On the lower floor of the box garden, inside the venue of the fire dragon birth festival.

Accompanied by the dark contract documents flying in the sky, everyone present realized a fact.

The Demon King, here-

Everyone was in a panic, and at this moment, the soldiers who were the guards were already in a panic and did not have the slightest organization.

From here, you can see the difference between the upper layer and the lower layer.

The specifications of the demon king in the upper and lower layers are not the same.

The demon kings of the lower layers are defeated by the community of the lower layers, and the upper levels are dealt with by the gods of the upper layers, and they are all equal to each other.

However, if the upper community encounters the demon king, I'm afraid it will react in an instant, and assign people to divide labor and cooperate.

A group of people act as the vanguard to suppress the Demon King, a group of personnel act as an escort team to protect the territory, and another group of personnel act as the [Controller] to crack the Demon King's [Host Authority].

The only demon king who can make the upper gods panic is the final trial of human beings.

Because, all bodies know that that kind of thing, Tianke God and Buddha, is a god killer, and it can't be killed.

At this moment, the Perpetual Motion Mechanism was quietly staying by the side of the White Night King, who was trapped by the Black Wind Death Whirlwind, looking up at the top of the realm wall.

The White Night King calmly looked at the Perpetual Motion Mechanism and couldn't help but speak.

"When the canary crossed the closed world, it used the power of this demon king, right?"

The perpetual motion mechanism did not deny it.

Because for this matter, the canary has always thought that his hands have long been stained with blood, so the perpetual motion mechanism does not want to mention it.

"I should have expected that... After all, the closed world is not so easy to cross, it's just that I didn't expect the canary to choose this way. "

This is almost a massacre in the history of mankind, and the number of people who died at the hands of the Black Death is more than 80 million, and this is because of the weakening of the closed world, and the canary stopped in time.

Otherwise, the unit of measurement, at least in billions, is entirely possible to form a new final human trial.

Hearing this, the perpetual motion mechanism sighed.

"Do you think the canary is cruel?"

The White Night King shook his head.

"Naturally not, since it is a disaster for human beings themselves, then it is necessary for human beings to shoulder the responsibility themselves, and if all of them are carried by the canary, then it is called cruelty. "

"And, in the end, the reason for the massive expansion of the closed world, and the surge in power, is because of the stupidity of human beings, deceived by the utopia preached by the closed world, otherwise - so many people would not have died. "

Hearing this, the perpetual motion mechanism smiled.

"In the same way, I said it to the Black Death hundreds of years ago, but it's still the same result... After all, the truth of the other party is a resentful spirit, and I don't think that hatred can be erased with just one or two sentences!"

Judging by the 80 million resentful spirits represented by the Black Death.

They don't know the cause and effect.

They just know that they live peacefully in this world, and they are constantly yearning for a beautiful utopian life in the future, and they are full of hope for the future.

However, one day, disaster struck and destroyed all dreams.

Their wives were separated, and their families were ruined.

They don't know what they've done wrong to get into this situation.

They don't know who to blame.

God is their only comfort!

Chiba has never sympathized with their suffering, everything in the world has cause and effect, and if you don't have enough strength to jump out of cause and effect, then you can only bear everything.

And then—

With the appearance of the sun, the Black Death was dispelled.

At that time, people learned that the sun was the natural enemy of the Black Death.

The reason why the Black Death did not appear before was because the sun shone on the earth.

So, they found the object of blame.

The sun, everything is the sun's fault.

"So, they chose you, the King of the White Night, and the Sun became the object of their revenge. "

Hearing this, the White Night King spread his hands.

"Well, isn't it normal for gods to be the object of human blame?"

This phenomenon is particularly prevalent in Europe.

Because, only the god in the mouth of human beings will not refute, and at the same time, human beings can find the object of comfort.

And at this moment, those humans have found the box garden.

"So, is that Black Death the key to finding the Ouroboros Alliance?"

"I don't know yet, but what I can confirm is that since the other party has appeared here, it is indeed the [Ouroboros Alliance] who has been summoned to the box court. "

In the panic, no one paid attention to the conversation between the White Yaksha and the Perpetual Motion Mechanism.

All the attention of Sixteen Nights was drawn by the sudden attack of the Demon King.

He prepared the men of Nameless and Salamandra to attack, while he only aimed at one target.

The Demon King, before that, he had seen it and challenged it, but it was a fiasco, so he made it his goal.

He can't afford to lose to the other Demon Kings until he overtakes his goal.

The sixteenth night that set a goal for himself in this way raised his head.

In the next moment, the fleeing spectators let out a scream.

"Look! The Demon King is down!"

I saw the figure above begin to descend.

As soon as Sixteen Nights saw this, he slammed his fists hard and turned back to Leticia and yelled.

"Then go on! I'll take care of the black and white, and I'll leave the big and small ones to you!"

"Got it!"

Receiving Laeticia's response, Sixteen Nights showed an unprecedented fierce expression in an instant, lowered her body, and jumped towards the boundary wall with a force that almost shattered the stage venue.


The scream came from a man in a black uniform who was descending.

Sixteen Nights, who had jumped with all his might, came to the man in less than a second, and struck the man towards the realm wall at a super speed far above the speed of the third universe.

The man who spit out after striking a huge crack glared at Sixteen Nights with fierce eyes.

"You... What the hell are you!"

"I've been looking forward to it for a long time, Lord Demon King, can you reward me with a song too?"

Sixteen Nights laughed heartily, trampled through the rock wall of the boundary wall with brute force, and ran on the cliff at a horizontal angle.

The man in the black uniform was dragged forward by Sixteen Nights, his face rubbing against the rock wall, but he remained uninjured and let out a roar:

"Don't look down on people, you damn little ghost!"

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