Because at this moment, Chiba took the initiative to abandon his [Miracle Collapse], and summoned the merits he had built up over the years as the master of the box garden.


The center of Hakowa is beginning to draw the historical trajectory of Chiba.

There is merit in the construction of Hakoiwa!

There is also the merit of repelling the winds of decadence!

There is also the merit of restricting the closed world to buy time for the gods to fight!


As the lord of the Hakota, Chiba has too many merits that the center of the Hakoniwa failed to bestow on him because of the [Miracle Collapse].

And in this moment.

And then the moment Chiba lifted the [Miracle Collapse], they all gathered together.

And it was at the moment when Chiba finished speaking, a golden light rose from Chiba's body and ran through the Three Realms!

An unprecedented spirit began to rise, shaking the stars,

The closed world narrowed its eyes and marveled at it.

"It's not easy, this feeling... I see! Are you the Lingge of the Lord of the Box?"

The moment the golden light rose from Chiba's body、

The infinite spirit shape shakes the Three Realms! Just sighing as if it can blow the stars away!

At this moment, because of the appearance of golden light, the heavens and the earth were shaken, and countless stars were distorted because of it!

The enormous concept contained in his personality and the crystallization of wisdom beyond human beings transcends the concept called "miracles"!

The Lingge of the Lord of the Box Garden has begun to be constructed.

As the builder of the Hakoiwa, the repelling of the Demon King, the guardian of the world, and the agent recognized by the center of the Hakoiwa.

All the identities converge to form a Lingge in the corner of the two-digit sequence of the box garden.

This merit, heaven and earth, so far.

However, Chiba did not intend to take it on.

Instead, in the next moment, it was integrated into the [Host Authority] that belonged to the canary, and was used to fill in the part of the power of the closed world that she had overlooked.

See this scene.

The closed world was annoyed.

"You guy... Don't you want to give up all the achievements you've built up to this point in the world of Hakoniwa?"

The roar of the closed world, Chiba as if he hadn't heard it.

"Do I need this kind of feat? Have you seen me use it?"

One word.

Directly leave the closed world speechless.

That's right.

Chiba didn't have the need to use this merit and spirit at all.

Although this merit and Lingge are ranked in the double-digit corner of the Hakoniwa world, once they accept the brand, Chiba will become the top god and Buddha in the Hakoniwa world, and maybe it will become one of the rules of the Hakoniwa world.


So what?

After all, it will be suppressed by the closed world.

Chiba's own power to take the [Erase Miracle] is where his trump card lies.

That's the evidence that he's on a par with the center of the box garden.

And this Lingge, Chiba doesn't need it at all, even if he stays, it will only be wasted.

Therefore, the tone makes this part of the spirit rot on Chiba's body, so it is better to use it where it should be used.

"Canary, this is my last gift to you as a teacher-"


Chiba constructed the [Host Authority] with his own spiritual personality, and then instantly suppressed the mystery of the closed world.

The closed world is furious.

"You guy, why didn't you kill me!?"

"Why ??"

Seal his mysteries and seal all his actions.

That is the ultimate trial, the ultimate test of mankind, and the greatest blasphemy and trampling on the oldest demon king.

However, Chiba didn't seem to hear it.

"To kill or not to kill, what does it have to do with you? My opponent has never been you... And I've never seen you as an adversary!!"

The next moment.

Don't wait for the closed world to speak again.

Chiba's [Host Permissions] rule has arrived.

This power of forcible execution was instantly integrated into the game built by the canary, completing the final game she used to cross the [Closed World]!

This is where it begins.

The game between the final trial of humanity in the closed world and the maiden canary of human hope begins.

The two sides used the history of mankind based on reality as the battlefield and launched the strongest game game to rewrite history.

The closed world spreads the belief of [utopia] with its own power, starting from the Western countries, preparing to devour the world step by step.

The canary, on the other hand, rewrites the world with his own chant with his thoughts.

The power game between the two sides has led to a fascinating history of mankind.

There was the birth of utopian socialism, and there was also the spread of communist ideas.

The Renaissance arose in Western countries and the Industrial Revolution began.

Oriental countries contend, and dynasties change.

The entire history of mankind has bloomed with the most brilliant brilliance.

The biggest game showdown in history has been evenly matched for an entire century.

In the end, the closed world gained the upper hand.

The belief in utopia, starting in Western Europe, spread at a breakneck pace.

The canary looked surprised, this was simply impossible.

And yet—

When she discovered the means to close the world, she couldn't help but fall silent.

"The closed world... Confusing utopia and communism!"

Look at the history of humanity that is gradually being swallowed up.

The canary was in a state of anxiety.

Now what?

The closed world undoubtedly has the absolute upper hand at this stage, and if we want to regain the dominant power, we must let mankind understand the paradox of utopia, and let mankind understand that communism and utopia are two different ideas.

"Do you need to sing a prophet of theory? This will be disposed of as a pagan by humanity at this stage!"

"In the end... What to do?"

The canary gritted her teeth and fell silent.

Seeing that human history was being swallowed up by a closed world little by little, the canary felt a little powerless.

At this time, Chiba gently patted the canary on the back behind his back.

"What's wrong?"

"Chiba-sensei... I, I'm not an opponent in a closed world, even if you help me perfect the rules of the game, but... I'm still being suppressed by the other side, I'm going to lose. "

Hearing this, Chiba's eyes narrowed slightly, and he spoke in sharp words.

"Are you really going to lose? Or do you have a way to reverse it? But you don't dare to use it because of some considerations?"

"Teacher, I-"

"Canary, you know what, if someone can change something, that person must be a person who can give up something important, and those people, if they have to go beyond the monsters, they can even give up their humanity, and they can't change anything if they can't give up anything. "

"What if... If the destruction of the Hakowa West Sector can limit the power of the closed world, I will not hesitate to slaughter all the humans in the West Sector!"

"This battle has nothing to do with justice, only victory or defeat, and at the same time... There is only a winner!"

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