When the gods can be killed at dawn, the gods and Buddhas are in a war, and the faith is seized after the immortality is obtained by connecting the history of mankind, and the nature of the gods has never changed.

"Of course, this is just my speculation, maybe it's not, but... If a god or Buddha writes a doctrine to spread faith in the history of mankind, it is theoretically impossible to make mistakes, but this is the case in the Bible-New Testament, and even if it is not, at least there is some purpose in Jesus himself. "

The canary nodded.

She felt that Chiba's guess should be very close to the truth, no, maybe it was the truth itself.

After all, before the advent of the [Almighty Paradox], God's faith was enough for him to stand as the top god and Buddha in Hakota, and even surpass Shakyamuni, and go straight to the four innate all-powerful beings who were based on the truth of the universe.

"God has gained so much faith that he still can't cross that threshold?"

Chiba shook her head.

It should be said that it is precisely because he has gained so many beliefs that he cannot overcome the limits of the [omnipotent paradox], firstly, because the more human beings support his faith, the more human beings will be denied, but this is not fatal, his fatality lies in the fact that in his creationism, the doctrine preached is too simple, which highlights God, is too powerful and omnipotent, and the more omnipotent, the more it will be limited. "

"It is the most difficult for any myth to carry out creationism, let alone develop into a powerful group of gods, the first thing to go through is the baptism of endless years, do you know how long it took God to create the world?"

The canary shook her head.

Old Testament: She knew too little.

After all, after her birth, God had long been suppressed by the [Almighty Paradox], and the [Old Testament] was rarely mentioned, so she did not have a wealth of knowledge in this area.

"How long?"

"Seven days. "


The canary was speechless in shock.

It was speculated that Chiba had opened the heavens after hundreds of years, and the impact on the canary was big enough, so it was impossible in the eyes of the canary, and God, it actually took seven days to open the heavens and create the world?

"The content of God's creation is very simple, Norse mythology has gone through sacrifices and sacrifices, Greek mythology has gone through three generations of gods and Buddhas and rebellion against the paternal line, that is the history of blood and tears, after spending endless broken moons and endless epiphanies, you can open the heavens and create the world. "

"However, God's creation of the world begins directly with [God said]—"

In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth.

The earth is empty and chaotic, the face of the abyss is dark, and the Spirit of God hovers over the waters.

God said there would be light, and there was light.

God saw that light was good, and He separated light from darkness.

God called the light day and the darkness night. There was evening and there was morning, and this was the first day.

And God said, Let there be air between the waters, and divide the waters up and down.

And God made the air, and took away the water that was under the air, and the water that was above the air, and thus it was done.

And God called the air the heavens, and there was evening and there was morning, and it was the second day.

And God said, Let the waters of the whole heaven be gathered together in one place, and the dry land may be exposed, and thus it will be done.

And God called the dry land the earth, and the gathering place of the waters the sea, and it was good in God's sight.

And God said, The earth shall produce grass and herbs that bear seed, and trees that bear fruit according to their kinds, and the fruit shall be covered with pits, and thus shall be done.

Then there came forth grass and seed-bearing herbs, each according to its kind, and the trees that bore fruit, every according to its kind, and the fruit was covered with kernels, which was good in the sight of God.

And there was evening and there was morning, and it was the third day.

And God said, Let there be a body of light in heaven, which shall divide day and night, and make signs, and ordinances, and days, and years, and shall shine in heaven and upon the earth, and thus shall it be done."

So God made two great lights, the greater over the day and the younger over the night, and the stars.

And he set these lights in the heavens, and shone them on the earth, and governed the day and the night, and the light and the darkness, and it was good for God to see.

And there was evening and there was morning, the fourth day.

And God said, Let the waters multiply with living things, and let birds fly above the earth and in the sky.

And God made great fish, and every living creature that groweth in the waters, according to their kinds, and every kind of bird, according to their kinds, and it was good in God's sight.

And God blessed all of them, saying, "The waters of the sea shall multiply and multiply, and the birds shall multiply upon the earth."

And there was evening and there was morning, the fifth day.

And God said, The earth will bring forth living creatures, every man according to his kind, and livestock, and creeping things, and wild beasts, according to his kind, and thus it is done.

So God made the beasts, every according to his kind, and the cattle according to his kind, and all the creeping things of the earth, every according to their kind, and God saw it as good.

And God said, Let us make man in our image, according to our likeness, that they may have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, over the cattle of the earth, over all the earth, and over all the creeping things that creep upon it.

God created man in his own image, but he made male and female in his image.

And God blessed them, and said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and rule over it, and dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moves on the earth.

And God said, Behold, I will give you for food all the herbs that bear seed upon the earth, and every seed that beareth fruit in every tree.

And so it was done with the beasts of the earth, and the birds of the air, and every living thing that crept upon the earth, and gave them grass for food.

God saw all that was made very good, and there was evening and morning, and it was the sixth day.

All things in the heavens and the earth have been made.

And on the seventh day the work of God's creation was finished, and on the seventh day he rested from all his work.

God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because on it God rested from all his creation.

This is the origin of the creation of the heavens and the earth, in the day when the LORD God made them.

"That's what God's creationism is all about—"

Of course, after that, God's creation of Adam and Eve is a later story.

At least, the world is becoming.

After hearing this, even the canary found it [simple] to be incredible.

However, Chiba just smiled and shook her head.

"This is the omnipotence of God, and this is also the truth that God is suppressed by the [Almighty Paradox]!"

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