Gifts to God have no effect on eschatology.

No hesitation, no surprise.

A massacre began in an instant.

The army of the flame giant and the ice giant instantly accepted the bloody baptism.

Seeing this, the leaders of the two sides changed quickly, "Damn it, stop me!!"

They frantically rushed towards the perpetual motion mechanism, but they were knocked flying before they got close.

The battle was one-sided.

At this moment - the Nordic gods, who were panicked by the appearance of the giants, stared at all this with wide-eyed eyes, and they all froze in place and couldn't move.

Until now... I was still fighting with the determination to die, but now I'm standing still as if I've lost my soul.

"For the Nordic gods, you not only have the advantage of numbers, but also the advantage of gifts, but, in the final analysis, they are just slightly more powerful phantom beasts."

The perpetual motion machine sneers at all the giants.

Facing the gods, the human beings who will instantly put the opponent's bloodthirsty to the final test, this time it seems that they are too lazy to do it.

This aura, not to mention the giants, even the Nordic gods behind him were terrified by his every move.

The insane speech of the perpetual motion mechanism instantly angered the giants in front of them. They frantically crossed the god-level clone of the perpetual motion mechanism. After countless casualties, they rushed in the direction of the devil.

Ga. ... Roar Roar Roar Roar Roar Roar Roar ————————————————————!

Probably because the opponent judged that the weapon was ineffective, so they shot with bare hands.

Having said that, but at the moment of approaching, his body stiffened just by being glared by the perpetual motion machine.

Completely unable to start.

The Wang Wei of the oldest demon king directly frightened him.


The pure white sharp blade pierced through the giant's head in an instant, blood splashed all over the place,

Chapter [-] I am the enemy of the world! 【Three changes for subscription】

Although the first giant clan was easily destroyed, there were countless giant clan behind it.

With the previous lessons learned, the giants that followed did not get close to the perpetual motion mechanism.

Instead, they instantly threw chains from all directions to bind the perpetual motion mechanism.

Two-layer, three-layer, four-layer, and five-layer chains are stacked layer by layer.

Then coupled with the powerful force of the giant, the chains began to squeeze each other, as if to crush the objects inside.

"It's now!!"

The leaders of both sides saw the dawn of victory.

The Frost Giant unleashes his ice, and the Fire Giant unleashes blazing fire.

As the so-called two layers of ice and fire, the perpetual motion mechanism was engulfed in an instant.

At the same time, the leaders of the two sides held high between the flames and the ice, and above the sky, dark clouds appeared, and thunder flashed.

The power is not as powerful as the thunder, but the thunder still emits heat enough to melt iron.

"Give me death!!"


The strike of the thunder slammed into the body of the perpetual motion mechanism, and the smoke filled the sky, depriving the sight.

After doing all this, the giants slowly stopped, "Did you succeed?"

The frost giant murmured.

And the one who answered this question was not his own people, but the Nordic gods themselves.

"How could it possibly work."

Eschatology is not an ordinary devil, it is the ultimate trial of mankind.

Not to mention thunder.

Even the most orthodox thunder can't hurt the pure white body. How can these... second-rate attacks work! These methods of the giants can be used to deal with their Nordic gods, but their opponents are Eschatology can never be measured by common sense.

That was the great demon king who could subvert the small garden itself.

Just like his initial declaration.

——Exhaust your strength!!! Exhaust your resourcefulness!!! Exhaust your bravery!!!! If you don't do this, let alone kill the eschatology, it is very difficult to even hurt them.

Under this attack that contained the life and dignity of the giants.

All were blasted away by the blow of the perpetual motion mechanism that shook the stars.

Unreasonable power.

Not mutual restraint or suppression.

It is the crushing of absolute power.

The giant chains that bound the perpetual motion mechanism shattered into powder, and the remaining thunder was directly bounced off by the pure white body.

Seeing this scene, even the giants who were not afraid of the gods were shaken one by one.

At this moment, they seemed to understand somewhat what they were facing at the moment.

"What we shouldn't be hostile to is Norse mythology. Even if we can't cooperate, we shouldn't attack me."

He was instantly beaten by the perpetual motion mechanism.

The giants also began to soften.

He could understand that it was impossible to defeat this Demon King with ordinary methods.

No wonder the entire Norse mythology was invaded so easily by them, which was clearly crippled by the final trial of human beings before.

"Shouldn't be hostile!"

The perpetual motion mechanism seemed to have heard a joke, and instantly laughed.

"Who do you think is in front of you now! I am the ultimate test of human beings, a born demon king, since I am a demon king, I am the enemy of the world, and the whole world is my enemy, why? Unable to be hostile!"

In an instant, it was broken by the perpetual motion mechanism, giving the giants no chance to breathe.

Seeing this, the giants stepped back one after another, seeing the perpetual motion mechanism, and their hearts were filled with panic at the moment.

Seeing this scene, the perpetual motion agency grinned.

"I'm starting to get a little tired of just the fact that the problem of the Nordic gods has been solved. There are things I need in the giants' territory. You guys are too annoying."

The Demon King carrying the black flag stood in the void, and said calmly, "In the flames of the end, struggle to your heart's content."

There's no need for Weiss to do anything at all.

With the emergence of the perpetual motion mechanism, everything will be turned into ruins.

As the final trial of human beings, it will definitely give the opponent a blow like a natural disaster.

In the next instant, the infinite spirituality was released.

The faces of the giants who noticed all this changed greatly.

"Retreat, retreat quickly!!"

The flame giants and the frost giants had expressions of horror on their faces. Although they didn't know what it was, they should pay attention to the attack that would destroy their existence and make the world go to hell. "It's over!!"

The perpetual motion mechanism showed its fangs, and in the palms of its hands, the brilliance of infinite power bloomed.

In the next instant, it swept away.

"Simulation of creating a star map - the third kind of star particle!!!"

咻. …! A sound—representing the brilliance of infinite power, like the sun’s rays, indiscriminately casts on everything in the world into a storm called destruction.

The almost infinite giant warriors, under the expansion of this infinite spirituality, all turned to ashes.

There is absolutely no possibility of resistance.

This is a blow to the paradoxical mystery of mankind's final trial, which is enough to destroy a group of gods themselves.

"No, it's not impossible!!!"

The giants roared wildly, trying to escape.

The infinite brilliance directly penetrated their bodies, and everything disappeared.

Only the Nordic gods who looked at all this with dull eyes were left.

"Too, too strong!!!"

After a long while, a god reacted and looked at all this blankly.

There is no chance of resistance at all.

The demon kings in front of them far exceeded their imaginations.

Not only did they defeat the Asa gods of Norse mythology, but even the giants of the enemy were also destroyed.

Moreover, with his own power, he suppressed the heavens, so that the strong men of the giant clan did not dare to show their faces.

"Everyone, retreat, retreat and stick to the realm of the gods!"

The giants were destroyed by the perpetual motion mechanism.

Thor seized the opportunity, immediately gathered the remaining gods, quickly evacuated, and after closing the rainbow bridge, he pulled the power of [Asgard] to defend the gods.

Although [Asgard] was broken by the perpetual motion mechanism and Weiss just now.

However, there is no problem in defending the current giants.

They no longer intend to fight the perpetual motion mechanism.

In the Norse gods where Odin died, it is impossible to defeat such a demon king.

If you can gather the power of the giants, it will be another matter of course.

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