With just two people, the Nordic gods were blown up, and they were still supported by the belief in [closed world], and their strength rose sharply.

This does not mean that the Norse gods are weak.

But it was really too badly restrained by the opponent.

The biggest feature of Norse mythology is... The world will be destroyed, the gods will come to an end, this is fate.

Chapter [-] The Fall of Odin! [Five more subscriptions]

Norse mythology is not like other mythological systems, the end is a kind of trial, such as the dead-eyed Balor of the Celtic group of gods, and the Japanese mythology of the Orochi - Norse mythology, has a certain ending, If you want to cross the infinite level in difficulty, it is the ultimate trial of conquering human beings.

And from the beginning of the Hakoniwa Dawn to the present, in the thousands of years of the world, the gods of the Eastern District have made huge sacrifices for this, and they have not been able to overcome a single eschatology.

You can imagine how difficult this is.


In Norse mythology, there is no such thing as "eternal".

It is also for this reason that it is naturally restrained by Wes represented by [Time] and the perpetual motion mechanism represented by [Eternal].

"It's easy to do what you pay for!"

Hearing this, Odin's eyes narrowed slightly.

"It turns out that [Fantasy] Do you want to - kill chickens to warn monkeys?"

"You know best, at this keen period when we [Fantasy] took over the construction of Hakoniwa, as the top community in the Western District, we never imagined that you could jump out!"

"However, it is precisely because of your strength that - there is even more reason to perish!"

The previous battle with [Buddhist].

It was just an infighting between the Eastern Districts.

However, if the Nordic gods were defeated, it would be different.

Cross-regional suppression will send out an absolute signal—[Fantasy], capable of managing and suppressing Little Garden.

That's all.

Hearing this, Odin laughed and laughed.

"Is that so"

"Why don't you have any dissatisfaction...

Whether it's the belief in [closed world], or the insertion of our [fantasy], Ragnarok has indeed been postponed, and Odin, you have got a chance to breathe again!"

"In that regard, I do have to thank you, fantasies."

Speaking of which.

Odin looked at the realm of the gods below.

"It's just the price, it's a little too big."

"War is never right or wrong, let alone justice, only victory or defeat!"

Odin knew that for... this battle, [Fantasy] wanted a result.

However, this result is absolutely impossible to completely destroy the Nordic gods! Not to mention that [Fantasy] will pay the price for this, after all, [Asgard] is still there: the evil gods are still suppressed, and the eternal giant is still there twitchy.

If you really want to attack, [Fantasy] It is impossible to really suppress Norse mythology unless all members are dispatched.

The current victory is just that [Fantasy] has won the Aesir, after all, the rulers of the [Nine Kingdoms] are the Aesirs.

Moreover, the effect of destroying the Nordic gods on the word-of-mouth of [Fantasy] is not good.

You can suppress it, but such an act of annihilation is the act of the Demon King.

Maybe [Fantasy] will set up its hostility with other gods because of this.

After all, no one wants to take the master of the construction of the small garden into the hands.

Therefore, fantasizing about the desired result is simple.

"Do you want to end with my death, did the original Shakyamuni pass away because of this?"

this moment.

Odin seems to have some reason to explain Carmonius' decision.

That's not a choice, it's being forced! "Who knows, if you don't do it, it won't be so easy to die in my hands!"

The perpetual motion machine's narrowed ruby ​​eyes made Odin shudder.

That's a godslayer.

If he dies at the hands of the perpetual motion mechanism, Odin cannot be resurrected.

"Well, I know."

In an instant! The spiritual grid of the double-digit 0 sequence collapsed in an instant.

Odin shattered his spirit with his own spear of eternity.

The position where the two-digit 0 is placed, collapsed instantly.

The whole box garden was shaken.

Above the sky, blood rained.

God weeps! That is Hakoniwa's sadness for the departure of the double-digit 0! However, because Odin is a double-digit 0 because of the belief in [closed world].

Therefore, even if the Lingu is smashed, it will not have much impact on Hakoniwa.

After all, most of the beliefs come from the [closed world]! The power that was shattered must return to the [closed world] as the source.

this moment.

The entire Nordic group of gods trembled because of this.

The gods who raised their heads one after another saw the figure represented by Norse mythology.

Like a flash in the pan, it fell to the ground.

It was Odin, like dust dissipating in the air.


The gods were trembling and shocked.

Even if the giant clan came, it would not even be as shocking as this incident.

The heart of the Norse gods, Odin—fallen! Yet the gods had no time to grieve.

Odin issued the final oracle with the last power of his spirit.

——Still defending [Asgard], repelling the giants, Ragnarok of the Gods, it has been postponed, the day when the God Realm is recast, when I return! Only then did the gods react.

Odin is not really dead.

Although his spirituality was shattered, he would still be resurrected under the call of the center of the small garden.

The gods then looked at Wes in the sky and the Perpetual Motion Mechanism - those two people, the giants forced to death the gods with double digits 0, so it was too late to grieve.

The gods instantly liberated the spirit, ready to obey Odin's last oracle.

Defend 【Asgard】! With the earth trembling.

Frost and flames are coming! "Are the giants coming?"

Heimdall gasped heavily and looked solemnly above the horizon of the God Realm.

Those... familiar and hateful figures, he will never forget them.

"Is it really unlucky to attack at the time of the chaos in the God Realm?"

Heimdall stood up, as the guardian god of the gods, he must protect the gods, and the giants are his primary targets to defeat.

"The last oracle of the King of God, the giants must be obeyed, and I will fight back."

He suddenly exerted force, the wound opened, and his blood splattered all over the ground, making him unable to move completely.

Dong Dong Dong—the sound that shook the earth, kept approaching, and after a while, the flame giant and the ice giant were already approaching and came to the front of the Golden Palace.

There are two diametrically opposed situations in front of the Golden Palace.

The land in the west is frozen by ice, while the land in the east is a piece of flame.

:, evaluation ticket, monthly ticket, reward!!! Don't be stingy with the free flowers in your hand!!!

Chapter [-] I don't know what the giants are! 【For a more subscription】

The flame giant and the frost giant invaded with a large number of soldiers and horses.

Looking around, behind it, there are crowds of people, and there is no end in sight.

"It's really unfortunate, Heimdall, you who have been guarding the realm of the gods all year round have been exploited by us."

The flame giant stepped out, and the scorching wind blew through in an instant, and that scorching wave turned the earth into a wasteland.

"Is it the civil strife in your own god realm! Or is it that my compatriots who are regarded as evil gods by you have run away, or are they captured by someone else?"

The flame giant laughed.

The leading person released a powerful temperature, this flame giant is obviously different from his giant, wearing a crown, releasing an overwhelming leadership temperament.

"Hehe, no matter what, your God Realm cannot escape death today."

The voice just fell.

The ice suddenly hit, and the frost giants also came instantly, carrying a large number of people and horses.

The person at the head is the same as the flame giant, with a crown on his head, and has a completely different power from other giants.

"Do you think I will let you succeed?"

Heimdall snorted coldly, and instantly stood up with the sword in hand.

Yet it hasn't stood still.

The flame giant's blow had already landed, and Heimdall hurriedly raised the divine sword to resist, and he was instantly knocked into the air, "Wow—"

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