Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 186 Battlefield

Jacob smiled bitterly and said slowly: "Li, you should understand that the reason why rules become rules is because they protect the majority of people. Even if that person is your daughter, the rules will not change."

"But this is not in the empire, and no one who enforces the rules will arrive here." Li sighed and said: "Jacob, my think tank director, I beg you, please help me?"

Jacob was stunned and asked in confusion: "My captain, are you begging me?"

"No doubt."

"This is a big favor."

"I will keep it in mind."

"I don't understand, those are just your relatives. For us Astarte monks, relatives are really..." Is it a burden? Is it a burden? Is it the existence in the dream after waking up, can it be ignored? Jacob thought for a long time, but could not find the right words to describe the position of relatives in the hearts of Astartes. He could only sigh and say, "We are all Astartes. We have all made a vow to give up all the enjoyment of the world and protect mankind forever. The happiness and joy of ordinary people are mostly out of reach for us. Relatives are just passers-by in our lives. They do not have a long and eternal life, and they cannot accompany us to the battlefield. They are humans on land, and we are Astartes, people who walk in the starry sky. The friends of Astartes are only the brothers in your regiment, brothers. They protected you on the battlefield, they covered you with their bodies when you were injured, they shared your glory when you won, and they buried you when you died. And now you are begging me for your daughter, is it worth it, Lee? "

"It's not worth it," Lee said, "She is my daughter, I am a father, it's that simple. I beg you, Jacob, are you willing to help?"

Jacob stared at Lee expressionlessly, his eyes as sharp as a hawk, as if he wanted to see through Lee. The captain's answer was very simple, he just explained his relationship with the woman again. What does this show? Does it show that this captain values ​​responsibility and will never give up the responsibility he should bear? If so, it is undoubtedly a good thing for the war group, but if he is just greedy for the happiness between relatives, which belongs to the human world? Will his feelings for his daughter bring danger to the war group and Reach? No, this is still a shadow. After a long while, Jacob smiled, "Of course, why not help? It's a great thing that my Captain Li owes me a big favor."

"Thank you so much."

"But before that, I have a question."

"Please go ahead."

"Why don't you teach your daughter yourself?" Jacob asked doubtfully, "Not only that, but I see that you control the psychic energy naturally and smoothly in your actions, and the psychic power has even been integrated into your blood. I can't do this wonderful way of using psychic energy. This is somewhat similar to the way the elves use psychic energy. "

"You can see that this is because I got some inheritance from the Eldar during some actions, and I know some special skills. These skills are particularly effective in restraining the spiritual power in the body, but I can only figure out the use of spiritual power by myself. I can only study and try this set of things by myself now, and I am afraid it is not enough to teach it to others."

Jacob nodded. Although the Eldar people's understanding of psychic power is far better than that of humans, their method of using psychic power is not suitable for humans. Although the Eldar people and humans are human creatures with one head, two legs and two arms, they are still two completely different species. So for humans, even if they learn the skills of the Eldar people, it may not be a good thing. In most cases, this will not only fail to improve the strength of humans, but will put them in deeper danger.

"If you need any help, I hope I can know," Jacob understood the danger. If the leader he followed killed himself because of psychic problems, then Li himself would not be the only one who would be unlucky. So Jacob said seriously: "In terms of spiritual power, I should be able to give some advice to the captain."

"Thank you very much, I have a lot of questions, but this will have to wait until the recent series of events are over."

"Is the matter on the Autumn Star troublesome?"

"It is indeed troublesome. The main problem is that our own strength is not strong enough. If we can be given more time, I think we should be able to do better. There is no point in saying this now," said Li, taking out a file bag and placing it in front of Jacob, "Here is my daughter's information and the university she attends, You may want to go there in your spare time. I should have brought my daughter to meet you, my master, but I have to catch a flight in the afternoon. I must go to Autumn Star and may stay there for a while. Then I'll leave everything to you, my friend. "

"May the Emperor bless you, my captain."

