Hearing this, Pest trembled.

"If the other party really caused the [Black Death] to save the world, I can forgive her on behalf of the collective resentment."

Hearing this, Chiba calmly glanced at Pest.

But it was this look that almost made Pest lose his soul.

She never thought that a person's eyes could be so terrifying.

If the other party wants to, it can even destroy the entire universe in an instant.

too frightening.

Pest felt that her soul was trembling, as if it would shatter at any moment.

At this moment, Pest realized how naive she thought Chiba was the Almighty.

The current Chiba, I am afraid, is the full power, maybe it is still on it.


The whole universe was silent because of his eyes.

"You are not qualified to forgive her, nor are you qualified to forgive her in human history!"

Indifferent words spit out from Chiba's mouth.

For an instant.

All the oppression suddenly disappeared.

Pest suddenly let out a big breath, and the souls that were about to be torn apart were assembled again.

It was only a moment, but Pest felt like a century had passed.

"Did you know? That's a weight that all the gods and Buddhas in the whole small garden can't bear, but as a human girl, she was born in the world only a hundred years ago, but she has shouldered everything by herself without hesitation, for the sake of mankind, for the sake of the small garden, she Close your fears and cross your destiny."

"Before the battle, she even cried to me that she was very scared, but in fact, she has made up her mind to give up everything!"

"And everything she does is for the sake of the world of Hakoniwa, for the history of mankind—"

"Under such circumstances, human history is still continuously providing power for the closed world, making her make a move that has to slaughter humans."

"Human beings are destroyed by the hands of humans. This sentence is very artistic. Maybe, this is the so-called human being? Of course, I am not qualified to point fingers here. After all, I am only observing this from the perspective of God."

"However, the only thing I can confirm is that under such circumstances, humans are indeed cursing her as the savior, don't you think it's ridiculous?"

"Do you still think that you are qualified to forgive her?"

Hearing this, Pest was silent.

She just stared blankly at Chiba.

"Do you love her very much?"

Chiba shook his head.

"I am not short of love. If I wanted to, most of the mythical goddesses in the whole small garden would embrace me and give birth to me willingly. Of course, I am not as romantic as Zeus. She is my disciple. "

"This is the first time she has fought on her own in a hundred years, and I don't want her to have any regrets!"

Perth nodded.

She somehow understood this feeling.

It was as if the old father was watching his child take care of himself, and wanted to escort her in the opponent's first battle.

"I see."

"I was indeed a little rude before. It's my fault to pour all the curses on you. We have no right to resent her. If you really want to resent her, you can only blame the sun!"

Pest stood under the starry sky, staring blankly at the silver sun.

Chapter [-]: Erase the closed world

In this regard, Chiba and Pest embarked on a journey,

During this process, the most they did was to spread the [Black Death], and Peste's black wind naturally carried the pathogen of [Black Death].

Chiba, on the other hand, was responsible for hiding Peste so that the closed world would not discover her existence.

Even if the closed world discovered the clue, it was easily repelled by Chiba.

Because of this, the spread of the [Black Death] is at least dozens of times more than the original history!

The number of people killed by the infection is also increasing at an extremely fast rate.

It can be said that the whole world is shrouded in the fear of the Black Death,

Different from the past, this time the onset of the [Black Death] had no sign, and it was clear that there was no contact with pathogens, and there was still a way to transmit it!

Therefore, people's fear of the [Black Death] is far greater than in the original book, and the result is only one,

Because of fear and curse, Pesto's little spirit began to grow up before she knew it!

The two traveled all over Europe and then came to the mainland!The pathogen of the Black Death spreads everywhere.

The death toll was less than [-] at the beginning, and slowly accumulated.

[-], [-], [-], one million, ten million

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