The goddess in the tuxedo almost knelt on the ground.

Chapter [-]: Human Hope, Canary

Chiba slowly walked past the goddess in the tuxedo, and with the spirituality he bestowed, the spirituality of the tuxedo that had gradually shrunk over a hundred years instantly became full.

"This is a reward, it's beautifully done, but you don't have to be so restrained, we are all comrades fighting against the [closed world] together. As the Lord of the Garden, I will give you your contribution to the dystopian war. affim!"

For an instant.

This achievement has been recognized by the center of the small garden.

At this stage, Chiba, as the lord of the small garden, that is, the agent of the central garden of the small garden, holds a lot of authority.

Immediately afterwards, the spirit of the goddess in the tuxedo swelled up at a very fast speed.

In an instant, it broke through the five-digit figure and skyrocketed in the direction of the four-digit peak.

The spirit that felt that he had been compressed had recovered again, even surpassing his heyday.

The tuxedo god couldn't believe his eyes.

Seeing this, Chiba smiled.

"I think, I'm here to give [closed world] a hundred courage, and he doesn't dare to come over, so don't worry, this child, just leave it to me!"

At this time, the White Night King and others came hurriedly.

They stared straight at the blonde girl with curiosity in their eyes.

They want to know.

What is the difference between this blond girl at the moment, it can be called "Hope of Humanity" by Chiba!

Chiba waved his hand and dismissed them.

"Don't scare her."

After speaking, he slowly approached.

Facing so many unfamiliar and powerful faces, the blond girl was not frightened. Instead, she blinked and blinked at Chiba with wide eyes, without any fear.

"You are called Canary, right!?"

There was a warm smile on Chiba's face.

Canary was very confused by this, tilted her little head, and nodded slightly.


"Really, from today onwards, just follow me!! Don't you want to know what is on the other side of the wall? Just follow me to witness."

The emergence of the canary lays the foundation for the closed world to be overcome.

And now, what Chiba has to do is to let this little hope of mankind grow up.

"So what do you want to see before that?"

Touch Canary's tiny blonde hair!There was a smile on Chiba's face like that of a big brother next door.

Without waiting for Canary to answer, Chiba opened her mouth as a reminder.

"But before that, I have to ask you to change your thinking. Let's start with learning to think!"

Humans who exist in the [closed world], that is, the ideal land, do not know social competition, do not behave suspiciously, and do not learn to speculate!

Seriously, they are domestic animals who can't even think!

Give clothes, give houses, give food regularly.

Give up thinking, live meat bags.

The only thing they have produced is a little Xinyang Heart, which is used to improve the spirituality of the [Final Trial of Humanity] closed-world demon king!

And being seduced by the monster in a tuxedo, he developed a feeling that humans would never have in an ideal world——【Curiosity】!

"Thinking!? That's the other side of the wall!?"

Canary tilted her little head, even though she had feelings that other people in the ideal village did not have.

However, this feeling is too small and too small, and can even be ignored!This is simply the extreme heresy born in the ideal country!

It is unrealistic to want this small feeling to transcend the inherent thinking of the closed world, and it needs careful polishing.

"No! What's on the other side of the wall, you need to witness it with your own eyes, you need to use your own feet to trace the trajectory of your life, and you need to use your hands to create your future!"

"But—why do you do that!?"

"That's the question we need to answer next!"

Canary tilted her head for unknown reasons, but nodded anyway. In the end, she still had such a question deep in her heart.

No, that's not a question, but a feeling that no one else exists in [Ideal Land], and only exists in this little body of hope, whose name is:


"Well!! Then what should I call you!?"

"Well, it's a teacher!! I'm teaching you, by the way, just call me a teacher! My name is Chiba, please give me more advice."

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