Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 14: The Holy Spirit Awakens

The sun shone gently on the earth, flocks of white doves flew over the silver-white square, and water jets rushed into the sky from the fountains and scattered. On this day of rest, even the falling water was joyful.

This was a spring day. Not long ago, the empire had just passed the 40th millennium. The imperial capital had just held a grand parade and carnival. The atmosphere of carnival had gradually faded away, but the taste of joy seemed to remain in the air.

Nobles from all over the universe participated in this grand ceremony. After the celebration, it was free time for the nobles. Some of them seized the opportunity to work in various departments of the imperial capital for their future and their own interests; some of them, as devout believers, prayed sincerely in the cathedral, sang hymns, and shed tears of excitement; and more nobles just enjoyed themselves. After all, for these nobles distributed in various corners of the Milky Way, there would not be too many opportunities to come to Earth. At this time, they were swimming freely in the great birthplace of mankind, the heart of the entire empire.

Earth is not only the center of the empire's politics, but also the center of religion. On Earth, there is the Vatican Council of Cardinals, which is the recognized religious core in the hearts of believers. Although there is the Vatican Auxiliary Council on Ophelia No. 7, a religious institution that exists on par with the Vatican Council of Cardinals, the inertia of thousands of years still makes people think that Earth is the true core of religion.

What's more, my emperor is also on Earth.

So whether it is a firm believer or a pan-believer whose faith is not so firm, most of them will visit those magnificent religious buildings after coming to Earth.

Those cathedrals that are large enough for interstellar spacecraft to shuttle through are so huge that they are like residences built for legendary giants. Just looking at them from a distance makes people feel insignificant. Above the cathedral are numerous thin tower-style buildings, various vertical heroic sculptures decorate the top of the church, as well as those relief murals that fill the streets and alleys, and those ancient buildings with the vicissitudes of time. All of these are scenery that cannot be missed on Earth.

Of course, there is also the Holy Spirit Church of the Empire.

Even the corrupt nobles in the empire are happy to bring their children or descendants to visit the Holy Spirit Hall. This is a good place to shape the correct outlook on life. Some colleges in the empire even regularly organize students to visit here, so that children can listen to the servants of the Holy Spirit Hall telling the deeds of those heroes and the magical stories left behind in those legendary times. The outer hall of the Holy Spirit Hall is a black and charming Gothic building. The walls outside the hall are engraved with scenes of heroes fighting bloody battles for the empire. Tourists line up in a long queue under the guidance of the tour guide and enter the Holy Spirit Hall in an orderly manner. Whenever they arrive at a scenic spot, there will be servants to tell them the most exciting stories of heroes and the most intense battles.

From the time Robert Lee was hit by the curse and fell on the battlefield until now, the Galaxy has gone through nine thousand years. During these nine thousand years, the Empire has gone through one storm after another under the protection of the Emperor. There was a dark period, and the Empire's building was crumbling, but after all, the Empire still did not fall in the wind and rain. The Empire has survived various dangers and has now entered a relatively relaxed period. The political situation within the Empire is relatively stable, and the national strength is gradually recovering. Moreover, there is no large-scale foreign war for the time being. The people of the Empire living at this time are undoubtedly happy, and they enjoy the hard-won peace and happiness.

Today, the Imperial Holy Spirit Hall is no longer just a place to store the bodies of heroes. The ancient temple that stores the bodies of heroes is the inner hall, and visitors are generally not allowed to enter. Outside the inner hall, a majestic and beautiful outer hall has been rebuilt, and the role of the outer hall is to provide people with visits.

Suddenly, in this temple full of tourists, a strange bell sounded. The bell sound was so majestic and ancient. It was not amplified by any electronic equipment, but it was easily heard by everyone.

Most of the tourists were stunned. They began to look for the source of the bell sound, while the servants who were responsible for explaining the situation were at a loss. They also didn't know where the bell sounded.

In the midst of astonishment and confusion, the servants suddenly saw the high priest running out of the room. At this moment, the high priest in charge of the affairs of the outer hall completely ignored his image. He was still wearing a nightgown, and the crown with gorgeous decorations was tucked under his armpit. He didn't even wear shoes. He ran out of the priest's rest area barefoot, passed through the scenic area with many tourists, and ran towards the inner hall under the astonished eyes of everyone.

At this time, the inner hall of the Holy Spirit Church was also in chaos. Some priests were panicking, while others were so excited that their faces turned red. Even the bishop in charge of the Holy Spirit Church could not help showing his excitement.

The reason why these clergymen were like this was because they all knew the meaning of the bell.

What was rung in the Holy Spirit Hall was the "Awakening Bell". Every time this bell was rung, it meant the return of a Holy Spirit. For various reasons, those heroes who had once dominated the world found it extremely difficult to walk out after entering the coffin of the Holy Spirit Hall, which was no different from being dead. In the nearly nine thousand years of history, the bell of the Holy Spirit Hall has only been rung three times, and every time the bell rang, it represented the resurrection of a legend, or the complete death of a legend.

At this time, the archbishop who was in charge of the inner hall of the Holy Spirit Hall was kneeling in a special auditorium. The archbishop kept chanting prayers. He sincerely praised the emperor and praised the miracle that happened again. It was a rare blessing for the archbishop to hear the ringing of the "Awakening Bell" during his tenure.

The ancient machinery made a creaking sound, and soon, a silver coffin was transported to this special auditorium by a mechanical arm. After finishing the prayer, the protagonist took off an ancient golden key from his neck and handed it to a mechanical servant beside him. The mechanical servant bowed respectfully, took the golden key with both hands, walked to the silver coffin, and opened the coffin with his most gentle movements.

In the coffin lay a handsome boy, who looked so young, as if he was eighteen years old, but when he opened his eyes, the bishop saw the deep vicissitudes and fatigue in his eyes.

"I am the bishop in charge of the Holy Spirit Church, East. I was your servant during your sleep. I welcome you back." The bishop bowed and said, "May I have the honor to know your name?"

"Well," the boy sat up from the silver coffin, shook his head in pain, and then opened his mouth and said a name in a slightly hoarse voice and unskilled ancient Gothic language: "Robert Lee."

A priest behind the protagonist immediately ticked a single eye, which meant that the awakening process was normal.

The one who woke up from his slumber was not the original Robert Lee, but the Li who had traveled through time. However, when his mentor disappeared, Li no longer existed. Now, only Li, who inherited Robert's name, remained in this world. He vowed to live up to this honorable name.

And now, it was just the beginning, the first step at the very beginning. Robert Lee walked out of the silver coffin somewhat clumsily, took the first step shakily, and one foot made a "pop" sound on the cold and smooth floor. A servant hurriedly walked to Lee's side and wanted to help him, but he was pushed away mercilessly.

"I am Robert, the close combat mentor of Crow. I don't need help from others." Robert Lee said, "Get out of the way. No matter what, I don't need help from others to walk."

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