Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 142 The Hammer Falls (1/2)

If it was an ordinary battle, the special warfare boys would be able to send back messages more or less. Apart from other things, the special warfare boys were the best in the orc tribe in terms of "turning around and running away when the situation is not good." As a result, they didn't even have a chance to run away and were killed silently. This can only mean that the enemy is more sinister than the special warfare boys.

Maybe there are ten, no, a hundred human shrimps who are more sinister than the special warfare boys hiding in that jungle.

The stealth boss gritted his teeth and turned around and ran away. No, he was thinking about charging at the big square of the tribe. Although it is not the style of the orcs to make a strategic shift without even seeing the enemy, even the most timid orcs can't do such a shameless thing, but the stealth boss is different. He is an orc who knows how to advance and retreat, and as the boss, he doesn't need to take risks at all. He just needs to ring the big bell in the tribe to gather all the boys.

Just as the stealth boss was thinking about running wildly to the square, Li in the deep jungle sighed, pulled out a dagger from the neck of an orc, and threw it away to shake off the blood on the dagger, and put away the weapon. Behind Li, there were orcs who died in various ways. Some of them hung on the branches like rags, motionless; some sat on the ground with their backs against the big tree and vomited blood; some lay on the ground with their bodies down, but their heads turned a full 180 degrees, facing up and staring at the sky with terrified eyes; some had broken heads, and some simply lost their heads. This was a scene of hell, like a Shura field! Among the many corpses, only Li stood among them, looking relaxed.

The blood completely dyed this green forest red, and the soil under his feet became muddy because of a lot of blood. But the battle will not stop, it will only continue to be fierce, but now Li is very relaxed, because in his sight, all five green lights have been lit.

The brothers are in place, and they are all ready.

Then, it's time for the hammer to fall.

So, in Li's sight, the message "The hammer falls!" was edited and sent.

This message was not encrypted and was sent out in plain text.

From: Li

Time: 0019-01-01

Recipient: All contacts of the Hammer Team

Message: The hammer falls.

After a while, Li heard the rumbling sound of explosions in the valley, like the drums of rock music that were suddenly played. After the intensive explosions, the whole mountain area seemed to boil, and the world was filled with the noisy roars and roars of the orcs.

The stealth boss suddenly stopped and stared at the rising fireballs and smoke. This time, he didn't need to ring the bell to notify everyone that the enemy was coming. The enemy told all the orcs in a more exaggerated way that they were coming!

When the five teams sneaked in, they carried the most remote-controlled plastic high explosives. Almost everyone had a backpack full of this dangerous stuff.

Remote-controlled plastic high explosives, this thing is the standard ration for all scouts, and scouts love it.

Generally speaking, as long as he is a scout, he will bring some of this high explosives when he performs a mission. This thing is really easy to use. It is not only easy to install, but also small in size, light in weight, easy to carry, and powerful. You only need a small explosive the size of a soap, connect it to the remote detonator, and press the button to detonate it at the right time. Its power can completely lift the heavy armored vehicle of the orcs on the explosives into the air, turn a dozen circles in the sky, and then fall to the ground with a bang.

It is not only easy to use, but also has a wide range of uses. It can be used to cause damage. It would be great to put one in an important bridge, power station, or enemy arsenal. It can be used to attract the enemy's attention. The huge flames and sounds produced when it explodes will definitely attract enough enemies. It can be used to blow up most of the turtle shells that are difficult to penetrate, such as tanks or bunkers with heavy armor. It can also be used to destroy beautiful scenery, vent pressure, and relieve mood. For example, when you arrive at a place with beautiful mountains and rivers, pleasant air, and picturesque scenery, this kind of place usually makes some scouts feel extremely depressed. At this time, they can find a place to put a remote-controlled plastic high explosive and then detonate it. Watching the violent explosion, rising smoke, dazzling flames, and panicked crowds, their mood will become comfortable.

In short, no matter how it is used, remote-controlled plastic high explosives are indispensable equipment for excellent special forces.

Now, a large number of remote-controlled plastic high explosives were installed in the orc camp by the team members during the team's infiltration. When the mission began, the explosives were naturally detonated one after another.

The explosions came one after another, compact and exciting, like fierce drumbeats, mobilizing people's spirit and enthusiasm, as if it was a carefully prepared performance, and it reached its climax the moment the performance just started.

Looking at the smoke and fire rising not far away, Li walked towards the castle in the center of Milin Castle with ease. After three steps, Li's figure gradually became transparent and disappeared in the air in the blink of an eye.


On a tall banyan tree outside the hall of Milin Castle, a transparent figure was staring at his target.

