Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 99: Night Talk at the Camp

Martin's meeting with the Pope began with religion, interspersed with some brief introductions to this world. After the long meeting, there was no light in the sky. At the request of the Pope, Pastor Martin had dinner with the Pope. Later after dinner, Pastor Martin transmitted some of the information he had received to Li's personal terminal.

The humans on the planet Bojiang 4 are still in a feudal society. Various countries of different sizes are intertwined in the world. The king and the nobles lead the knights to fight each other for power and gold coins. There are also some powerful beasts in the nature far away from human living areas.

In terms of technology, the production of black gunpowder has matured, and muskets have been initially put into practical use.

Religion is relatively complicated. The Royal State Religion absorbed some primitive beliefs of the local indigenous people and became a huge sect. The Holy See is superior to the kings of various countries in a transcendent manner.

There are only some rough intelligence materials now, and more specific information is still being sorted out.

"It looks like medieval Europe," Li scratched his head, "There is no superpower, and small countries are fighting each other. It's a mess, full of contradictions. There are kings and kings, kings and nobles, royal power and religious rights, and various trade unions. It's a quagmire of power and conspiracy."

"Do you think it's bad?" The speaker was sitting by the campfire. His voice was low and calm, but anyone could easily hear the power hidden under the calmness from this voice. The man sighed, "No wonder you think so. Power and conspiracy, ah, I hate these things almost instinctively."

"You have always been like this, which is good. It's very similar to your ancestors." Li said, while picking up a branch and turning the campfire in front of him. The flames rose, and the instantaneous light dispelled the shadows and illuminated a person not far from the campfire.

That was a human being as strong as a giant. He was nearly three meters tall, with muscles on his body bulging and tangled. His hair was shaved into a military-style buzz cut, which looked healthy and energetic. Now the giant stood casually in a relaxed posture, but even so, it could not cover up the waves of oppression emanating from him. Just by looking at his height and body shape, one could feel the terrible power this person possessed. Moreover, he had a pair of sharp eyes, like a blade, and his whole person was like a heavy blade out of the sheath, ready to be put into battle at any time.

There were a total of three people who arrived in this world with the empty warehouse, including Pastor Martin who was responsible for contacting local religious institutions, Captain Li, the real master of this world, and Roland who came with Captain Li.

Today's Roland is completely different from when Li first met him. In the past five years, the memory seeds of the ancient heroes of the regiment gradually merged with Roland. While his body was changed, Roland also underwent cruel training again and again. He was thrown into a jungle full of primitive beasts and dinosaurs to struggle for survival; not only that, in these years he has seen almost all kinds of cruel environments, deserts, wilderness, swamps full of poisonous gas, none of which took his life; he was put in the Colosseum and forced to fight with the cruelest and most cunning murderers and criminals in the entire Reach Galaxy, and later he was made to fight with ferocious cosmic beasts. In the cruel environment, in the desperate situation of life and death, Roland's body and spirit were forged, he was changed, his body became strong, his fists became powerful, and his spirit became pure. He was gradually trained and changed into a pure weapon.

But Roland's changes are not just that, he can skillfully use most of the weapons that Li has seen, whether it is an assault bolter, a sniper bolter, or various heavy weapons. He can even skillfully fiddle with laser rifles, he can smoothly drive various vehicles, as long as the door is not too small, his huge body can get in, he can start the vehicle. Even Li looked at Roland with pride. Perhaps some people are destined to become Astarte monks. They are destined to go to the battlefield and use the lives of their enemies to build their own honor.

If there is anything wrong with Roland now, it is the actual combat experience on the battlefield. Although Roland has experienced cruel fights, he has not been on the real battlefield yet.

"Roland, you are very good. Now you have a chance to make up for your only shortcoming."

"Teacher, I don't understand what you mean."

