Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 211 Black Dragon Breathing Fire

Li disappeared from Hill 503 the next morning without leaving any trace. No one knew when he left. Two people dressed similarly to him also disappeared with him. ***

At the same time, the human legions on the entire front began to work together. The trap had been set. The number of orcs attracted to the front battlefield had exceeded the initial expectations. It was time to close the net. Several elite legions had arrived at the front. The navy in the sky had also changed its orbit. The huge fleet of warships returned to the sky of the Western Front. At the same time, the Knights Templar were no longer silent. The figures of knights often appeared on the battlefield. So the war entered the most tragic stage in an instant.

The already stalemate was changed in an instant, just like the two sides of a balance that had already tended to be balanced. Under the situation where a falling feather could change the balance, a sledgehammer suddenly smashed down on one side of the balance.

The hammer that had been raised high had already fallen down with a bang. The sudden and fierce attack completely stunned the orcs. The orc army fell into a continuous rout in an instant, while in front of the Rayleigh Army, a completely different situation appeared.

The rout of the orc army on the front line did not significantly affect the orcs in front of Hill 503. In fact, the orcs rarely cared about the life and death of their companions. If a tribe failed in the war with humans, or was even completely wiped out, it would not cause the orcs to have any sympathy, let alone frustration or other negative emotions. These heartless orcs would only laugh at their companions' weakness. Therefore, the orcs in front of the Rayleigh Army were not affected by the setback of the army at all. They all maintained high morale, but unlike the previous tactics, the orcs no longer used the human front on Hill 503 as a whetstone to test various new tactics. The defeat in the war in front made the orcs feel more or less urgent, so the orcs urgently needed to solve the enemies in front of them so that they could fight those truly powerful armies.

So the orcs launched a truly fierce attack in the afternoon of the second day after Li left. It was different from the previous attacks that were like waves, three days of fishing and two days of drying the nets. It was not the kind of dispensable attack to test new tactics. This time, it was a real attack with killing intent.

Armored vehicles converted from large tractors were driven onto the battlefield. These tanks were lined up in a row and pressed towards the battle line of the Rayleigh Regiment like a wall. On the tanks, the orcs' heavy weapons continuously sprayed out a torrent of steel. Bullets swept across the battlefield like a storm, stirring up dirt and gravel. Following behind the tanks were the orcs' infantry. They relied on the heavy armored vehicles as cover and continuously poured firepower on the soldiers in the trenches. The fierce firepower completely suppressed the soldiers, and the soldiers couldn't even raise their heads. Even if a soldier occasionally raised his head and shot when the enemy's firepower was weak, the red laser beam like a thin thread could not pose a threat to the enemy's heavy armored vehicles. At most, it would leave a small black mark on the thick armor.

The armored vehicles moved slowly on the battlefield, and there was no speed at all. Compared with the predecessors of these heavy armored vehicles, large tractors, these armored vehicles were slower, crawling slowly on the battlefield like a snail, like a moving bunker. If it was a division of the Imperial Defense Force with standard configuration, or an artillery company on the opposite side of the defense line, these bulky things would only make the commander laugh. It only took a burst of heavy artillery to destroy these slow-moving and heavy iron lumps, and they would not pose any threat to the battle line.

However, there was no artillery company in the Rayleigh Regiment. In order to advance quickly and occupy the ambush point as soon as possible, the Rayleigh Regiment gave up most of its heavy weapons in exchange for the army's movement speed. In particular, the slow-moving heavy artillery was the first to be abandoned. After going into battle lightly, the speed of the army has indeed been greatly improved. The agile mobility allows the army to become more proactive in exploring the enemy's position, selecting ambush points, and quickly moving to the ambush points to set traps. However, it also inevitably leaves a huge gap in the Rayleigh Regiment's ability to fight against armored forces.

The huge machinery, emitting black smoke and rumbling noise, slowly approached the room, oppressing the nerves of the soldiers. The laser rifle was just a black dot, and the bullets would be bounced off by the heavy armor. Facing this unbreakable enemy, most soldiers felt despair. The same emotion also appeared in Rayleigh's heart squatting in the observation post. For the first time, Rayleigh felt that his army was like an eggshell. The three-layer defense circular line he arranged was nothing in front of the orc army. As long as the orcs really attacked, they would be easily broken like an eggshell.

