For a moment, Faviria hesitated. He felt that the girl in front of him must be crazy, because other than madness, it is difficult for you to use other reasons to explain her current behavior, on a battlefield filled with bullets. Without any protection, he just straightened up and walked out of the trenches and bunkers, completely exposing himself to the enemy's gunfire. No reasonable person would do such a behavior, but this girl did This was done.

But the next moment, Favilia remembered what the girl said to her.

‘Follow me later, don’t be afraid, I promise you, as long as you follow me, you will not be harmed. 'Yes, that's what Li Anjie said just now, but what did she do to ensure my safety? She couldn't even guarantee her own safety. Faviria felt that she was going crazy, but no matter what, responsibility was responsibility. Since his responsibility was to protect her, then even if both of them had to die, he should die in front of the girl.

Favilia gritted his teeth, hunched over and crawled out of the trench, and then rushed to the girl in a few steps. He wanted to reach out to grab the girl and push her to the ground, but when he saw the girl's eyes When he saw her, he was stunned. What a pair of holy eyes those were. He couldn't look directly at such a person. Even the slightest touch to her became an unbearable blasphemy. At that moment, Favelli Ya couldn't control his body. He only took two steps back in panic and said urgently: "Come back to the bunker with me quickly. This is a battlefield, not a place where you can just mess around!"

"I understand where this place is," Li Anjie's voice was not loud, but in the noisy battlefield, Favilia could hear her words clearly. Her words seemed not to be ringing in her ears. But it emerged from the depths of his heart. Before Faviria could be shocked, he heard Li Anjie's next words: "Follow me, no one will shoot at us!"

The next moment, Faviria followed Anjie Li without any doubts, and he began to believe what Li Anjie said from the bottom of his heart. Yes, no one would shoot him. What was he worrying about before? Woolen cloth? What an unfounded worry.

The two of them just walked out of the trench and walked slowly on the battlefield where bullets and laser beams were flying. Miraculously, these bullets that never had long eyes seemed to open their eyes at this moment, blasting everyone around Li Anjie. A small area was vacated. As Li Anjie moved, not a single bullet passed by within three feet of her. If we only calculated based on probability, we could get an extremely small number, small enough to be ignored. But in In reality, this extremely low probability thing does happen.

At this moment, there seemed to be a strange and incredible power that enveloped the battlefield, affecting everyone on the battlefield, causing them to deliberately avoid the direction of the girl.

They walked slowly like this for three minutes, during which several waves of greenskins rushed past the two of them with machetes in their hands. They just passed by the orcs, but the orcs didn't react at all, so they were surrounded by bullets and bullets. On the battlefield, the girl led Favilia as they walked forward. They stepped over the corpses piled up like hills, walked through the shallow pits where the snow covered their ankles, and walked past a body lying on the ground. The huge machinery moved at every turn, and the two of them seemed to be forgotten by the whole world. Under the influence of Li Anjie's power, Faviria followed the girl to walk in the gap between space and time at a slow pace with a strange rhythm. In this Within three minutes, they were so out of tune with the entire world.

Faviria entered a strange state. At this time, there was no sound of gunfire in his ears, and there were no more bullets flying around him. The sound of war gradually faded away. The world has become simple and quiet. There is only one thing he needs to do, and that is to move forward slowly at the pace of the girl.

Then in the center of the battlefield, the girl let out a long breath, and the strange rhythm was suddenly broken. At the same time, the girl suddenly stood still. She raised her head slightly and said to the sky: "I am Li Anjie. Stand here and speak to everyone under the sky who can hear my voice."

Her words were very soft, but they could be blown away by the hot wind and gunpowder smoke. The moment she opened her mouth, almost everyone on the battlefield heard her words, as if the girl was standing beside them. Around you, you whisper in people's ears with a quiet voice, and it is like a secret whisper quietly emerging from the deepest part of your heart on a cold night alone.

Whether they were orcs or humans, at this moment, they all clearly heard the soft girl's voice.

The girl said slowly: "I said that green creatures are the most hateful enemies. You all agree with what I say."

