Hairpin Phoenix

Chapter 708: Extra placement

  Chapter 708 The placement of the extra side

   Xingyang Palace.

   After Lu Lin left the palace, he slowly rode his horse back to the palace, and when he was far away, he saw a familiar man waiting at the main entrance.

   This figure is tall and has the courageous spirit unique to generals. A pair of eyes, as sharp as a falcon, flashed a cold light in the dark night.

   is the righteous son Lu Fei.

   "Foster father," Lu Fei quickly greeted him, held the reins for Lu Lin himself, and reached out to help Lu Lin dismount.

  Lu Lin really drank a lot of wine tonight, but the cold wind blew away a lot of alcohol along the way. At this time, it was in a state of slight intoxication.

   The filial piety of the adopted son, Lu Lin accepted it with pleasure, and got off the horse with the help of Lu Fei.

  The strong smell of alcohol drifted into his nose. Lu Fei was a little amused: "Why does foster father drink so much wine in the palace?"

  Lu Lin said with a low chuckle, "The emperor personally poured wine for me, how could I do it if I didn't drink it."

  The feeling is that Weng and husband-in-law drink together.

   Even the adoptive father was drunk like this, Li Jing must be drunk.

  Lu Fei was kind and didn't joke about Li Jing's alcohol intake, and helped Lu Lin back to the yard. She personally waited for Lu Lin to change and sleep. As soon as Lu Lin lay down, the spirit of drinking poured out, and he couldn't help but talk more than usual.

"This time, I took the initiative to let the old soldiers return home, and the emperor was very moved. When drinking tonight, the emperor and I said a lot of heartfelt words, mentioned the late emperor and the dead Li Yi Li Chang, and cried a lot. Strangely distressing."

"The first emperor is famous, everything is good, but he is too confused in the inner house. He is flat to the serious first wife and direct son, but favors the mother and son of the Meng family, which inflates Li Yi's heart. As a result, it caused such a huge disaster. "

   "The son does not teach, the fault of the father. In such a situation, the late emperor has a spirit underground, and he should repent."

  Lu Fei whispered: "When it comes to raising children, the late emperor is far worse than the adoptive father."

  A father's kindness to his children does not need to be talked about all the time, just watch the action.

   The adoptive father loves Lu Mingyu the most, and he is also very kind to their adopted sons and daughters, and he takes everything to heart. Although they are not blood relatives, they are close to each other, trust each other, and are the most solid backing for each other.

   Lu Lin grinned happily when he heard these words: "That's true. My sons and daughters are more filial than each other. How could the late emperor have such a blessing."

  Lu Fei also laughed, sitting on the edge of the bed, covering his adoptive father with a quilt, and asked in a low voice, "Foster father, the emperor has not officially issued an decree. Can we delay the repatriation of the veterans to their hometowns?"

  Lu Lin glanced at Lu Fei: "Is there a commotion in the military camp?"

Lu Fei sighed helplessly: "Those who are over forty years old, I heard that they can receive a large amount of money to settle down and go back to their hometown to marry a daughter-in-law and have a son. They are all very happy. Some are unwilling to leave. They said that they have been away from home for many years. , I have no family at home, and I don’t want to go back.”

  Lu Lin thought for a moment and said, "Those who are willing to go back will be repatriated. Those who really don't want to go back must leave the Xingyang barracks first. They will be placed in the Lu family's farmhouse first, and then some will be sent to the manor as errands."

   The personal soldiers and stewards in the Lu Mansion basically came this way.

   Even if they are injured and can't do anything serious, the Lu family will always support them.

  Lu Lin ruled the army strictly, but it did not damage his prestige in the Xingyang army at all. It is precisely because of this kindness under strictness.

  Lu Fei nodded in response.

   Lu Lin said again with a smile: "The Anjia silver given by the imperial court will not be kept at all, but all of them will be given to them. In addition, take out the silver from our Lu residence and make up fifty taels of silver per person."

   "Don't say anything about it beforehand. Otherwise, those **** will all rely on them and refuse to leave."

  Lu Fei laughed dumbly and nodded in response. After a pause, he said in a low voice, "Foster father, in the future, we will only have 50,000 troops left in Xingyang. Are you really not worried about the future?"

Lu Lin and Yoshiko looked at each other and said slowly, "It's impossible to say that you're not worried at all. However, people can't give up eating because of choking. They are suspicious of this all day long, and they don't have to wait for the future. "

   "I also want to believe that Li Jing is a person who values ​​love and righteousness. His affection for Xiaoyu is not fake, and his respect for my father-in-law is also true."

   "I hope Li Jing won't disappoint me."

   Lu Fei's eyes flashed, and he said solemnly: "If he dares to lose the fourth sister, our Lu family will support the fourth sister!"

Lu Lin warmed his heart and patted the back of Lu Fei's hand with a smile: "It's good that you have this heart. Don't worry too much, Xiaoyu is not a soft persimmon that anyone can knead. Anyone who wants to bully her has to weigh her up first. Can you bear it?"

   This is true.

   Lu Fei grinned.


   The next day, the father and son returned to the Xingyang army camp together.

   Two days later, the emperor issued an decree to allow the middle-aged veterans of the Xingyang army to return to their hometowns. The court distributed fifty taels of silver to each person.

  Lu Lin took out his own money and made up fifty taels for each veteran. It adds up to one hundred taels per person. This sum of money is enough to go back to the hometown to build a few new houses and marry a daughter-in-law.

   Most of the veterans happily returned home with money. On the thick military book, the names that were ticked off one by one, adding up to more than 14,000.

   There are more than 1,000 veterans who refuse to leave. Half of these veterans are disabled. Some injured their legs, they couldn't even stand up, and they couldn't go back at all. Some of the injuries are minor, and the injuries are on the arm or body, and they can't do anything serious.

   This group of veterans was placed in the Lujia farmhouse, doing some light work, and receiving a salary every month, which was not too much, and it was enough to cover the belly.

  Some veterans have lost their relatives in their hometown and have nowhere to go, so they don’t want to go back to their hometown.

   There are some others, with all limbs and good health, just because they are used to staying in the military camp and don’t want to go back to their hometown to live the life of ordinary people.

   These veterans entered the Lu Mansion and became the Lu family's personal soldiers.

  Lu Lin picked out some particularly tough ones and sent them to Lu Mingyu's farm. There are not many people, about three hundred.

   However, these 300 veterans are all experienced and brave soldiers. Everyone can be a corporal, and it is no problem to lead ten or twenty new recruits.

   solemnly sent these three hundred veterans over, Lu Yi was overjoyed and thanked him again and again.

The   Prince Concubine's personal soldiers suffered a lot in Jiangnan before, and now they have added 300 veterans in, and they want to expand their troops, and they can recruit thousands of new soldiers immediately.

   smiled solemnly and said in a low voice, "This is what my father-in-law specially ordered me to send. Don't make any noise about this trivial matter."

  Lu Yi rubbed his fingers and replied with a smile: "Of course. Can I understand the truth of making a fortune in silence?"

  Prince Concubine's personal soldier, now it should be called the Queen's personal soldier. This army is not many, about 5,000. In terms of combat power, it can equal an army of 20,000 people.

   Moreover, this personal soldier is completely loyal to the Empress.

   Saying one thousand words and ten thousand, nothing is as stable and steady as having soldiers in hand.

   (end of this chapter)

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