at the same time--

What happened today made him reconfirm the existence of hope.

Within the territory of the West Zone, there is a powerful presence that has repulsed the closed world.

Although I don't know who the tuxedo god is, it must be some powerful hero.


Did not succeed in crusade against the closed world.

Therefore, the tuxedo god knows that his mission is not over.

The bullet that broke the iron wall of the closed world must be found by yourself.

Although I don't know how long it will take.

But, he knows, he can only do this!

Without strength, he could not go on the battlefield to slay the Demon King.

All he can do in this dystopian war is wait.


Today, I saw the dazzling star like the sun that Weiss talked about a hundred years ago.

"Then what's on the other side of the wall?"

A young girl caught from the ideal land——with soft blonde hair and a sweet scent, she tilted her head cutely and asked in a non-fluctuation voice.

The emotion in the tone is very thin.The question that seems to be answered casually can make people feel lifeless, not to mention that she is only ten years old.

She's a little shorter than average, and she's cradling age-appropriate dolls in her arms.In this ideal land where the value of goods is equalized, girls are already heretical at this time.

However, in the eyes of the monster in the tuxedo—her figure was like a bright star.

This is a natural reaction.

After all, for a long time, he was in this closed bird cage, asking questions to the human beings as many as the stars, and it was this girl that he finally encountered a glimmer of light.

As if struck by lightning, the impact ran through the silhouette's entire body.He had tears in his eyes uncharacteristically, and now wanted to kneel down and thank the ironic fate.

However, in this era when the trend of the world of Hakoniwa is about to be decided, a girl with the possibility of saving the world has appeared. This too coincidental encounter is not fate, what else can it be called?

It turned out to be true, the fact that Mr. Weiss said, and his own guesses are not wrong, there are really loopholes in [closed world], even if it is a possibility of one in a billion, but there are loopholes.

And this loophole, now, has been found by him.

"The other side of the wall—"

The monster in the tuxedo suit immediately wanted to answer, but suddenly swallowed the answer that was almost out of his mouth.

Although he really wanted to make the girl his disciple immediately, he suppressed this desire with all his strength.He is not alone in resisting the ideal land - the closed world!

There is a mixed group of gods led by the [Fantasy] executor Emperor Shitian in the Eastern District, and Tianbu is fighting.

In the southern area, a group of Greek gods has migrated and is said to be watching for opportunities to counterattack.

I also heard that in the North District, there are evil spirits Rakshasa centered on Vampires, Bull Demon Kings, Shuten Boys, and Golden Retriever Nine-Tails, and they are led by the half-star spirit Sun Wukong of [Fantasy].

Obviously there are so many Shura gods and Buddhas launching the offensive, but the battle situation is at a disadvantage everywhere.

After all, [Locked World] has the side of the strongest godslayer.

The absolute management of politics and the suppression of infidels is the strongest armor against other gods.

However, if there is an existence that breaks the armor of 4.2 from the inside - it will become the star of hope that all forces have been waiting for for a long time.Because of this, this treasure should receive more divine training.

The tuxedo monster suppressed his desire to be monopolized, and shook his shadow with a cold smile.

"If you want to know what's on the other side of the wall, you have to check with your own feet."

"I go by my own?"

"Yes. Your feeling of [wanting to know] can never be satisfied by information from other people. That is you have to use your own feet, your own eyes, your own soul and everything to carve a trajectory, and then you can finally Something slightly satisfying."

Even so - do you still have the courage to challenge the birdcage?

The tuxedo monster asked with a smile.

Chapter [-]: New Prophecy

That being said, if the girl shook her head here, it would all be in vain.

Looking up at the girl in the tuxedo monster——Canary hesitated for a while before taking a solid step.

This step started the battle between mankind and the gods in the long star and frost years, and the strongest demon king who closed the future of mankind - the final trial of mankind, the demon king of the closed world.

The monster in the tuxedo was so excited that he almost cried.

Although this is only a small step taken by the girl, it does prove that there are loopholes in [closed world], and it is a big step to counterattack. Even though this is just the beginning, it is difficult to finish the beginning.

When you start, you have a direction, and only when you have a direction can you make a leap.

"You must inform Lord Weiss and rule [Fantasy]!"

Not to mention this.

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