Now Fenrir alone has completely suppressed it.

Sol was crushed to the ground in an instant, and with a thud, he knelt on the ground with his knees, and the huge crack directly caused the ground to completely collapse and collapse.

"The strong Lingo Fenrir has become stronger again during the period of being suppressed!"

"That is nature, I am the incarnation of the end of the Nordic world - when the Ragnarok comes, it will be my strongest day!!!"

Chapter [-] Thor! [Five more subscriptions]

"That is nature, I am the incarnation of the end of the Nordic world - when the Ragnarok comes, it will be my strongest day!!!"

"Yeah, since that's the case, let me end you!"

Thor snorted.

Unable to bear the heavy pressure, he quickly cut Fenrir's fangs with a hammer, and then he was freed from the oppression of the giant jaw.

Quickly backing away, Thor and Fenrir distanced themselves.

However, Fenrir was like a mad dog, rushing towards him in an instant, ignoring the damage caused to the surroundings.

That red jade pupil released an unprecedented cold light.

Seeing this, Thor was calm in front of him, then took a deep breath and exhaled suddenly.

"All gods retreat!!!"

It was an oracle given by Thor with his supreme spirit.

Almost instantly.

The surrounding gods quickly evacuated, leaving Thor and Fenrir a battle field.

And at this moment, Fenrir also noticed that something was wrong with Thor.

The surging Lingge was completely the same as Thor who was hundreds of years ago.

"What is that Lingge?"

In an instant! Thor's Hammer of Thor unleashes a thunderbolt, accompanied by Thor's roar.

Behind it, a thunder giant appeared.

"Spiritual liberation—"

The stars of the heavens were instantly covered with thunder, and linked together in the form of lightning.

That is the power of omnipotence! Under this world, Thor's omnipotent field is not limited by any.

He used the power of the [closed world] to temporarily isolate the influence of the [almighty paradox] in the limited area of ​​the western district.

At this moment, Thor is... the strongest three-digit sequence.

Kacha Kacha - Tianlei, like thousands of birds chirping, gathered on his hammer.

Thor shouted, as if he had given up everything, and poured his divine power into the hammer.

It slammed into Fenrir's head fiercely! A thud—the sound of shaking the earth, resounded in the entire God Realm in an instant.

Thor's hammer was filled with high-density energy and unbelievably hot, this time hitting Fenrir in the head.

The huge shaking made the entire God Realm shake for a while.

At this moment, Fenrir's huge body sank suddenly, and the ground under his feet was like shattered glass, with huge cracks extending thousands of meters away.


Thor was delighted, and instantly poured his divine power into the hammer.

With the strength of his entire body, he crushed Fenrir.

"Summon, Tianlei!"

With a roar, Thor's eyes turned into electricity, and Tianlei was summoned here.

Using Thor's hammer as a medium, he directly penetrated Fenrir's body.

At this moment, even if Fenrir, who is an eschatology, stumbled, he was almost unable to stand still.

Roar Roar - Roar like a beast.

Just the impact of its roar burst out, and the spirits of the surrounding gods were instantly shattered.

It wasn't a roar, it was a scream.

Thor's attack did indeed work.

At the same time, at this moment, a third person joined the battlefield.

A god-king brandished the divine sword, rushed into Fenrir's arms like a starlight, and stabbed the divine sword into Fenrir's heart.

"Put me through it!!"

Aiming at the heart of the Demon King, a blow full of courage.


The divine sword penetrated Fenrir's body, causing the giant body to struggle.

The huge jaws that opened instantly tore the entire sky to shreds.

But Fenrir was suppressed by Thor, unable to move.

Only at this time did Thor clearly see who was coming.


Sol shouted.

Heimdall, the guardian of the gods in Norse mythology, is also the patron god, the god of war, with extraordinary fighting power.

It is precisely because the God Realm has his guards that it is protected from the invasion of the giants.

Now, even he has rushed over to fight the Demon King.

At this time, blood flowed down Fenrir's body, dyeing the pure black body red.

It seems very embarrassed, but what makes Thor and Heimdall terrified is that Fenrir's spirit is not damaged in any way.

Even though it was suppressed, Fenrir's power did not decline.

"Do you think you can kill me like this?"

Fenrir is the end of the Norse mythology, one of the eschatology, the final trial of limited human beings.

You can't be killed by a god while being killed by a god! "So this is your truth?"

Thor sneered.

Immediately infuse your own divine power into Thor's Hammer.

The omnipotent realm of the heyday is not afraid of eschatology.

However, if this continues, Thor will inevitably lose.

Therefore- "Heimdall goes to the dwarves!! Only the chains they forge can lock Fenrir!"

"Okay, I'll go right away!"

Heimdall naturally knew what Thor was talking about the magic chain.

It was possible to suppress Fenrir in the first place because the magic chain could lock Fenrir.

Now, Thor wants to play the myth of the past.

However, Fenrir would not give him this chance.

The moment Heimdaller left, the wind of the end burst out from his fangs.

"Maybe I heard it wrong, do you still want to lock me up with that kind of thing?"

The open jaws swallowed the sky in an instant.

Darkness fell, and even Thor's thunder was swallowed by Fenrir.

Thor had to avoid the edge for a while.

The mutual affinity is too bad, Thor can suppress Fenrir, completely relying on his powerful strength, and the almighty field that has not been suppressed by the [Almighty Paradox].

Roar Roar - Fenrir's angry roar shook the entire Norse God Realm.

"Fenrir, don't struggle. You alone cannot fight against the entire Nordic group of gods, let alone father, even me and you are no match!"

"It seems that being hit by you just now gave you a lot of confidence, so wait and regret it!"

In an instant—the collision between the two sides split the entire God Realm apart.

It was originally a scene in mythology, but it has all emerged today.

:, evaluation ticket, monthly ticket, reward!!!!!

Chapter [-] You don't know anything about time! 【For a more subscription】

At this time, Odin and Wes stood with the sky, facing each other.

Can't win.

At this moment, this idea simply appeared in Odin's heart.

It's not that I look down on myself, but it's really because the [time] controlled by the opponent is the lifeblood of the Nordic group of gods.

Seeing this, Weiss stepped out, with the power of [Time] rippling all over his body! "What's the matter, Odin, don't you believe in [Power View]? Who was just saying that as long as there is absolute power, even fate can be suppressed? of"

Whis's smile made Odin shudder.

"It's ridiculous, you who can't even overcome the restraint of [power] between each other, if you come to suppress your fate and reverse the end"

"Although you did rely on the belief in [closed world] to confine yourself to the realm of total authority, but even so, compared to Sakyamuni, it is still far behind!"

"Do you think this will shake me?"

Odin said coldly.

"I won't regret my actions. Even if I were to choose again, I would still use [closed world]. If I lose to you here, I can only tell that I'm not strong enough, that's all!"

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