"It will not be exiled forever. As the endower of the power to end the world, it has a certain fateful battle with the center of the small garden. Now there is still the [absolute evil] left in the world of the small garden. In time, it will be summoned back!"

Canary was very annoyed.

Chiba's power, she is very clear.

If it was a regular battle, Chiba, who was her teacher, would not have been defeated.

And the wind of decadence knows this well, and uses this despicable method, while itself, it only bears the risk of temporary exile.

"It is absolutely impossible to put [Wind of Decadence] into the world of Little Garden again, and that [absolute evil], I will help Qianye-sensei to overcome it, but it will take time at this stage, if there is help from the White Night King, Dashengjie and the others. —"

Speaking of this, Canary seemed to have reacted in an instant, and asked subconsciously.

"Did Chiba-sensei leave behind!"

She was not carried away by anger.

Remaining calm at all times is one of the principles Chiba teaches her from time to time.

Only poets who are not influenced by their emotions can become the best game controllers.

Hearing this, the Laplace Demon nodded.

0 · Ask for flowers ·

"Lord Chiba has indeed left behind."

"What is it?"

"Sorry, Canary, I can't tell you, since Chiba's voice didn't reach here at the last moment, it means she doesn't want you to know."

Hearing this, Canary fell silent, she gritted her silver teeth and fell into contemplation.

I can't fathom the teacher's wisdom, but since it was his decision, there must be his sophistication. That is to say, the teacher's back-hand, as a poet, will not play a role.

That is to say-

"Is that backhand realized purely based on strength?"

In just a few seconds, the canary made a judgment.

Laplace nodded.

"That's right, from this moment, and even for the next several hundred years, don't go to the upper floors of the small garden. The big reckoning has already begun."

"Although I don't know what happened to the upper floors, since you are here, it means that you need my strength."

"As expected of a disciple taught by Lord Qianye, you can indeed have high hopes. If that's the case, then I'll make a long story short. This time, King Bai Ye asked me to come here. She hopes that you can serve as a poet in This theory is sung in the history of mankind!"

After speaking.

Laplace pointed a finger, and in an instant, a large amount of information poured into Canary's mind.

Almost instantly.

Canary understands.

However, it is precisely because of this that the canary looks extremely surprised.

"What, what White Night King, do you want to take back her [Tian Dong Shuo] identity?"

"But, why, because of the suppression of human history, [Tiandong] got rid of the control of [Wind of Decadence]. Once he dominates all cosmology, I am afraid it will become the summoner of [Wind of Decadence]!"

Saying that, Canary was stunned for a moment and looked at the Laplace Demon.

Instantly reacted.

There is only one situation that is enough for the White Night King to venture into [Tiandong Shuo].

She will use the power of the end to suppress the two-digit sequence of the heavens.

"They, are you trying to suppress the entire upper level of Little Garden?"

Chapter three hundred and thirty fourth: parting ways

"They, are you trying to suppress the entire upper class of Little Garden?"

Hearing this, the Great Demon Laplace did not answer.

She just shook her head.

"Canary, don't think too much, things are not as simple as you think"

That is not at all a means of suppressing such tenderness.

but to kill!

A ferocious act that killed at least a quarter of the life in the upper level of the small garden.

That is a quarter of the life form of the whole box garden.

If it does.

I am afraid that the [Tiandong Doctrine] era and the [closed world] era did not add up to that many lives killed.

Canary was silent for a moment.

"In other words, if we are going to carry out the [Absolute Evil] strategy, the combat power of my side will be."

Laplace nodded.

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