"I really don't like power struggles, but in this world, more power struggles are not a bad thing for us," Li looked at the bonfire and said slowly: "It is precisely because of the fierce conflicts among all parties and the lack of a unified regime that this world will be frequently in war. Most of the power struggles will eventually evolve into life and death battles, and some of them can eventually become wars. A world with frequent wars is what we need. War itself is the best elimination mechanism. Weak soldiers die in wars, while those who are strong can survive from wars and make achievements."

"It seems that in the eyes of the teacher, this world is just a huge arena with countries as the background."

"Indeed," Li nodded, "You are right, that's what I mean. And I hope that religion can play a role as a manager. For the sake of its own survival, the Holy See will let the war continue like this. On the one hand, they continue to stir up hatred and war, and on the other hand, they control the scale of the war. The final result is that it will neither evolve into a devastating large-scale battle, nor will it allow a relatively unified and powerful regime to emerge."

"Although I have no right to question, I personally don't like this approach," Roland asked: "Mentor, aren't we the guardians of mankind? Why push these people who can live peacefully into the abyss of war? Among them?”

"Then what do you think we should do?"

"Of course a strong government should be established to eliminate the war."

"If this world has a unified political power and people live in peace and tranquility, this scene sounds good, but such a world is really terrible for us." Li said with his fingers: "Not only Not only for us, such a world is terrible for the empire, and even for themselves. In terms of tax burden, it is impossible for such a world to provide tax burden to the empire. The value of this planet may be less than Go to your house on Earth. A peaceful environment makes people weak, so once it is at peace, the world will not be able to provide our Chapter with excellent warriors; and it is also not a good thing for them, a newly developed one. It is impossible for people who still live in the Middle Ages to resist those powerful alien creatures. It only takes one group of Eldar people to slaughter all the humans on this planet. If this is the recruitment of our war group. Then we will naturally find ways to rescue it, but if this planet has nothing to do with me, then even if it is wiped off the star map by the Spirit Race people, I believe no one will pay attention to it." Li finally sighed and said: " Roland, kindness is an excellent quality, but nowadays this quality is too luxurious for us. The universe is so cruel. If we don't try our best, then what can we do to fight against the enemies hidden in the depths of darkness? "

"Mentor, I don't understand why you want to make this a recruiting point? You have a civilized planet and a huge army in the Zhiyuan galaxy. We can select talents from the best soldiers. Logically speaking, we can't If there is a shortage of troops, why would we go to a place like this to recruit troops?”

"Each has its own advantages. The recruits recruited from among the outstanding soldiers will be better at firearms and weapons and obey discipline, but they lack combat. The soldiers here are relatively mature. They have experienced many lives and experiences. Fight to the death, survive the cruel battlefield, and they are proficient in cold weapon combat. Compared with the soldiers on Reach, the soldiers here are relatively stronger both physically and mentally, but the most important thing is peace. Reach can only bring me disciplined warriors, but here are the 'combat heroes' who have been eliminated through the war. If I follow my timetable, sooner or later, the entire Eridanus galaxy will become an important part of our battle group. Recruitment point.”

Roland nodded: "I seem to understand."

Li was silent for a while, then continued to ask: "Is this your first time riding a short position today? How does it feel?"

"It's very exciting," Roland smiled: "Actually, I quite like this way of landing. The only downside is that it's a bit hot."

"It's just a little hot? The internal temperature has reached 80 degrees Celsius. An ordinary person would be cooked." Li said angrily: "There is a problem with the cooling system of the airdrop cabin, and several new coolants are also being developed. It's really troublesome for me to worry about these things. How are you doing?"

"The new organ cooperates well with the body, but the newly transplanted 'Lyman's Ear' is a little troublesome," Roland said with some distress: "My hearing has been strengthened like never before, and I don't suffer from my extreme sense of direction. I no longer feel nauseous and vomiting. The only problem is that I still cannot control my hearing on my own. I can hear distant sounds at any time and I can hardly sleep in the wild. Speaking of excellent hearing, I seem to hear footsteps. …”

For a moment, the two people talking fell silent, and there was only the crackling sound of the fire burning the branches.

"It's indeed footsteps, four people, moving in our direction."

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