Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 126 Anjie (1/2)

A slender leg with beautiful curves poked out from the hatch of the spacecraft, and then stepped out without hesitation.

This is not a common sight on the Sea Rat Star. A girl in complicated and gorgeous clothes actually set foot here.

One of Li Anjie's feet stepped on the ground. It seemed that due to the recent rainfall, the soft ground caused the heel of her high-heeled shoes to sink a certain distance, which made her already unhappy mood even worse.

"What a rotten place this is!" Li Anjie complained as he walked forward step by step: "It's just a huge muddy pond. My shoes are about to be corroded by the mud here! This was given to me by the master. New shoes!”

"This is Sea Rat Star, a huge muddy pond floating in the universe. Maybe next time you come here, you will remember not to wear high heels." Following the words, a woman wearing a simple white nun uniform emerged from Walked out of the spaceship.

"You should at least find a dry place to land, such as a spaceport or an airport!"

"There is no place like that on Sea Squirrel Star." The young woman shrugged her shoulders slightly.

"It's really unlucky!" Li Anjie muttered and complained: "I don't know what this mud is. It's sticky, and I don't know if it can be wiped off. I'm going crazy! My shoes are going to be ruined. ! Elizabeth, you should be able to tell me now, why do we come to this terrible place? I want to go home!"

For a moment, Elizabeth felt a slight pain in her heart, because she knew that the "home" the girl mentioned was not with her, nor the place where she lived now. Of course, that is if the place where she lived was considered a residence. The "home" that the young girl Li Anjie refers to is the place where her master lives in seclusion. Unexpectedly, compared to her human mother, those nagging bean sprouts can actually bring the feeling of home to Li Anjie. Thinking of this, Elizabeth I feel like laughing and crying again.

But after all, Elizabeth was a former Battle Sister and a former Inquisitor. The softness in her heart lasted only for a moment. Soon, she let her heart return to its normal state - as cold and hard as iron stone. So Elizabeth smiled and said to the girl: "Anjie, I remember I told you that you must be polite when speaking, especially to your elders. When you meet your elders, you must use their honorifics instead of calling them by their names. How about you?" Remember?"

"Oh, my God Emperor," the girl looked up to the sky and sighed. Then she saw the cold smile on Elizabeth's face again, then she raised her hands in surrender and said, "Okay, okay, I remember, I am a genius, and I am not gradually How can a dry old guy forget things?"

Elizabeth ignored the obvious attack in the girl's words, but still smiled and asked: "What should you call me?"

Li Anjie gritted his teeth, took a deep breath, and after a while, he managed to spit out the two simplest sounds: "Mom! Mom!"

"Well, not bad, good boy." Elizabeth said as she stretched out her hand slightly stiffly and patted the girl on the head, but the girl turned her head to the side and dodged Elizabeth's hand angrily. Elizabeth just smiled and said nonchalantly: "In order to reward you, let me tell you the purpose of our coming here now. When we come to this desolate sea rat star, the first thing we have to do is of course to collect intelligence. It’s something that almost all outsiders have to do. Let’s go step by step. First, what you need to know is the history of this planet…”

The Sea Mouse is located in an inconspicuous corner of the vast Far East region of the Empire. This planet is so desolate and inconspicuous that you can’t even find this planet in the Empire star maps published in many places. The galaxy where it is located. In the corner of the regional archives of the Imperial High Command, there is a page of brief conjectures about the battles that once took place on the Sea Rat Planet.

"Although I understand that this is not the attitude that a scholar should have, I must say that among the many galaxies I have traveled to, this is the ugliest planet I have ever seen, and I also believe that in In the days to come, it will always occupy the top spot. It is so ugly. The sea of ​​Sea Rat Star is dirty gray, just like the dirty water left behind after being washed with a dirty mop in a bucket. color, and the ocean occupies more than 80% of the planet's area, so when viewed from the universe, the color of this star is dirty gray. This is not a natural color. It is obvious that this planet has been damaged. Pollution, and the purpose of my trip is to find the cause and source of pollution for Sir Say." This was followed by a complex data analysis, until the end, a simple conclusion, "In short, due to the long time, there is a lack of specificity. The reason for the strong evidence makes any detailed and affirmative discussion meaningless. Here I can only make wrong inferences based on what I see now. Tens of thousands of years ago, on this star called the Sea Mouse. A huge battle took place on the planet. Both sides of the battle used powerful weapons. The two sides of the battle and the final victor were unknown, but the final result was obvious. That terrible battle was for everyone. The planet's ecology and environment have caused devastating damage, and the sea rat planet's ocean has been permanently polluted. The only creature that can survive in this gray ocean is the sea rat. "

"Now," asked Elizabeth, "what do you know?"

