Hakai no Miko

Episode 49 Training

Darius, who worshipped the suppression of the slave revolt in Bornis over King Holmea, went to the garrison of the National Army on the outskirts with its legs down the castle.

What surprised me about this was the general who had been entrusted with the garrison. Even so, the opponent is a former general, even though he has retired. It's all about his background, his family, his age, and his footing. He jumped up and was surprised, he popped out to pick him up with at least a cape for the costume to at least fit in, but Darius walked out of the garrison with the generals on his ass when he just said "get out of the way".

The generals, realizing that what lies ahead is the sleeping barracks of the general soldiers, rush to retreat, but Darius drives the generals away with a "no mouth to mouth" word.

Darius opens the nearly broken door of the barracks by his hand and enters the dim indoors.

"Bogus is here!?"

Darius's voice echoed in the barracks where the simple sleeping quarters lined up narrowly.

To the sudden visit of Darius, a middle-aged man advances from among the slightest soldier, who has grown a mustache and mowed his sesame head short. If this isn't a National Army barracks, it's a rough looking man that can only be seen by the heads of these bandits.

He is an ancient Ginseng soldier who used to bring up the general soldiers under Darius.

"This is it, my Lord General. What the hell are you doing in a pigshack like this?

The reaction of the soldiers who were inside the barracks was divided into two streets. The relatively young soldiers, who had never expected a grand aristocratic general to visit their own barracks, which they both admitted to being garbage, remained consolidated in surprise. But the ancient Ginseng soldiers, who once fought under Darius's command, skipped the field saying, "Are we pigs!?", "The pig shed is better," etc.

"I'm not a general anymore. - But as always, above all."

"Well, excuse me, my lord general. Well, humans don't change that much."

"That must be it."

It seemed nostalgic, Darius, who loosened his expression all the time, but quickly turns it into something harsh.

"Have you heard about Bornis?

"It's, well..."

That's all Darius wanted to say, Bogus continued.

"Do you want me to let you do something?

"I'm going to organize a crusade, but I want you to lead about two squadrons."

"I don't mind, but the noblemen don't look good again."

From Darius's mouth, it looks like he's forming a unit to do some special assignment and trying to get that captain to himself. But a force that carries out those special tasks is that easy to handle. For the aristocratic officers who want to raise their hand, it's a role they want so much that they can get their hands out of their throats. They will never look good if they expose it to civilian outcasts.

"I don't mind. You don't have to get in the mood of a kid who mistakenly thinks his blood muscles can fight."

"Ha... But it's this way that the grievances are directed."

"That's why I'm asking you. You know how to behave like such an idiot."

Since Darius was gloriously active as a general, he had used this Bogus heavily for something. That didn't just buy the measure admired by the gallbladder and general soldiers of his men, who also utter clotheless remarks against Darius the Great Noble. Above all, I was buying it because of its sobriety, relaxing harassment from the aristocratic superiors Darius had chosen to use it heavily.

"Well, that's right. - So, why bother taking you so far? If that's all you want to talk about, you can do it after you're organized, right?

"Then it's too late. I want you to do it right away."

With that said, Darius widened the map of western Holmea that he had left with his squire and told him the details of his detailed assignment. Besides, Bogus makes a face that says he understands the content but doesn't fall for it.

"Heh, I see. But would Zoan do that? I've never heard anything like that before."

"If you're wasting your legs, that's fine. Then it's just a twist."

If Darius is aware of it, there is no denying it to Bogus. I bow my head gently so that I stick my neck out and say, "I understand."

"You will be responsible for the selection of the soldiers you lead. I will speak to the men of the army about their uniforms and their food. Do whatever you want."

"Well, there is."

Bogus looked back at the soldiers who were listening to their conversation and said with a high voice.

"Hear that, you bastards! Old man, I will decorate the last flower path of His Excellency the short ex-general with victory!

A voice of endorsement shook up the barracks.

◆ ◇ ◆ ◇ ◆

In the flat east of Bornis, the sound of a drum echoes.

Along with it, the earthquake footsteps roared along with a number of anger-like shouts. Nearly a thousand Zoans are raising their shouts and footsteps.

And a short distance from the Zoans, the Dwarves and Dinosaurians were watching the sight.

Towards them like that, Gallum shouts up his specialty.

"Okay! Like now, beating the drum hard, more and more in a row is the signal of the assault. Next, slap the waiting drum!

In the wake of Gallam's words, the drums held by the shrug who was following him are sounded more and more. Then the Zoans who were running stopped perfectly.

"This is the signal to wait. - Then everyone actually join us!

To the words of Gallam, Dwarf and Dinosaurians walk out and into the midst of the Zoans. After making sure they were all there, Gallum says out loud.