"We really need the Emperor's blessing this time, otherwise the battle will be very difficult."

"Wars are all like this, how can there be no bloodshed."

"Of course I understand this, but isn't it the commander's duty to reduce bloodshed?"

"I thought it was to lead us to victory."

"This is self-evident."


After making arrangements for Li Anjie's affairs, Li took the airship directly back to the Black Rose. In just one day, the Black Rose took Li to the sky above the Autumn Star. Looking down from the universe, this is a beautiful blue and green planet. Most of the areas on the planet still maintain their original ecological appearance. But now, on this beautiful land, the war is going on. Burning.

"Legion commander, legion commander! Asking for support, asking for support!" The company commander threw his whole body in front of the communication equipment and roared loudly into the microphone. Before this fucking war started, a big man like the legion commander had no respect for the company commander. It was as if they were people in another world. It was difficult for him to meet these high-ranking figures. Even if he saw them, he would have to maintain a salute or stand at attention posture, or simply bend down deeply. But now he is like The creditor roared loudly at the legion commander through the communicator: "Damn legion commander, if you don't send someone here, we will all die! No one on my side is uninjured, let's Would you be happy if those greenskins beheaded us? Let me tell you, once I'm done, everyone will be done! Damn it, do you know the tactics? Get some people to support me. !”

"There is really no one left." The bitter voice of the legion commander came from the communicator, as bitter as a poor man who owed someone a million: "Of course I know the importance of your department, but I have Even the medics, cooks, and staff secretaries of the legion have already taken their guns to the front line! Where can I find someone for you? Now the entire army has been disrupted by the orcs' raid. You You must hold on for me. As long as you hold on for half a day, the legion's front will be able to regroup and recover. In half a day, you must hold on with all your might!"

"Fight to the death? Fight your mother. If I want to fight to the death, I can withstand it. I have tried so hard a long time ago, but now my brothers are almost exhausted and still can't withstand it! We have all tried our best, but we still can't withstand it. What do you think we should do?”

"I really can't squeeze in any people here, so why don't I go through alone and bear with you?"

"You are useless, even your beer belly will only cause trouble!"

"Then we can just finish playing together, and you can decide what to do yourself." After saying this, the legion commander cut off the line.

The 29th Infantry Legion was retreating and shrinking, moving closer to the new legion assembly point. It was caught off guard by a wave of orcs that suddenly appeared. Almost 90% of the soldiers in the legion were new recruits. , although they have undergone rigorous training, they are still new recruits. It may not be a problem for them to enter the trenches and shoot at the enemy with guns, but they are required to make correct judgments during the enemy's surprise attack, and when there is no Making the right decision on your own under orders from superiors is a bit too much.

So when the legion commander knew that he was attacked by orcs, his first words were: "It's over." He knew the soldiers he brought with him very well. These soldiers just looked pretty good, compared with real veterans. That's a huge difference.

In fact, as the commander of the regiment said, the 29th Infantry Regiment was almost finished in less than half a day. The connection between the regiment and the headquarters was completely interrupted. The commander of the regiment could not find where his army was. The commander could not find where his battalion commander was. The company lost contact with the company and was completely fighting on its own.

In short, a surprise attack by the orcs completely disrupted the organization of the 29th Legion and turned the battle into a complete melee. If it were a serious regular battle, then the 29th Legion that had received professional training might still have a chance, but if it was a melee, how could these people be the opponents of this group of greenskins?

In the chaos, a group of greenskins were as brave and ferocious as if they were possessed by gods, and they seemed to have intuition beyond ordinary people. Without any investigation or any reason, this orc army only inserted twenty At the brain of the Nine Legions, their attack direction was directed at the legion headquarters of the Twenty-ninth Legion. Completely ignoring the various disguises and deceptive movements of the Twenty-Nine Legion, it was as if these green-skinned orcs had long known that the legion's headquarters was there.

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