Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 202: Counterattack Horn

"Huh, this is fucking terrible, what can I say," Rayleigh stretched out his hand and turned the radio channel to a music channel. Soothing music accompanied by electronic noise floated out of the radio. Rayleigh then sat down in the camp chair and sighed, "What can I say, fucking terrible."

"What else can I say? The tombstone has been carved for us. It seems that this time my old bones will really go to the resting garden." The person who spoke was an old soldier named Marlborough, a former professor of the NCO Academy. Rayleigh had taken Marlborough's class in the NCO Academy. This old man was quite capable. It was said that he had served in the Imperial Defense Force and somehow ended up on Reach. This time Rayleigh was promoted to the head of the regiment. His superiors specially assigned Marlborough to him, making this old man his deputy regiment commander. Jerry Bullock, who had always been Rayleigh's partner, was transferred to the sixth regiment. The reason for this arrangement is, of course, Rayleigh's excellent performance over the years. Since he is going to partner with Professor Marlborough, he naturally cannot let a fool lose the face of the 29th Army. You must know that Marlborough is not only a soldier, he is also a professor at the NCO Academy. Who knows if he will return to the academy to be a professor after this battle? What if he returns to the academy to continue teaching, and mentions his life in the 29th Army when he has nothing to do, and says that "the fat man's subordinates in the 29th Army are all a bunch of losers..." What should I do? The corps commander only thought about it for a while, and felt that this face must not be lost, so he naturally handed Marlborough over to his most trusted commander.

Another consideration is naturally because of Rayleigh's reputation in the army. Who in the army today doesn't know the former "Miracle Eleven"? To be able to survive such a cruel and dangerous situation, such a person should be more or less lucky. If he can be with a lucky person, the life safety of old Marlborough will naturally be more guaranteed. Although this reason is a bit ridiculous, the reality is that soldiers on the battlefield will become more or less superstitious, and good luck is very important to them.

"Professor, how can you talk like that?" Rayleigh rolled his eyes and retorted, "I'm so excited listening to you. Wouldn't it be good to go to the resting garden? Wouldn't it be good to die in bed? If I die and can go to the resting garden, I will die without regrets."

"Hey, you're still thinking about dying at such a young age? I haven't thought about dying with my old bones yet. To be honest, I would rather die in bed. I still have this beautiful young wife and a five-year-old kid at home. If I go to the resting garden to rest, what will they do?" Old Marlborough sighed and said, "Hey, being a widow at such a young age, isn't it a bargain for others? Speaking of my four-year-old kid, it's even more terrible. He can't let people rest in peace even if he dies."

"Speaking of your wife, I really want to ask about it. Is it your senior sister?"

Old Marlborough just smiled and didn't answer.

Reilly immediately started cursing in his heart. No wonder the old guy was reluctant to enter the resting garden. Who would be reluctant to let such a charming beauty die if they had such a charming beauty at home? Although he cursed in his heart, he still said comforting words: "Don't worry, according to the current situation, it's difficult for you to sacrifice. This time is different from the past. The army was beaten dizzy by the orcs when it first arrived. Now the army is gathered. It is said that the Iron Triangle has assembled millions of troops. Basically, the troops that have fought in the past few years have finished their rest and have all assembled on the Autumn Star. The planetary cannons have been built, and the navy's warships have also assembled in orbit. What do we have to fear?"

"Everyone can see that the war is imminent. Isn't the rotation of war for three years just for this moment? Everything is arranged above, even the place after death has been built. Rayleigh, do you think this will be an easy war?"

"Why not?" Rayleigh said as a matter of course: "We have cannons, armored forces, and a navy in the sky. What do the orcs have?"

"Orcs are not such simple spaceships. The monsters of the universe have a toughness and evolutionary ability that you can't imagine. Because of this, our smart archon will hide all our weapons and shrink in this triangle defense line to accumulate advantages. When he is sure of victory, he will throw out all the good cards in one breath and turn the advantages into real victory! "

"What do you want to say?"

"Of course we can win, but we can't be careless, otherwise I, the old man, will go to the rest garden."

