Haiyan Heqing Four O’clock Days

Chapter 99: [Jiexue Winter Dream] Immediately this season is quiet and winter comes and rains

  Chapter 99 [Jinxue Winter Dream] Immediately at this time, quiet, peaceful winter, rain and snow two or three o'clock [Lidong·Fourth]

  The pheasant is also looking for the clam coast,

  Hot food is warm and smoky in the mouth.

  A sunny day with thin clouds,

  Three to five children gather in groups.


   is still the boundary of Lingnan. Compared with farming areas in the far sea, there are more seafood on the seashore.

  Baskets of clams are sent to the market-naturally not all of them are wild. Now people have mastered the breeding technology. In order to meet the needs of the Chinese people in China, many clams are cultivated artificially.

  Kyushu and Lidong visited a farm. The clams were separated by size and kept in different cement ponds with a roof.

  The feed for these farmed clams is actually the same as the food that wild clams usually eat. They are all seaweed from the sea. The difference between the two is roughly that these cultured clams "open their mouths with rice", they don't need to search for seaweed by themselves, and they don't need to avoid natural enemies.

  As for the source of this aquatic plant, a longer industrial chain has been derived. At this time, I have to admire the power of the people of China Shenzhou to fight against natural disasters!

  In the summer and autumn, the heat of the immortals is quite strong, sometimes uncontrolled, and the clouds and wind are considered flawlessly, which causes the typhoon on the seashore.

The typhoon rolled up the deep sea water weeds and was carried to the shore by the waves. When the typhoon subsided, people along the coast collected the water weeds, dried them in clear weather, and sold them when they caught up with the market. Income.

  The staff in the breeding factory warmly invited Kyushu to watch inside the factory. Staring at the clam with a colorful feather coat, Kyushu thought of a wild bird, the pheasant.

  Pheasants are actually pheasants, which are more beautiful than domestic chickens. Of course, they fly higher and can't fly for a long time. Not only does the pheasant's tail feathers have the same pattern as that of the clam, but both can be used as medicine.

  As a result, every winter, when the ancient people saw pheasants hiding, and the clams were all over the sea, they sighed, "Hey, pheasants are hard to catch, now they are all changed into clams!"

  Of course, Kyushu doesn’t know so much. The staff of the breeding plant joked when they saw Kyushu’s young age and Kyushu half. Although some may not be true, but at the same time it is interesting, it is also more knowledge.

The staff member who spread knowledge to Kyushu saw that Kyushu and his children were as old as their children. After work, they invited Kyushu and Lidong to his home to eat some special food. When his children were out of school, the children were together. Play for a while.

When they arrived at the staff’s house in the breeding plant, the chicken, duck, and fish meat were all over the table, especially at the southern coast, which weakened the power of the gods at the Four Seasons. A warm water vapor still evaporated, which filled the room.

  The staff invited Kyushu and Lidong to taste it quickly, and went to the yard to pick some fruits that grow all the year round in southern countries, put a pot full and put it on the table, let Kyushu quickly taste it while it was fresh.

  While talking, the staff's child returned home from school and took the classmates to an appointment to swim on the beach.

  As soon as the child entered the door, he saw Kyushu, who was invited by his mother, and asked about his age, and found that it was a younger sister who was a few months younger than him.

  The child discussed with his classmates, and changed the original plan, planning to dig out some water guns, water polo and other things, instead of doing the dangerous gameplay of "riding the wind and breaking the waves".

   got permission, took the new friend he just met, and rushed to the shore not far away.

  Kyushu is also rare to play with children of the same age in China China Shenzhou. The child has a cheerful personality, and within a few minutes, a group of children are happy to play.

   Knowledge link: [related knowledge mentioned in this chapter (including some extensions)]

     Lidong Sanhou

    ① The three-phase pheasant enters the big water as a scorpion: the pheasant is the pheasant, the scorpion is the clam, and the big water refers to the ocean.

     Lidong Customs

    ①Eating hot food: eating chicken, duck and fish (Southern)

     other related

    ① Breeding clams: Not all clams are raised in the original ecology. This is only to quote the abalone breeding that the author saw in the south ten years ago.

    ②Pheasants: Wild pheasants belong to the national second-class protected animals, and it is illegal to prey on them. Please also purchase artificially raised pheasants from regular channels.

    ③Safety reminder: fire and water are merciless, please pay attention to safety when a typhoon arrives.

    [Part of the information comes from the Internet, and is made by self-integration and interpretation]



  (End of this chapter)

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