A gust of scorching wind blew by, and there was a sudden silence on the battlefield, as if a movie was suddenly paused. There were shouts, curses, rough yells from orcs, gunshots, explosions, the sound of machetes piercing flesh, and blood flowing. The sound disappeared at this moment, there were no bullets and flashing laser beams in the air, everyone and everything came to a halt, and then after a second, play was pressed again. After a moment of pause, All the sounds came back again, and the fighting continued, but the atmosphere in the air was different now.

The orcs no longer look at the humans in front of them, even if the shrimps are constantly shooting at themselves. Yes, what if the shrimps are shining small red beams on their side? Small shrimps are always small shrimps, and they can be easily crushed as long as you rush up to them. However, before crushing the small shrimps, there are some things, some more important things that need to be settled first.

The orcs who were charging with machetes stopped running, and the orcs who were lying on the ground and shooting with guns also paused their firepower. They looked around and around themselves. What did they see? Yes, the green in my eyes is actually green. Why is it green? I am green, why should he be green too? Doesn’t this guy know that wearing matching shirts will embarrass the orcs? No, he must know, these guys did it on purpose!

"Hoho, scum! You owe me five big teeth, do you remember?" An orc pushed his companion next to him and said viciously: "Hoho, do you know what I hate most in my life? I hate you the most. I hate the orcs who owe me teeth but don’t repay them! I hate the orcs who don’t repay the tooth debts. They are a disgrace among orcs and are scum!”

Zhazha orc scratched his head, and then sneered: "Zhazha doesn't remember. If Zhazha doesn't remember something, it didn't happen. Zhazha doesn't owe you a tooth! Besides, Zhazha doesn't like you!"

"Hoho! The same goes for me! But I don't need you to remember!" With that said, the orc suddenly raised his machete, swung the knife quickly, and chopped off the head of the orc, and then he walked to where there was no body. In front of his head, he pulled out the teeth of the Zhazha Orc one by one: "I don't remember how many teeth you owe me. Forget it, I'll pay you back with your mouth full of teeth if I suffer a little loss." After doing this, he walked up to another orc and patted this orc on the shoulder, saying, "Zha! You owe me five big teeth, do you remember?"

"I'm not a scumbag!"

"You are a scumbag! Do you want to default on your debt? I know you even if you turn into ashes!"

"I'm really not a scumbag!"

The sword flashed and his head flew up, "I'm too lazy to talk nonsense with you!"

The same thing happened suddenly and explosively in the greenskin camp. These orcs suddenly couldn't tolerate the companions fighting alongside them. Many old things seemed to be brought up, such as when someone was playing a face-biting game. Cheating, such as someone hit me, such as you bumped into me, such as your mouth is bad, such as you stepped on my foot, such as you are green!

Problems like this suddenly broke out on a large scale. In short, the orcs began to dislike each other. They could not control their emotions. Moreover, the orcs were not good at expressing their feelings with words, so as usual, they used Actions let those around you understand your emotions.

Almost all the orcs expressed that they were quite unhappy at this moment.

An extremely chaotic civil war suddenly started. The orc machete that was supposed to be slashed at humans was raised high, but it suddenly turned a corner and slashed at the disgusting green creatures around him. The orcs began to fight each other. At first they would find some excuses, but once the chaos started, it turned into a kind of madness. The reasons were meaningless. They don't like you, so they want to kill you. Where? What about all the nonsense? Just like a fire burning on oil, it quickly expanded and spread out.

The orcs and the orcs began to fight fiercely.

Faviria opened his mouth wide and was dumbfounded. His memory clearly remembered what he had done before, but this made him have more question marks in his mind. He had no idea why this happened on the battlefield. Why did the orcs abandon the enemy in front of them and start fighting each other just because of the girl's words? He didn't understand why he just followed the girl on the battlefield without any resistance, as if he was in a nightmare.

Although he didn't understand why it happened, Faviria understood who it happened because of. At this time, Faviria felt fear, and he was afraid.

Yes, this weak girl just exerted a terrifying power. She affected everyone in an instant. She first controlled herself and made herself act according to her words like a marionette. Then she had It affected many people, even the orcs could not resist the power of this girl. Because of the girl's gentle words, they began to fight each other like enemies.

At this moment, Favilia's body trembled uncontrollably. This girl, no, this is not a girl, she is a witch!

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