Asgard is the mystery of the Norse gods, simulating the power of the Star Chart.

It is simply impossible for ordinary forces to invade.

And because of this, the power of the Star Atlas has been simulated, and the Norse gods have been able to resist the invasion of giants for a long time.

Vis instantly approached [Asgard].

And the surrounding environment has also turned into ice.

What is presented is a world of ice and snow.

Vis quietly watched Asgard, looking for a hole in their mysteries.

As far as the mystery is concerned, it is impossible to be simply shattered, even if Weiss is in charge of the power of [time].

The only way to look for the weaknesses of the simulated star map is to look for them.

If you attack with the power of [Time], there is a possibility of invasion.

And it was at this time that the frost hit.

Around, a cold wind blew in an instant.

In just an instant, the earth was frozen.

And from the frozen earth, a dense mass of giants rose.

Seeing this scene, Weiss's eyes narrowed slightly.

"This is... The natural enemies of the Aesir Clan, the Giant Clan?"

The giant rushed towards Vis at great speed.

Strongly territorial, they saw Vis as an enemy and wanted to expel them.

However, Vis instantly unleashed the power of time, obliterating it in the dust of history.

The giants, turned into wind and snow, dissipated into the air.

After the wind and snow merged, they turned into a new giant clan and attacked Vis again.

Seeing this, Weiss frowned.

"This giant... It doesn't seem to be an ordinary giant clan!"

The definition of the giants is different in each mythological system.

However, most are representatives of evil.

For example, in the Celtic gods, the giants represent the enemies of humanity.

In the Norse god mythology, the giants represent natural disasters, which can be understood as personified natural forces.

When it comes to the origin of Norse mythology, the original giant race, Ymir is the source.

After the gods who were born after killing the progenitor giant Ymir, his corpse transformed into the world, and only then did he have the Norse mythological system.

After the birth of the world, there is a mythical history of Odin's creation of the world!

And [Asgard] is also the ultimate meaning of the myth engraved by Odin at one time, which can resist the invasion of infinite power - the Giants!

"I see, these giants... The incarnation?"

As far as the eye can see, Vis is in the ice world, and to the south is a sea of fire, which is where the flame giants are located, and they are also attacking [Asgard], in addition to the existence of the Shining Giants, the Lightning Giants, and so on.

Seeing this scene, Weiss touched his chin and thought about it.

"Since [Asgard] guards the Norse gods, that is to say, wherever there are giants, the guardian of its simulated star map should be the strongest! That's where the flaw is!"

For a moment—

Vis is locked underneath the World Tree!

The World Tree is the origin of everything at the beginning of the birth of Norse mythology, and it is the source of strength that supports the entire Norse mythological system!

At the very beginning of Norse mythology.

The world had not yet been born, it was the beginning of the vast primeval period, showing a chaotic posture.

And in the chaos, a trace of the void was torn open.

This trace of the void split the entire chaotic universe in two.

Like a great chasm, because of the emergence of the chasm, the universe presents two extremes.

To the north of the chasm is the Land of Mist, rich in water vapor and mist, and there, there is an inexhaustible spring, in which Void Water is constantly emerging, and these Void Waters are constantly dispersed and aggregated to form rivers and glaciers!

On the other side of the chasm is the Land of Fire.

There is an eternal burning blazing flame, and here, an eternal fire giant Surtr was born early, and the spirit of Tertre is burning!

With the passage of time, in the interweaving of ice and fire, a life was born, a giant greater than the world - the ancestor Ymir!

He is a giant born from the mist of ice and fire, the ancestor of all giants!

Ymir has given birth to countless offspring of giants, including the wise giant Mimir, the giantess Bestra, and others.

Then, after the birth of the gods, he and the giants gave birth to the future king of the gods - Odin!

Odin, also a descendant of Ymir!

Later, Odin killed Ymir and created the world with the corpse of the Ancestral Giants as a sacrifice!

He made the sky out of Ymir's head, the marrow into clouds, his body into the earth, his blood into the ocean, his bones into mountains, and his hair into trees.

Over time, Yumir's corpse decomposed, growing maggots.

The maggots on the bright side have turned into beautiful and kind elves, and the maggots on the dark side have transformed into a dwarf family with exquisite skills and good at mining!

Subsequently, Odin captures the flames of the Fire Country, turns them into stars, moons, and suns, and formulates the four seasons!

And with ash carved for men, elm carved for women, life was created.

At this point, the Nordic world has been created and transformed into nine kingdoms!

They are the Aesirs, the Warners, the Elves, the Dwarves, the Terrans, the Frost Giants, the Land of Mist where the souls of the dead belong, and the Land of Fire where only the mighty giant Surtr exists!

And it is the World Tree that links the nine worlds and provides the source of life!

The World Tree has three roots, each of which goes deep into the three springs of the Nordic world to absorb the energy of the world!

Therefore –

As the origin of the world, only under the World Tree, there is no possibility of the Giant Race.

That's where Asgard's weakness lies!

"Let's enter from here!"

Footsteps –

With the scepter in hand, Vis tapped the ground lightly.

This moment.

It was as if a drop of water had fallen into the calm surface of a lake, and invisible ripples rippled on the ground in an instant.

The rhythm of time is full of vicissitudes and ripples. _

Please see the ununderlined version of the novel

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