"The possible past of this dirty planet."

"Yes, let's take a look at the current state of this planet. Due to the special geographical environment, the owner of this planet, Sir Sai's family, had already given up on this place after learning that the pollution was irreversible. The nobles valued the quality of life, and they would not let themselves live in a quagmire. At that time, this planet was entrusted to three large companies for management. Now these three large companies have already merged into a giant company, which is the actual controller of this planet - United Water Company. United Water Company controls the only water source on the planet. On this planet, if you want to drink clean water without pollution and radiation, If you want water, you can only buy it from the United Water Company. At the same time, due to its special geographical location in the universe, this large enterprise also maintains close ties with many space pirates, well-known hunter associations in the Far East, and various secret churches. Criminals, murderers, traitors, cultists, and all kinds of scum come and go on the Sea Rat Star. If you take out a gun and shoot randomly in the city here, then you can rest assured that there will not be an innocent person among the dead. The Sea Rat Star is a paradise for criminals, and all kinds of hidden and unknown secrets are circulated here. The laws of the empire are of no use here, and even the mercy of the Emperor of God cannot save this place. The scum of the sea, the hounds of the Ministry of Justice will never have the chance to know what kind of evil is hidden under the gray of the Sea Mouse Star. "

"In other words, this planet is not just a quagmire, but there are all kinds of maggots in this quagmire?"

"Accurate metaphor."

"Oh my God, Mom, why do we have to go to such a place? If you want to get any information, you can tell me and I can do it for you directly. There is no need to go through so much trouble. We can just find a few bastards on the street, catch them, and torture them, and we will know everything, right? Don't lie to me, interrogation and torture are your specialties, my master said, Your skills in this area are the best in the universe. "

Elizabeth just shook her head and sighed, "My stupid daughter, there are many ways to obtain intelligence, but you chose the most direct and laborious way. Well, let's go, have a drink first, let's listen to what's new in the Far East recently."

"Hey," Li Anjie sighed, "Since we're here, let's go have a drink."

The wilderness of the Sea Rat Star is dangerous. The poor people living at the bottom, the uncivilized barbarians, the ignorant lower-class hooligans, and a small number of mutant creatures wander around in the wilderness, threatening the lives of travelers at any time. Of course, compared with humans, those mutant creatures are the safest. And all these dangers have never existed for Elizabeth and Li Anjie. Under the leadership of Elizabeth, the two walked easily and swaggeringly in the wilderness. It only took half a day for a group of "friendly" people with shotguns and strange explosive hair to come to them. Elizabeth easily convinced the confused young people with her weapons and several bodies whose heads were blown off. In this way, the two ladies got a modified off-road vehicle with high horsepower. In just one day, they arrived in a prosperous city.

"Sweetwater City is the only city on this planet that retains strict order, because the headquarters of the United Water Company is in this city. Have you seen the building made entirely of glass? It has 365 floors, the tallest building on this planet." Elizabeth drove the off-road vehicle skillfully through the streets and alleys, while introducing the various local conditions to Li Anjie. "Now we are going to a bar. I said that this is a paradise for criminals, and this 'Sweetwater City' is the safest place in paradise. It is far away from the lackeys and laws of the empire, and is protected by the United Water Company. The scum here almost don't need to worry about any problems. So this place will give those desperate people who have been wandering between death for a long time a sense of security. Of course, this sense of security is false, but this is what they need. And this sense of security is dangerous. False sense of security will make people relax their vigilance and lower their heart, especially after a few drinks. They will take the initiative to tell many secrets without you even asking them specifically. "

As he said this, the off-road vehicle turned several corners and finally entered an underground garage hidden in the alley. After parking, Elizabeth walked to an iron door in the corner of the garage. There was a vulgar sign made of red and green neon lights on the door, "One shot to the head". Elizabeth raised her hand and knocked on the door with a specific rhythm.

A window above the iron door opened, revealing a pair of vigilant eyes, "Who! ?" The man in the room asked.

"It's me, Sister!"

The vigilant eyes were a little impatient, "Sister? Who is Sister?"