Just when the two were talking, the phone in the commander's barracks rang. Rayleigh answered the phone, nodded, and immediately stood up, "The commander of the army is calling for a big task."

After the rest garden was opened, Li couldn't wait to give orders. After three years of preparation, the Mid-Autumn Star War Zone in the Zhiyuan Galaxy had already been prepared. The generals couldn't wait. They had been looking forward to this day for too long. They were eager to wash away the shame with the blood of the enemy.

Half a year ago, the staff officers in the General Staff had already formulated a detailed battle plan and timetable. In the past three years, these people with high IQs have conducted countless simulations with Autumn Star as the battlefield. Almost all possibilities have been considered by these young people. At least in terms of tactics, the brains of the army are already prepared.

Similarly, during these three years, the spaceport of Autumn Star has been operating at full capacity without a moment's rest. Various materials, talents, and soldiers have continuously left Reach Star, boarded starships, and been transported to the land of Autumn Star. Three years of accumulation have enabled Autumn Star to store enough military supplies for the army to launch continuous attacks. According to the estimates of the quartermasters, such a large amount of military supplies can ensure that the army can continue to fight at a high intensity for a full six months. In other words, even if no box of supplies arrives at Autumn Star from today, the army will not feel anything in the next six months. From weapons and ammunition to their clothes and socks, even the mid-level officers will not miss a bottle of Coca-Cola every week. Of course, when it comes to war, it will also involve logistical supply issues, but even in wartime, the army cannot participate in battles continuously. In any case, the military's logistical preparations have been completed.

In terms of the quality of soldiers, the rotation of the army in three years has also trained most of the soldiers. Even the recruits who have not been to the front line have the opportunity to see their enemies, the appearance of the orcs, through the video, so that these soldiers who have never been to the battlefield will not be frightened by the brutal and terrifying appearance of the enemy. In short, unlike three years ago, the current Reach Star is fully prepared to welcome the full-scale war.

So the moment Li's order was issued, the soldiers of the entire Autumn Star Military District began to operate in an orderly manner. The scheduled attack targets were quickly marked on the map of the military district headquarters with bright red dots, and the countdown time was also marked. The staff was not stupid. They only set attack targets and time requirements for the middle-level officers. As for how to attack, although they also gave general tactical recommendations, there were no rigid requirements. In short, the upper level gave the middle-level officers a lot of space to display their talents.

The initial attack went very smoothly. It should be said that Li chose an excellent time to launch the attack. After the completion of the Resting Hall, the morale of the whole team was greatly improved. At this moment, he chose to launch a counterattack.

Although the soldiers did not become fearless because of the Resting Hall, the honor of being recorded after death and having their names and bodies enter the Hall of Heroes still inspired many people. Diing for a good cause is no longer an empty word. From this time on, every soldier is no longer a number or a simple symbol wearing a military uniform. Their appearance, their name, their life, and their story are all specific to each person and finally recorded in the Resting Hall.

Li understood that this would be a somewhat troublesome project, but the benefits it brought were immeasurable.


"Hello, sir! Sergeant Favilia is here to report!" In front of Captain Reilly, Favilia saluted with a standard military salute and stood at the door.

"Are you Favillia?" Rayleigh raised his head from the marching map and saw the young soldier standing in front of him. He frowned and said bluntly, "Did I make a mistake? I am at the front of the battlefield, not a place for a pretty boy like you. Are there many people named Favillia in the army? Damn it, why did they send us a newcomer who just graduated from the military academy? Look at this pretty boy, his uniform is brand new. Damn it, if I had known earlier, I wouldn't have rushed forward so hastily, making it inconvenient for me to rob him!"

"Captain, please speak!"

"Hey, you are such a lovely newcomer, just say whatever you want to say," Rayleigh said impatiently, "Damn it, a newcomer who graduated from a military academy has so little trouble, you are allowed to speak!"

"Captain, if the Favillia you are looking for is nicknamed 'Black Dragon', then that person is me!"

"What," Captain Rayleigh widened his eyes in astonishment, staring at Favillia, "You are the Black Dragon? Black Dragon is actually a pretty boy like you?"

"I haven't heard of the second sergeant nicknamed Black Dragon yet."

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