Virgil knelt on one knee on a branch, and the lush branches and leaves completely covered his already transparent body. He held a long sniper rifle and scanned the entire square in front of the hall with a scope, as if As Virgil expected, a large-scale explosion would draw the enemy's leader out of his room. This is a normal phenomenon. When any manager discovers that there is a problem in his hometown, the first thing they have to do is to see it with their own eyes. Take a look and see what happened! ?

So the moment the action started, Virgil pressed the detonation button on the remote control without hesitation. Fortunately, his teammates had similar ideas, and the remote-controlled explosives were really easy to use, so when the "hammer fell" The moment the order was issued, rumbling explosions came one after another not far away. In just a moment, the orcs' stronghold was already filled with seas of fire and panic.

After a while, a huge orc walked out of the hall quickly. Before the orc appeared, Virgil heard loud laughter from deep in the hall: "Hahahaha, explosion, big explosion, what happened? Is it so lively?" Then Virgil saw the orc.

The huge orc wore heavy armor and walked out of the hall with his chest held high and his head held high. He came to the square. The chest of the orc's armor was covered with various shining small plaques, just like a veteran with great military achievements. The general's chest is covered with medals. If you look closely, you will find that these small badges seem to be various badges collected by the orcs. Some are commemorative medals obtained by veteran soldiers, while more are collected by civilians. There are some strange medals, such as "GAL Beautiful Girl Thousand Killed Memorial Medal", "Triathlon Memorial Medal", "Winter Swimming Brave Medal", "Big Stomach King Medal", etc. All kinds of strange orcs came from folk mobile phones. badge. Behind the giant orc is an iron fan, just like the four flags carried by the warriors in Peking Opera. However, behind the giant orc are four ferocious iron spears, with four human stars on them. 's head. Behind the huge orcs were strong orcs with thick bodies and strong physiques. They all held ferocious weapons and looked around warily.

The giant orc has the strongest physique, the best equipment, the most decorations, and a group of excellent bodyguards. When he first saw this orc, Virgil was sure in his heart that this was the goal. But it was not enough for him to confirm alone. Virgil whispered in the channel: "I found the fangs of the enemy leader, requesting confirmation, over."

After hearing Virgil's request, Goldman had no choice but to carefully create a small gap in the hiding place and start observing.

Unlike Li who was squatting on a tree branch, Goldman buried himself in the garbage pile on the other side of the square. This was a helpless choice. In order not to be wiped out by the enemy, in order to cause maximum damage with crossfire, in order to Being able to monitor the target from a wider perspective, the two had to choose to ambush separately. On this side of the square, the only ambush point was this garbage dump.

This is an excellent ambush point. Not only does it stink, but no one cares about this kind of place. Even the orcs will not look carefully at the smelly garbage pile. Yes, who would have thought that the enemy would be hiding in a garbage dump that smells so stinky that no one even takes a look? This smelly, dirty garbage dump is the best disguise, and what’s even better is that it has an excellent viewing angle. From here, you can monitor the entire square, and even peek into part of the interior of the hall, Virgil Spotting this excellent ambush point at a glance, the Black Knight decisively ordered Goldman to occupy this important stronghold immediately.

Goldman naturally raised objections: "Why me? Since this stronghold is so important, you, captain, should be the one to capture it yourself."

Virgil's answer was concise and clear, "I am the captain and these are orders! Act immediately."

So Goldman could only crawl into the garbage dump while cursing in his heart. Fortunately, the reconnaissance suit was fully functional. It not only had the invisibility function, but the full-coverage head armor also had the ability to filter poisonous gas. Goldman But there is no need to be tortured by the terrible smell emanating from the garbage dump.

Goldman, who was deep in the garbage dump, heard and clearly received Virgil's communication. He carefully observed the giant orc standing in the square and replied: "Confirmation is completed, identified as the highest goal, fangs, completed. "

"Take photos and confirm at the highest level. Complete."

"Received, photographed, clear image, sent."

Almost in the blink of an eye, the two received Li's reply: "The target has been confirmed, keep monitoring, and wait for orders!"

"Roger!" Virgil felt a little nervous, but having said that, although the warriors of the Star Wars are fearless, they are not cold humanoid machines. How can it be possible not to be nervous at this time? The leader of the orcs was right under his nose, but he still had to wait. Every second of waiting in this state felt like a year. Virgil could almost feel his heart beating like a heavy drum. There was a thumping sound. But Virgil also knew that at this time, all he could do was wait. The two groups of people who destroyed the enemy's air defense base on the top of the mountain had to send back good news before he could send a signal here. So Virgil tried to focus on breathing while monitoring the leader of the orcs.