Before Elizabeth could even show her impatience, a muffled sound came from the room, and the vigilant eyes flew away from the window in a strange way, and then there was a hurried sound at the iron door, and the door was opened very quickly. A burly bald man in a black suit was standing at the door. The moment he saw Elizabeth, the bald man quickly bent down and showed respect to Elizabeth with a standard 90-degree bow, "I'm really sorry, Sister, the man just now was new and he didn't know you, so he was a little rude to you."

The moment he heard Elizabeth's voice, the bald man knew that the nun was coming. Then he heard the words of the idiot newcomer, without any hesitation, the bald man kicked the newcomer away, and then nervously and quickly opened the door. He only hoped that his remedial measures could make the adult in front of him feel better.

"Oh," Elizabeth glanced at the bald man and asked easily: "So he hasn't heard of my name?"

In just a moment, the bald man was full of sweat. The bald man said nervously: "This, you are joking, who on this street doesn't know your name? That guy is even more of an admirer of yours. He just didn't expect that the legend would stand in front of him."

The young man who had just been kicked aside stood up even faster, and then bent down and bowed desperately, and the young man's forehead was almost touching his legs.

"Forget it, I don't have time to deal with you. Is the 'bartender' here?"

"Yes, of course, please come in, this way," said the bald man, who seemed to have just noticed the beautiful girl following Elizabeth, and he asked respectfully: "Who is this beautiful sister?"

"Why, do I need to report to you who is following me?"

This sentence almost made the bald man lie on the ground directly. He bent down again and said respectfully: "My lord, Sister, please don't misunderstand me, how can I be qualified to know who this sister is, but," the bald man said with a little embarrassment: "It's just that there must be a name."

"Just call her Big Sister."

"Okay, thank you very much, Sister, Big Sister, please come this way, there are stairs here, please walk slowly." Under the guidance of the bald man, the two walked down several iron stairs, opened a wooden door wrapped in cotton cloth, and were hit by a violent sound wave that seemed to be real.

The sudden change made Li Anjie nervous. Long-term training made her do natural and habitual movements. The girl jumped back lightly, her back arched like a cat, and her hand was placed on the handle of the knife at her waist. But she soon found something unusual. The oncoming impact was not any kind of attack. Her mother Elizabeth did not react at all. Instead, she turned around and smiled at her. It seemed that the old woman had expected this moment.

Then Elizabeth came to Li Anjie's ear and shouted loudly: "This is a 'bar'. It will be a little noisy at times, but don't worry too much. I'm here."

Li Anjie curled her lips and said in a low voice: "I'd be foolish to believe you." Although she said so, her hand still left the handle of the knife.

The two followed the respectful bald man into the underground bar called "One Shot Headshot". In the middle of the bar was a dance floor, with lights of various colors flickering and illuminating everyone in the dance floor. People often hid in the shadows, and were occasionally swept by the sudden flashing lights. Everyone was intoxicated by the intense music. They shook their heads and swayed their bodies irrationally, shaking their heads wildly with the heavy bass and the frenetic beat. In the middle of the dance floor, the band and the singer were playing hard, and the singer was holding the microphone and screaming wildly and hysterically.

In the shadow of the sand in the corner of the bar, all kinds of interesting things happened. Such a shadow certainly could not block Li Anjie's sight. The girl observed everything here with interest. Some people were injecting a liquid into their arms with a syringe, some were using a tube to suck a powder into their noses, and some young men and women were hugging each other, dancing passionately without paying attention to others.

The intense music and the various things that the people in the shadows were happily doing soon made Li Anjie's curiosity reach its peak. If Elizabeth hadn't pulled her, she would have almost stood there and watched.

The two followed the bald man through the dance floor and walked to the other side of the bar and opened another door. After the door was closed, the three of them were away from the violent music and the noisy crowd. Then they went up the stairs. The bald man opened the door for Elizabeth and said, "This is the room of the 'bartender'. He is waiting for you."

"Hey, look who is here, my dear 'sister', I didn't expect you to come here to see an old man like me. I am so happy." As soon as he entered the door, an old man with a beautiful short beard and wearing a classic black suit walked towards Elizabeth with his arms open.

Elizabeth smiled, opened her arms, and greeted him, "It's been a long time since we last met, bartender."

The two hugged each other tightly and patted each other's backs hard. Neither of them knew each other's real name, perhaps because they didn't know each other's real name, they still called each other by nicknames.

"Five years, six months and three days, my dear sister, we have been separated for five years, six months and three days, it's really been a long time."

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