"I may have heard it wrong, Shakyamuni, are you persuading [End Theory] to put down the butcher's knife?"

Putting both hands together, the Buddha's light exploded instantly.


But this moment.

A sense of coercion suddenly struck.

In the endless starry sky, a brilliant Buddha light burst out in an instant.

The entire starry sky turned into a golden mysterious pattern.

This is the mysterious star map of 【Buddhist】.

At this moment, the perpetual motion mechanism was already in the [Three Thousand Worlds] of Sakyamuni.

Seeing this, the perpetual motion agency grinned.

"So that's the case, do gods and Buddhas also do such sneaky things?"

Obviously, before the arrival of the perpetual motion mechanism, Sakyamuni made arrangements.

I am afraid that the other party had expected that the Heavenly Emperor would be attacked.


He didn't say anything, in order to probably introduce the perpetual motion mechanism into his [Three Thousand Worlds].

[Three Thousand Worlds] If you want to exert your power, you must be in it.

In the beginning, Alger was... he lost to Shakyamuni like this, no, the identity of the star spirit and the power of petrification could not simply be lost to Shakyamuni.

"Dealing with [End Theory], you don't need to be upright, and you can have a chance if you don't compromise!"

"Really, it seems that the Emperor of Heaven is also your pawn, it's sad!"

"No, that was his catastrophe!"

Hearing this, the eyes of the perpetual motion mechanism narrowed slightly.

"So, do you count your catastrophe?"

Shakyamuni hands together.

"I figured it out, the catastrophe will be here, and I will resolve it!"

At this moment, in the endless sky, the gentle Buddha light swayed down, illuminating the earth and calming the common people.

Then, at this time, a lingering voice was heard.

It seemed to come from outside.

At first, it will make people think it is an illusion, but the Buddha's sound gradually becomes: it becomes vast and surrounds the entire starry sky.

As if Huang Zhong Dalu was shaking, solemn, vast, and sublime, the Xuanao perpetual motion mechanism suddenly raised its head, and what the Ruby Eye saw was a huge golden hand rolling down towards him.

Like a mountain peak, a powerful pressure instantly plunged the feet of the perpetual motion mechanism into the Buddha's light.

Then, right next to his ear, it seemed as if the six-character mantra came from the void.

"Om, um, ah, ba, mi, hum"

The six-character mantra becomes: more and more loud.

Just a few seconds, it is deafening, making people's eardrums vibrate.

——[Buddhist] Mystery Simulated Star Creation Map——[Three Thousand Worlds].

Xiaoqian World, seal! "Humph, is this kind of seal again!"

Seeing this, the perpetual motion agency just sneered.

The big golden hand slammed down, and it was only a few tens of seconds, and the outline of the hand was no longer visible.

It is enough to see that this palm is very huge, so huge that you can't even see the end.

Seeing this, the perpetual motion mechanism rose into the air in an instant.

Facing the big golden hand, he rushed up.

for a moment.

He directly liberated his spirituality.

Respond to Shakyamuni's violent repression with infinite energy.

The infinite spiritual grid exploded in an instant, like a laser slamming into the center of the palm.

In an instant.

An incredible shock came back in an instant, but the perpetual motion mechanism only faced it with surplus.

The strength of the two sides competed for a few seconds, and the narrowed ruby ​​pupil found the flaw in the big golden hand.

"Hmph, Shakyamuni seems to have caused a lot of damage to your Profound Truth last time by my leader, but he actually left such a flaw!"

The perpetual motion mechanism instantly reversed its body and rushed towards the flaw of the golden bergamot with an invincible attitude.

Attacking its weakness with the infinite spirit, almost instantly, the bergamot will be defeated.

Then, the infinite spirituality instantly turned into a sharp light, as if half of a starlight flew out of the [Three Thousand Worlds].

And at this moment, outside the starry sky of Hakoba, there is a golden illusory outline.

That... the outline is just sitting quietly, releasing the Buddha's light that calms the common people from top to bottom.

That big golden hand was just one of his arms.

It's completely immeasurable how big it is.

Compared with him, the surrounding stars are completely... as insignificant as ants.

But——that infinite spirit light is very scary.

The rippling final injury ran straight through the Buddha's arm.

A thud.

Even Shakyamuni, who incarnated as a Buddha, was injured.

In the Buddha's light, he was killed at the end and turned into bursts of black light.

Shakyamuni frowned.

"[Three Thousand Worlds] was broken down so easily, even if the profound meaning of [Box Boat] was used, it still couldn't be completely repaired!"

You can't stay with the perpetual motion machine.

No eschatological attack can be taken lightly.

Because, in any of his attacks, there is a god-killing nature hidden, Tianke Shakyamuni.

The big golden hands covered it down again.

This time, it was more violent than before.

The Three Thousand Worlds Profound Truth - The Middle Thousand Worlds, Reincarnation!

Chapter [-]: Distorted Will, Slavery Suppression! 【Five more subscriptions】

The perpetual motion mechanism narrowed its eyes.

From this outline, I felt the same realm breath as the twin goddesses.

That is the domain of full authority, from the oppression of the double-digit 0 sequence.

"If that's the case, then crush you!!"

Fearless of everything, destroying everything without distinction like a storm is the ultimate trial of mankind, and it is what the devil should do.

The brilliance of the infinite spirit has not yet dissipated, and the perpetual motion mechanism rushed towards the golden bergamot at a speed that surpassed the starlight.

In an instant, it slammed down at the golden Buddha.

The brilliance of the perpetual motion mechanism, the infinite spirituality, directly divides the Buddha's light into two.

The golden Buddha was directly crushed.

However, the perpetual motion mechanism did not feel the slightest success.

"this is"

At this moment, there was the same sense of coercion on the head as just now, and after looking up, there was another big golden hand.

Simulation of creating a star map - three thousand worlds.

The perpetual motion mechanism is exactly the same as before, smashing it.

However, after the smash, it was still the golden hand that came from the blast.

Moreover, the Buddha's light is more mysterious and huge every time.

After rushing in like this five times, even the perpetual motion mechanism noticed something was wrong.

Even an idiot knows that this physical seal alone cannot affect him in any way.

However, it is so repeated.

This repeated behavior may not have come from the hands of Sakyamuni.

"In other words, are you caught in some kind of reincarnation!"

The voice just fell.

A big golden hand instantly covered the perpetual motion mechanism.

In this regard, human beings have to fight back in the final trial, and at the same time, they are also looking for an opportunity to see the five, the profound meaning of the [Three Thousand Worlds].

The big golden hands came bombarding again and again.

Dozens, hundreds, thousands of infinite loops, endless.

At the same time, the human final trial of the perpetual motion mechanism is also infinite power.

If you keep going like this, you can hit forever.

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