"Okay, here we go!

With that in mind, Shru starts beating the drum.

What they were doing was training to unify the Decree.

Until now only Zoan was able to obey the Ethereal Horse. But now that we have attacked Bornis and absorbed the freed slaves into our own forces, we are pressed to unify that decree as soon as possible.

The clap of drums used for that decree adopted Zoan's as is. The Zoans, who lived on a wide plain, had a surprisingly diverse array of information to convey just a combination of drum-beating claps. Of course, not everyone can suddenly remember all of that. Now he kept only two things thoroughly remembered: assault and waiting.

"It's plain, but I have to repeat it over and over and let my body remember it. In time, your body will move just by hearing the sound of a drum before you understand it with your head"

To the pale horse standing nearby, Garam, who so explained, gives instructions by hand. Then, Shru slaps the drum with a clap that means waiting.

Then Zoan and the others stopped right there. But the Dwarves and Dinosaurians, who still don't understand the drum signals, see Zoan's reaction, and then finally stop themselves, so they're really behind a few beats. In addition, when Garam let the drum clap of the same waiting again, now only Dwarf and Dinosaurian ran out reflexively to the sound of the drum as the Zoans did not move a single step, and were seen where there were sights such as stopping in a hurry.

"Well, we're just getting started. I don't have a choice."

The Ethereal Horse also smiled back at the bitter Galam.

An indiscreet voice can be thrown on the back of such a pale horse.

"Hey, kid"

It was on a flat rock, a short distance from the Ethereal Horses, a belly-crawling Dinosaurian warrior, Jaharngil Hetham Jarouge.

"The battle, yet?

The Ethereal Horse answers discipline to Jaharngil, who asks in a grumpy voice.

"Yes, I'm still waiting for a way out of the country called Holmea"


Jaharngill leaks his yawn by opening his big mouth with its fangs, as he says he is no longer interested. But after a while, he calls the Ethereal Horse a kid again and speaks up.

I don't even care about the Ethereal Horse who originally thinks he's a kid. But from Shahata, who was following him as his escort, there were some sinister signs similar to his intention to kill whenever the Ethereal Horse was called out for a kid. The Ethereal Horse answers discipline as he smiles bitterly and scoffs at Shahata.

"What is it?

Calling from himself, Jaharngil silenced for a little while as he searched for words, then said abruptly.

"I'm strong."

"... Really? That's what I hear."

In fact, from Garam and Zug, I was cautioned to be careful with this Dinosaurian warrior. The two people who believe that the Ethereal Horse is Zoan's strongest warrior keep their mouths shut and say, "When we're not together, never come near him," so I guess it's the old one.

"That's right. I'm strong."

You cared for the answer of the Ethereal Horse, Jaharngil roughed his nostrils wide open.

"Damn, what is he..."

Garam, who had heard such an exchange between the pale horse and Jaharngil on his back, said, diving his voice so that he could not be heard by the two of them. Besides, if you're so free, I can feel the anger of joining the training with the others.

And Zoog said with a frightened bitter laugh on his face.

"I seem to have admitted Lord Soma to some extent, but I guess I can honestly obey him because of what happened earlier. But you seem motivated."

"... what do you mean?

"Watch his tail."

Shru slaps the drum of the assault.

The tip of the tail is violently swinging back and forth.

Shru slaps the drum on the waiting list.

The intense tail movement stops perfectly. Then I swayed every bit and waited for my next drum.

"... I see"

Next to Garam, who shrugged so gently, he shrugged his shoulder like Zoog said "I guess I told you so". Gallum, whose epilepsy it somehow crippled, had a mean grin.

"That's right, experienced. You know what you used to be."

When Zoog was reluctant to follow the Ethereal Horse, Zoog blushes.

"Don't be stupid. I bought Lord Soma from the beginning. - Hey, shrug."

Yes, his uncle asked him to give his consent, and he put his finger on all of them, and thought about it for a while before saying:

"Sure, my uncle bought Lord Soma from the beginning. Anyway, I was looking forward to seeing how much I could bark at Lord Gallam if I took Lord Soma from Fang's family."

"... well. That's a very interesting story."

Gallum looks at Zoog.

"Shh, shrug! You betrayed me!

"Isn't it on your uncle who said that once you became Lord Gallam's deputy, you would not gain true trust if you set up Lord Gallam above your own family!

"Oh, that's..."

Exactly. I didn't know there was a sound. Shru, who missed his uncle, said, "How dare you!" But as I say, I show Gallum with a small chest, but Gallum said with his hand on his forehead whether he had a headache.

Everyone is waiting for the next instruction.

Even though the drums would not be beaten forever, the siblings looked up to see what had happened, and Shru rushed to beat the drums.

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