The rumbling explosions in his ears and the joyful and excited roars of the orcs gradually faded away. Virgil could only hear the electronic rustling sound coming from the communicator Lee, and the orc leader in his eyes.

After what seemed like a long time, and what seemed like just a moment, he finally heard the command coming from the earphones. "Execute the plan and start guiding!"

The order for the general attack was finally given.

Virgil let out a long breath, and then he unloaded the magazine, turned on the electronic aiming guide on the sniper rifle, pointed the standard at the corner of the square in front of the hall of Fort Millennium, and pulled the trigger.

An infrared beam that was imperceptible to the naked eye was emitted from the aiming guide, illuminating a small red dot in the square in front of the hall in Jungle Fort. The red dot slowly began to flash.

At the same time, above the blue sky, in the orbit of outer space invisible to the naked eye, a majestic Moon-class cruiser was slowly cruising above the orbit of Reach. From a distance, this battleship looked like It is a gorgeous palace floating in the universe. This palace in the universe has a Gothic-style church and towering spiers. On both sides of the ship are giant turrets like forests. The entire ship looks gorgeous and elegant. Horror is not only a miraculous and huge work of art, but also a terrifying weapon that fills people with fear.

On the side of the ship, there is a pair of silver wings painted, which is the symbol of the ship. It is the Silver Wings. It is not only the ultimate and strongest combat power of the Knights Templar, the Silver Wings is also the Knights Templar. Its home in the universe, and among its many roles, it often assumes the task of a frontline attack platform. This is the task it undertakes now. All messages will be transmitted to the Silver Wings and summarized by the message center. Then it is sent to each soldier's personal terminal.

It's like a dangerous mobile space fortress. Wherever the silver wings cover, there is no place for the empire's enemies to stand.

The moment the red dot started flashing, the message was received in the "Battle Command Room" of the Silver Wing. Jacob Glenn, the chief think tank of the battle group and the director of the think tank, stood in front of the huge holographic three-dimensional map. One of his hands was holding the psychic weapon tightly, and his eyes were fixed on the red shining spot on the map.

Jacob, the director of the think tank, did not like Li's strategy. In private communications with Li, he once fiercely opposed this battle. In Jacob's view, Captain Li was too radical. The strategy is too risky for the war group. Once there is a problem in one part of the plan, it will lead to serious consequences. The most terrifying and worst possible outcome is speculation. What if the orcs have a third air defense position, or a fourth, fifth and more air defense positions? Once this happens, the scene will be very tragic for the battle group. A large number of soldiers will drop down and die in mid-air during the battle. Only the airdrop pods used as raiders will "bang" It was dropped from a high altitude with a loud bang, but even the airdrop warehouse that was dropped will have a process of anti-jet propulsion and deceleration before landing. This process will cause the short warehouse to hover in the low-altitude area for a short period of time. .

During this period of time, short positions will become the best targets for various anti-aircraft weapons. Although this short period of hovering time is not long, on the battlefield, this short period of stagnation is extremely fatal. Although the Space Marines are all heroes who can fight one against a hundred on the battlefield, although they all have They have strong bodies, solid armors and sophisticated weapons, but they are just as fragile as ordinary people in flying vehicles. When the short warehouse hovering in the air is blown up, almost no battle group members can survive. To escape from such an explosion, even if he survived the explosion, he would still have to face the problem of falling from a high altitude without any deceleration device.

There will be some outstanding members of the Space Marine Corps who died on the way without even seeing the enemy. This is extremely sad and unfair to them, but this is not the worst, what's more What makes people feel chilling is that if the battle group fails to destroy these air defense positions in the next battle, then the final evacuation will become a luxury. The Thunderhawk gunship is huge and stable. It can fly directly from the surface of the planet to the outer space of the universe. The airship can carry powerful artillery. It also has a huge storage capacity and full horsepower. It can also be used as a first-class carrier aircraft, but its shortcomings are also It is also obvious that, first of all, the Thunderhawk gunship is a bit too large and looks like a big hen flying in the air with a big belly. Secondly, as a gunboat and transport equipment, the Thunderhawk has very stable flight. Excellent, naturally, but not so much in terms of dodge ability, large-angle steering, etc.

To put it simply, like the airdrop pod, the Thunderhawk airship is also an excellent target in front of a large-scale air defense position.

Once the evacuation fails, the fate of all the warriors involved in this combat mission will become unsuspicious. Under the siege of massive orcs, even the heroic warriors of the Star Wars cannot survive.

Although it is only the most pessimistic speculation, every qualified commander understands that this possibility exists. Anything can happen on the battlefield, and intelligence agencies are not worthy of complete trust.

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