Facing the attack of the closed world, Canary was unmoved, and only spoke calmly.

"No, you are wrong, Mr. Demon King, I am not trying to kill you, force is not the only means to overcome eschatology, I am not a god of war, but a poet who saves the country with curves, seeks advantages and avoids disadvantages, and controls Situation is what I do best.”

"Next, I'll let Mr. Demon King see my graduation game, and what the poet does when it comes to crossing Eschatology 257!"

With her index finger on her lips, Canary smiled happily.

Spreading out the parchment, the canary waved the quill fluently and made the [contract document].

Seeing this scene, the closed world laughed.

"Hakoniwa's gift game? Do you think this kind of thing can restrain me?"

"What, it's too ignorant to be Mr. Demon King, think about it, you have never left the [Ideal Land], the gods don't even have a chance to use you!"

As a private person, the canary toppled everything at the moment, and then constructed a monistic worldview with human beings at the core.

The next moment, the rules are broken and the power is suppressed.

The closed world clearly felt that its attack had been wiped out.

And this power does not come from the canary itself.

Rather, it was the power of the Little Garden Center triggered by the [contract document] she constructed.

More importantly, in that [contract document], he smelled the same as himself.

That is the power to construct your own view of the universe and form a trial!

"This is not an ordinary [contract document], it is the achievements I have accumulated over the past [-] years and my teacher have traveled through the entire small garden! Putting all this together, and constructing it, is my [host authority]! "

Chapter [-]: Gift Game

Boon Game Name: Utopia!

Summary of the rules:

①Until the contestant is erased, you can challenge the game as many times as you want.

② The contestants act as the agent of the end, and the organizer acts as the agent of human beings.

③As the main premise of this gift game, all actions in the game will rewrite [history] and become part of [history].

④Power will be deprived, and all games will be played in the track of [History]!

Contestant's victory conditions:

① Imprison all human beings

②Recognize the depth of the karma of being a demon king.


Under the name and banner, swear that the above game is legitimate.

——[Fantasy] Seal

[Host authority]——That is the strongest enforcement power that can even surpass the power of the gods.

It is the strongest executive power created as a means to seal the Demon King who is testing human beings with the power of the gods.

It is possible to turn a mere game of power with the ultimate trial of mankind into a game.

And the content of the game is up to you.

It can be said that the so-called [host authority] is a general world view.

He can ignore the perception of strength, forcibly pull the opponent into the world you build yourself, and defeat the opponent with the rules of the world you build yourself.

At the same time as the glorious parchment fell, the closed world immediately plunged into darkness.


What the host authority is, the closed world will naturally not know.

Although at this stage, [host authority] is much more common than it was hundreds of years ago.

However, that is the standard of the top community.

It can be said that any well-known community in the world of Hakoni now has this kind of power.


The closed world has never been seen once.

Yep, not once.

The reason is simple and pure.

He has never walked out of the West District, never out of his [Ideal Land]!

In order to ensure his victory, he chose the safest way to win.

Cocooning alone in the [Ideal Land], he devoured the world of Little Garden step by step with his ultimate power.

In this way, he did not even need to fight against other powerful groups of gods, and he reached the point where he was invincible.

While this is a surefire way to close the world, there is no risk.

However, because of this.

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