If the prophets say that the clan will be destroyed, then they should resist by all means.

To be clear, the retainers will come forward and offer to kill the princess.

Even so, the King of Giants just took the princess in captivity.

Although he accepted the shattered prophecy - but did not kill his beloved daughter.

In addition, this heritage has other senses of inconsistency.

The grandson of the king who is at the heart of the prophecy.

The Destiny Child who destroyed the Furmores.

Although the Demon God seemed to want to kill the later Sun God Luge, he used an unsure method—that is, after he was born, he threw the baby into the river.

The difference is clear when compared to other myths with similar heritage.

Cronus, the great god of Greek mythology, and Zeus, the chief god, swallowed his own son, etc., all used a sure method of killing, but the demon god Balor just used an unsure method of throwing his grandson into the river.

Obviously, the head can be cut off with a sword.

Obviously can use a gun: through the heart.

If you want to demonstrate, you can directly open the dead eye and execute it publicly.

Nonetheless, he adopted the uncertain method of [throwing into the river].

As if he knew someone would save him.

As if praying that someone would save him.

Didn't he entrust the destruction of the clan to the Libra called fate——this, perhaps, is... the contradiction between Balor as the king of a country and his father.

Chiba made a judgment on this suspicion.

And then - history repeats itself.

This time, Chiba and the White Night King became the observers.

Since there is a history of reproduction, it means that the strategy of the game is going in the right direction.

The White Night King was amazed by this.

"Even though there is no victory condition, have you already started to crack the game?"

- King.

In the belly of the princess is the star that destroys my clan.

- Please make an immediate decision.

The retainers of the giant kingdom began to persuade after learning the prophecy.

The triplets cried out for the first time since they were born, on a stormy night.

The wind and rain that slapped the city with a crackle fell like flying sand and rocks.

As if a hint of some kind, the dark cloud covered the extreme west, and the people were terrified and shut their doors.

Rubble and fallen leaves on the road at night.

So no matter...

A farmer, a hunter or a woodcutter, of course, had to be closed.

However, in the midst of such a violent storm—there was a man in a commoner who marched forward bravely.

His head was buried deep in the hood, and he couldn't even recognize who it was from a distance.

With a huge body and a mask on the upper half of his face, these... others can see it at a glance, but that's all.

The man ignored the storm and went straight to the river with the triplets hugged tightly under the cloth.

The man who came to the river bank soon after took off the hood with his right hand.

The dragon and the phoenix danced with his fingertips to outline the ancient lost language - the lost language.

This is one of the common languages ​​of the guardians of the star land, a family known as the [Giants] in later generations.

This ancient script, which is thought to be necessary to obtain the right to negotiate with the Protoss, is the oldest magic language that has been continuously circulated only among the giants.

The pure primitive of the azure star that can call wind and rain at will, and even turn the sea into flames.

Using this power, the man completely stopped the flow of the river.

At this moment, the river, which was still flooding constantly, remained still with the appearance of monstrous waves.

The man continued to wave his fingertips, and then the branches gathered together to form a boat.

The baby starts to cry.

Whoa, whoa.

Putting the crying triplets on the boat, the man stroked their faces in turn.

"Such a big storm.

If the river starts to flow, this kind of boat can't hold up for even three minutes."

If you want to ride on the flooded river, this kind of branch boat is too bad.

Submerged, capsized, sunk.

The triplets sank helplessly to the bottom of the river.

But that's enough.

The masked man, Balor, the king of the Fermor tribe, came here precisely to kill the triplets.

When the child of the prophecy that will destroy the family is born from the mother's womb, it should be killed with the dead eye as a warning.

With the eyes of a godslayer that can call death just by sight, he pierces and kills his grandson.

Be it a villain who keeps trying with the princess, or a traitor who wants to rebel against the Fumor clan, as long as he witnesses the brutal behavior of the Demon God Balor, he will definitely tremble.

Regarding...[The princess who conceives a rebellious son should be immediately sentenced to death], the Demon God Balor rejected it with a proposal [to show his majesty].

The cruel proposal made the retainers tremble, and the princess cried out madly.

My father is an evil spirit, a devil.

The princess screamed so much, broke furniture, and was so excited that her beautiful blonde hair turned into a snake.

The result - until the month of giving birth, the princess was tied to the bed with her hands and feet to live.

Every time I see the maids who take care of her, they keep asking [Please save my child.

Please save my child].

"What a poor daughter.

Imprisoned on an island without any crime, even the opportunity to contact the opposite sex is denied.

So there's no way to be robbed of your heart by the man you met for the first time."

Balor knew that the demise of the Fermor was not her fault, nor her child's.

He touched his tightly closed dead eyes, that... even gods and Buddhas can confer the power of death!—This is the culprit!

Chapter [-] The true meaning of forgiveness! [Five more subscriptions]

Before Balor became king, the Celts had three invasions.

In order to save his clan from the invaders, the previous king of the Fumor clan attacked the secret law of the stars he guarded.

What was consumed at that time was... the cauldron of stars—the cause of the destruction of human history in the future, and it was also the placenta that continued to spit out the black smoke that summoned death.

The overflowing black smoke killed the invaders one after another, once, twice, but when the invaders came for the third time, there was no way to stop them, and finally spread to the entire island of the extreme west.

The leaders of previous generations were also involved and died at that time.

It's downright stupid.

A weapon used to protect a family, but it contains the power to destroy a family, and they didn't notice it until they died.

Black smoke crossed the mountains, crossed the sea, and even spread to neighboring countries.

The boy Balor, who learned of the incident, sealed the source of the destruction that spewed black smoke into his body, and thus cleaned up the situation.

As a result, the Fumorans obtained two powers far beyond the ability to repel the invaders.

The first is the power to manipulate new diseases.

The second is the Eye of Death, which robs life just by looking at it.

With these two great powers, the Fermorans reduced the successive invaders to slaves, built prosperity, and gained the most noble status among the giants.

But it is clear that this is only a temporary... The prosperous Barol soon began to talk about peace policy.

That is, the beginning of the exchange of civilizations.

However, when he had a daughter, he felt that the curse in his body weakened.

At first I thought it was the curse that started to lift.... I was happy, but I soon realized that it was just a self-righteous misunderstanding.

Balor, who knew that the curse of the world was living in his daughter's body, immediately called his wife, who was a prophet, to divination the future.

As a result, this is the star that destroys a family.

Balor understands that this is the fate of a clan that tainted the cause of the world's destruction without authorization.

"Ah ah - what should come is still here."

Minorities that should have been destroyed in the distant past.

The destructive power of the cause of the world's destruction sealed in that book, the leaders of the previous generation used it to protect themselves, and they have lost their qualifications as guardians.

The star land of the extreme west is the land of trials.

Being attacked by various natural disasters such as earthquakes, cold waves, and storms, surviving on this severe land is itself connected to the matter of saving the future of mankind.

Not to mention that it contains the end of the extinction of human history.

The several invaders were just one of the trials.

But the ancestors gave up this trial.

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