At this moment, Shakyamuni's body appeared, up and down his body, releasing dazzling Buddha light.

Seeing this, the perpetual motion mechanism smiled, put the sleeping Monkey King aside, and protected it with Lingge.

"Shakyamuni, you've finally appeared!"

Hearing this, Shakyamuni put his hands together.

"Good, why do you want to be persecuted to such a point, [Tiandong said], I have already made concessions, that half, I will no longer pursue it, why be aggressive?"

That half of the finalism was taken away, and he didn't make a move.

I didn't expect that [Fantasy] would chase after me to this point.

"Isn't it ridiculous to take care of the [Ultimaginary Theory] as a god or Buddha? It is impossible for [Tiandong Theory] to stay in the [Buddha Gate]!"

What is the face of the gods and Buddhas of the heavens, Chiba is clear.

Being able to take charge of the [Heavenly Movement Theory] is quite the initiative of the sun's sovereignty in his hands.

Even though the White Night King split the two goddesses, causing the day and night to be divided, even the sun was divided into twenty-four minutes.


She is still the star spirit of the strongest sun.

Whether it is the completion of human history, observation, or the construction of the box garden, everything is inseparable from the White Night King.


The White Night King is a key figure in the communication of human history.

In the future, even if the Hakowa World is about to be destroyed by the Godslayer, the Heavenly Gods and Buddhas must take the White Night King away.

Because, without the sovereignty of the sun, it is impossible to rebuild the box garden.

And staying in the Buddha Gate, the White Night King is just an ancient demon king who is under surveillance.

Chiba will not regard himself as a good person, if he wants to have a place in the box court, he must fight, and the White Night King is a character who must not let go.

"In other words... Isn't there any room for negotiation?"

Shakyamuni looked at the perpetual motion mechanism with a calm gaze.

"I may have misheard, Shakyamuni, are you trying to persuade [Finalism] to put down the butcher's knife?"

With both hands in one, the Buddha's light exploded instantly.


And it was this moment.

A sense of coercion struck suddenly.

In the endless starry sky, a gorgeous Buddha light burst out in an instant.

The entire starry sky turned into a mysterious golden pattern.

This is the Upanishads chart of the Buddha Gate.

At this moment, the perpetual motion mechanism was already in the [Three Thousand Worlds] of Shakyamuni.

Seeing this, the perpetual motion mechanism grinned.

"I see, would the gods and Buddhas also do such sneaky things?"

Obviously, before the arrival of the perpetual motion mechanism, Shakyamuni had made the arrangements.

I'm afraid that the other party has expected the Heavenly Emperor to be attacked.


He didn't say anything, probably in order to introduce the perpetual motion mechanism into his [Three Thousand Worlds].

If the Three Thousand Worlds want to exert their greatest power, they must be in the middle of it.

That's how Arger was defeated by Sakyamuni at the beginning, otherwise, with her identity as a star spirit and the power of petrification, it would not have been possible to simply defeat Sakyamuni.

"To deal with [Ultimateism], there is no need to be unscrupulous, and there is no chance of survival without compromising means!"

"Yes, it seems that the Emperor of Heaven has also become your pawn, sad!"

"No, that's his calamity!"

Hearing this, the perpetual motion mechanism's eyes narrowed slightly.

"So, have you counted your calamity?"

Shakyamuni's hands are in one.

"I've calculated, the catastrophe will be here, and I will resolve it!"

This moment

In the endless sky, the soft Buddha light shines on the earth and calms the people.

Then, at this time, I heard a kind of lingering singing.

It seems to be coming from out of the sky.

At first, it would be thought to be an illusion, but the sound of Buddha gradually became larger, surrounding the entire starry sky.

If Huang Zhong Da Lu is shaking, solemn, vast, wonderful, mysterious...

The perpetual mechanism looked up suddenly, and the ruby pupil saw a huge golden hand crushing down towards him.

Like a mountain peak, a powerful pressure instantly plunged the feet of the perpetual motion mechanism into the Buddha's light.

Then, right in his ears, it seemed that a six-character mantra came from the void.

"Hum, well, well, horn, mic, huh..."

The six-character mantra became louder and louder.

In just a few seconds, it is deafening and makes people's eardrums flutter.

- [Buddhism] mystery

Simulate the Star Creation Map - [Three Thousand Worlds].

Small world, seal!

"Hmph, is it another seal!?"

Seeing this, the perpetual motion mechanism just scoffed.

The big golden hand bombarded down, and it was only a few tens of seconds, and the outline of the hand was no longer visible.

It is enough to see that this palm is so huge, so huge that you can't even see the end.

Seeing this, the perpetual motion mechanism rose into the air in an instant.

Facing this big golden hand, he rushed forward.


He directly liberated his own personality.

Respond to Shakyamuni's military suppression with infinite energy.

The infinite Lingge exploded in an instant, like a laser, and slammed into the center of the palm.

In a flash.

An incredible shock was instantaneous, but the perpetual mechanism only faced it with a surplus.

The forces of the two sides competed for a few seconds, and the narrowed ruby pupils found a flaw in the golden hand.

"Hmph, Shakyamuni... It seems that the damage caused by my leader to you last time was not small, and he actually left this kind of flaw!"

The perpetual motion mechanism instantly reversed its body and rushed towards the flaw of the golden Buddha's hand with an invincible attitude.

Attacking its weakness with an infinite spirit personality, almost instantly, the Buddha's hand was defeated.

Then, the Infinite Spirit Personality instantly turned into a sharp light, like a starlight half flying out of the [Three Thousand Worlds].

And at this moment, beyond the starry sky of the box garden, there is a golden illusory outline.

The silhouette just sat quietly, releasing the light of the Buddha that calmed the common people up and down.

The big golden hand was just one of his arms.

The total length is completely immeasurable.

Compared to him, the stars around him were as small as ants.


The light of the Infinite Spirit was terrifying.

The rippling end-of-life damage went straight through the Buddha's arm.


Even Shakyamuni, who was incarnated as a Buddha, was wounded.

In the light of the Buddha, he was killed by the end and turned into bursts of black light.

Shakyamuni frowned.

"[Three Thousand Worlds] was broken through so easily... Even if you use the mystery of the [Box Boat], you still can't completely repair it!"

You can't keep your hand on the perpetual motion mechanism.

Any attack of the end-of-life theory cannot be casually hard-wired.

Because, in any of his attacks, there is a hidden god-killing nature, the heavenly Shakyamuni.

The big golden hand covered it again.

This time, it's even more violent than before.

The mystery of the three thousand worlds - the middle thousand worlds, reincarnation!

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