Before Balor became king, the Celts went through three invasions.

In order to save the clan from the invaders, the former king of the Vermore clan turned to the secret method of the stars that he guarded.

What was consumed at that time was the cauldron of the stars, the cause of the future destruction of human history, and the placenta that continued to spit out the black smoke that summoned death.

The overflowing black smoke killed the invaders one after another, once, twice, but the third time they came, there was no way to stop, and finally spread to the entire island of the far west. The leaders of the previous generations were also swept up and died at that time.

It's stupid. A weapon used to protect the clan, but it contains the power to destroy the clan, and they didn't notice it until they died.

Black smoke crossed mountains, crossed the sea, and even spread to neighboring countries. The young man Barol, who learned about this, sealed the source of destruction that spewed black smoke into his body, so as to clean up the situation.

And as a result, the Vermorians got their wish with two forces far superior to those capable of repelling the invaders.

The first is the power to manipulate new diseases.

The second is the pupil of death, which can deprive life just by looking at it.

With these two immense powers, the Vermore reduced the successive invaders to slavery, built prosperity, and gained the highest status among the giants.

However, knowing full well that this was only a temporary prosperity, Barol soon began to talk about peace policy. That is, the beginning of the exchange of civilizations.

However, when he had a daughter, he felt the curse in his body weaken.

At first, I was overjoyed that the curse was beginning to be lifted, but I soon realized that it was just a self-righteous misunderstanding.

Realizing that the curse of destruction was lodged in his daughter's body, Barol immediately called his wife, who had been a prophet, to divinate the future.

The result is that this is the star of destruction.

Barol understood that this was the fate of a race that had been tainted with the cause of destruction.

"Ahh "

A minority that should have been destroyed in the distant past.

The destructive power of the world-destroying cause sealed in that book, the leaders of the previous generations used it to protect themselves, and as guardians, they were no longer qualified.

The Star Land of the Far West is the land of trials.

Being struck by various natural disasters such as earthquakes, cold waves, and storms, and surviving on this grim land is itself linked to the salvation of the future of mankind.

Not to mention that it contains the end of extinction in the history of mankind.

Several invaders are just one of the trials.

But the forefathers gave up on this trial.

However, at the price.

The people of this place will live a bloody war.

No matter how much you dodge the struggle, the fate of using the power of eschatology will be entangled like ivy, tying the subject tightly and slowly killing.

However, as long as there is a pupil of death, it is possible to keep avoiding it.


Barol will continue to kill the descendants of a clan that will inevitably be destroyed by fate.

The end of the continuous killing of children and grandchildren is not the future, but eternal loneliness. It's just that a king has no point in simply living.

Thoughts and thoughts soon begin to freeze, ossify, live only for survival, and stagnate forever. This is just the end of people who do not have new ideas, new technologies, new challenges, and new creations.

The joy of holding my daughter in my arms for the first time.

It is still vivid today.

Never thought the Pupil of Death would be so irritating.

Certainly, there will be no eternity.

But I remembered my daughter's appearance in my eyes.

How beautiful the blonde is.

Blue eyes are as clear as the forests of their homeland.

His cheeks were as red as roses, and his smile was as bright as the sun.

In the depths of the Eyes of Death, Balor dreams of a happy future.

The joy of being alive as a human being, the desire of a human being to live as a human being, can only exist in the continuous chain of life and human history—the tears that flowed from the pupil of death made him understand this.

If a daughter can one day become a mother, educate her children, and grow old, he does not pray for happiness above that.

So... Just take a gamble.

Even if only one of the newborn triplets survived and stood in front of him.

If your grandson is the worst enemy to stop you.

At that time, I will accept the challenge as the greatest trial [eschatology].

Bear all the sins and neglects of the ancestors in this body, not as the successor of the stars, but as the [Enemy of the World] to block the front.

If these grandchildren can defeat themselves who have turned into demon kings.

He was convinced that that was the key to unlocking the curse of killing each other with his children and grandchildren.

This is the truth of the last days in which Barol became a Celtic myth.

In order to shoulder the future of Celtic mythology, he must incarnate himself as the final trial, for his descendants to cross.

Only by crossing his end-of-life theory can the Celtic myth have a future.

And the part of humanity that established the belief in Celtic mythology had a future.

At this point, the picture of history dissipated with the thunder.

After reading all of this, the White Night King took a deep breath and slowly exhaled it.

At this moment, she finally understood what Barol meant by asking Chiba to forgive him.

In order to defend against the invasion, the ancient Celtic ancestors used the power of the end-of-life doctrine as a test in the history of mankind, and although they drove the invasion away, they themselves were cursed.

And Barol, who sealed all the endisms, became the source of the curse.

Baror, who stole Earth's Star Trial, had only two ways to lift the curse.

The first way is to fight each other with their offspring according to the rules of the curse.

When Barol wins, he sits alone in the empty shell of Celtic and falls into loneliness for eternity.

If the Celtic descendants win, the curse will be lifted and the gods will usher in the future.

The second way is to get forgiveness from the Holy Land of the Earth Star.

At this stage, as the construction of human history, the leader of everything in the construction of Hakoniwa is none other than Chiba.

At this moment, Chiba is not thinking of it as a representative of the Holy Land of the Earth Star.

Even the [Heavenly Movement Theory] was suppressed by his admission.

Some of the rules of this [Finalism] are naturally not a problem.

At this point, the White Night King showed a lonely expression.

"So... Are you going to forgive him?"

PS: Ask for flowers, evaluation votes, monthly passes, tips!!_

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