclipsed, and the rising sun just seemed to be afraid of the power of the big man of this demon god, quietly hiding under the gloomy lead cloud. The darkness struck, and the light between the heavens and the earth quickly disappeared.

This is simply not the level of manpower that can be achieved.

Even if there are millions of troops, in the face of such power, I am afraid that it will disappear in an instant.

In the city, hundreds of ordinary soldiers, because they can't resist the pressure of such power, they are broken and cracked, like muddy, and they are turned into a **** mud. They fall from the city, and in the distance, the city of St. Petersburg does not know how to stand. For many years, the magic tower, which has a powerful magician sitting in the town, has gradually collapsed and faltered because of the impact of power.

Under the enemy building of Nanchengmen, all kinds of magic and fighting spirits flashed, and Philip strengthened the magical light, resisting the pressure of this terrorist force, and the royal family, such as the Great Emperor, the Princess, and Paris. Protection is in it. It is impossible to retreat at this time. Everyone in the mask is running with strength and biting his teeth.

Behind Paris, the mysterious man shrouded in the black cloak hesitated, and eventually did not shoot.

The situation is precarious.

The screams and mournings rang.

The wall was shaking, it was about to collapse, and there was a muddy mud in the cracks in the distance.

The Zenit people are desperate. I didn't expect to have so many strong people. I still can't resist the second disciple of Wu Sheng. This result is desperate and can't see the light!

"Ha ha ha, today, at the time of the demise of the Zenit Empire, the Zenit royal family, from then on, will disappear from the mainland!"

Dali Sandroha laughed.

For many days, because of the gloom in the hands of the sea **** Kluivert, it was finally vented at this time. This kind of control, control, and grasp the thrill of life I have become the master of heaven and earth.

Suddenly, at this time -

"A big tone, stumble to see, how do you let the Zenit royal family disappear."

A majestic and domineering voice suddenly rang from the distant Zenit Palace, piercing the invisible power fluctuations between the heavens and the earth, and it was extremely clear to be heard by everyone, that is, at the moment when the sound appeared, the earth The tremors ceased, and the clouds over the emperor disappeared, and the elements of heaven and earth returned to normal. The power that annihilated everything fluctuated, bounded by a hundred meters outside the imperial capital, and bounded by the north, all disappeared.

"What person?" Dali Sandro bounced.

Among the sudden sounds, there is a power that makes him feel scared.

The answer to him is ‘龙’!

Countless golden dragons.

Noble and majestic, like the emperor's general power of the world, centered on the central palace of Zenit, unstoppable spread, the golden spirit of the imperial spirit began to permeate, and the golden dragons swam from the palace. The sound of the dragon's gongs resounded through the heavens and the earth, and the dragon became the power of the heavens, and it was attacked by Dali Sandro.

"what is this?"

Daly Sandro’s heart was stunned. He stood in the darkness of the void, behind him was a cloud of clouds and broken land. He held his handprints in his hands, and a force of arrogance rushed out, forming numerous handles. The 100-meter-long giant sword turned into a streamer and went to the dragon.

Between the heavens and the earth, in a short moment, time seems to be stagnant, and everything solidifies.

The next moment -

Booming and banging! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

The power fluctuations that swept the heavens and the earth burst open in the void, and the space was torn apart like thin paper. Numerous black space cracks appeared like monsters, releasing the horrible suction, the rocks on the earth and The floods were all inhaled, and the whales swallowed the world, and the whole world seemed to collapse and collapse.

The power of the natural laws of the heavens and the earth constantly repairs the cracks in the space, and the black giant mouth disappears continuously, and it continues to appear. It repeats and waits until the bursting force fluctuates slowly and calmly, and finally disappears slowly.

From beginning to end, there is an invisible force that protects the city of Zenit. All the power of destruction, after a distance of 100 meters from the city of Zenit, will be like a sprinkling of snow, disappearing instantly, in this terrible power. Among the aftermath of the burst, Zenit City did not move.

The smoke scattered.

Dali Sandro was shocked and shocked. In the void, he was shaken back a hundred meters.

Opposite, a burly blue-haired middle-aged man, standing quietly in the void, bursting into a war between the eyes, like a demon, dusty, towering, can not look up, in the moment of emergence, robbed The style belonging to Dali Sandro has become the center of everything in heaven and earth, and has become the only protagonist between heaven and earth.

"Is... the father?"

Chengtou, the great emperor lost his voice and exclaimed, his face was incredible, and the long princess Natasha was a reassuring expression.


The first is more.


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