If the first line of defense cannot stop these orc machines, then the following lines of defense will not be any different. In front of the orcs' heavy armored forces, their own lines of defense will be crushed without suspense.

"Stop them, stop them!" Rayleigh gnashed his teeth nervously, his voice full of hysteria. Because at this time Rayleigh himself didn't know who to yell at, who to give orders to, who could, and how to stop these bulky machines from moving forward.

These steel monsters that were modified by the orcs and spewed black smoke were like a moving steel wall to the Rayleigh Group, blocking out the sky and the sun, making it impossible for people to resist.

At this moment, a black shadow rushed out of the trench, hunched over, holding something in his arms, and rushed towards the front of the orcs' heavy armored vehicle. This abrupt existence immediately attracted Rayleigh's attention, "Who is that? What is he doing?" Rayleigh didn't need to answer, he quickly found the answer himself, he was very familiar with the back, the gentle young man, the blasting expert with a dull behavior but a baby face, "Black Dragon? It's Favillia, what is he going to do!?"

This question is really redundant. On the battlefield, what else can Favillia do besides destroying the enemy? Is it to escape? Old Marlborough, who was standing next to Rayleigh, also held a telescope and observed the situation on the battlefield. The old man had an obvious sneer on his face, but he was sighing in his heart. After all, it was an army lacking in foundation. It was usually decent, but when it really encountered danger, it was completely confused. However, as a rookie commander of a rookie army composed entirely of rookies, Rayleigh's performance was pretty good.

Old Marlborough gave Rayleigh a barely passing score in his heart, and then cast his eyes on the young man running on the battlefield.

Favillia left the protection of the bunker and was defenseless in the center of the battlefield. He was as agile as an elk running on the battlefield in the rain of bullets. He sometimes moved forward quickly and sometimes ran in an S shape. At a certain moment, this thin figure almost attracted all the attention on the battlefield. In the next moment, the young man suddenly fell to the ground. For a moment, everyone held their breath. At this moment, countless people prayed in their hearts, "God Emperor, please bless him!"

So in the next moment, a miracle happened. Favillia staggered to his feet. He just paused for a moment and started running again.

"Stand up, he's not dead, not dead!"

"Charge, Favillia, charge!"

"God Emperor, please protect him!"

"Shoot, shoot, cover him!"

Favilia, who was running on the battlefield, naturally couldn't hear these calls. At this time, his attention was unprecedentedly focused. He carefully chose the route, calculated the distance, and carefully looked for the enemy's blind spot. In fact, as long as you observe carefully, you will find that this is not difficult. Most of the orcs hid behind the heavy armored vehicles. The armored vehicles protected these orcs like a wall, but also blocked their shooting angles. The heavy weapons on the heavy armored vehicles were fixed. Because of the angle problem, there was a large shooting blind spot. Of course, as the armored vehicles moved, this shooting blind spot was constantly changing, and bullets were flying around on the battlefield. It was impossible to rely entirely on calculations. Favillia could only choose the route half by feeling and half by guessing, and then a powerful firepower suddenly broke out behind him, which choked the orcs' firepower.

Favillia seized the opportunity, suddenly began to accelerate, and then he rushed to a distance in front of the heavy armored vehicle like a miracle, and then he ignited the thing in his arms, and then smashed it to the ground, turned around and ran.

The heavy armored vehicle continued to move forward, and the orc who was driving it didn't care what the little bug in front of him did in front of him. He just laughed and wanted to crush all the obstacles in front of him, and then suddenly shook, and the orc felt that he was suddenly thrown into the sky with the big car, and a loud explosion came.

The explosion happened just as Favillia expected, at the time he needed, and in the way he expected. Under the violent explosion, the heavy armored vehicle was suddenly pushed up, and the heavy large mechanical butt jumped diagonally to the sky as if it was on fire, and then fell down crookedly, and hit a heavy machine not far from it.

"Oh oh oh!"

For a time, the battlefield was filled with human cheers, and the despair was dispelled by an explosion. But the cheers only lasted for a short while, because the two seriously damaged heavy armored vehicles did not slow down the orcs' advance. On the front of the battlefield, there were still 23 such armored vehicles left, still spewing black smoke and moving forward in a uniquely slow manner.

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