Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 219: Surging Power

The power of the second nuclear weapon Sword is slightly less than that of the first nuclear weapon "Hello". The scope of the explosion is not as wide as "Hello", and the damage range is not as large as "Hello". () But it is still a nuclear weapon. With the nuclear explosion as the center, all living things within a kilometer of the surrounding area are wiped out at the first moment of the explosion. Then the shock wave and light radiation come one after another, destroying the green-skinned creatures. The orcs were completely killed.

The first nuclear weapon "Hello" was a greeting from Li. In Li's view, it was just a greeting. However, just this greeting explosion had completely destroyed one of the most important mines and mines of the Orcs. The mixed camp of the arsenal completely destroyed the Orcs' armored weapons production line from the rear of the battle line, making it impossible for the Orcs' armored forces to appear on a large scale.

The second sword thrown down by the Black Knight Vergil was a flaming sword. While it split the world, it also destroyed countless orcs in an instant, truly achieving a massive scale in an instant. Kill. None of the orcs in the center of the nuclear explosion survived, and even if the orcs slightly outside survived the explosion, they would still face subsequent damage from light radiation. This harm is like a disease, which will continue to be hidden in the The orcs' bodies were inflicted with painful injuries. It can be expected that even if these orcs survive, they will lose most of their combat effectiveness.

On the other side of the battlefield, at the moment when the second nuclear bomb exploded, Li Anjie suddenly turned his head and looked at Yabuge.

"You feel good," Yabuge nodded and said, "It should be the second nuclear bomb that exploded. Do you feel the power roaring in your body? Many fuzzy feelings suddenly became clear, and the power became stronger. It's clearly displayed in front of us." With that said, Jacob walked slowly to the window. Outside the window, the war was still going on. Even if the attack was continuously frustrated, the orcs did not give up the attack.

For the orc army, this is a good battlefield, and it is a battlefield that has been selected long ago. The defense line has been deployed long ago. It is not easy for the orcs to stay in their positions and defend well. It's an easy thing, but no matter what, the orcs have already made preparations. The human army has launched a fierce attack at the front like crazy. Almost all the orc legions are in defeat, and even those that have not yet been defeated will soon be defeated.

Of course, such failure is nothing to the orcs. The huge number allows the orcs to withstand failure. One, two, or even more failures are not a terrible thing to the orcs. It only takes a week. , or even within a short period of time, these frightened losers forgot their failure. Perhaps to them, there had never been a failure. In their memory, it was just their sudden merciful desire to let go of those poor people. The human beings are little shrimps. Then these losers will find their own teams and participate in the war again. Even if many orc warriors die on the battlefield, it doesn't matter. Shouldn't warriors die on the battlefield? Moreover, the lost manpower can be replenished quickly. Every day, many little greenskins crawl out of the ground and join the team excitedly.

As long as they block the progress of humans on this battlefield, the orcs can drag humans into the abyss of war with a steady stream of supplies and a long war, and then the orcs will happily crush those small human beings into scraps!

But if you want to complete this plan, you first need to kick off the pebbles at your feet. The human defender on the hill is really annoying. His position is too special and must be killed. If it is normal, then The hills are nothing, so a few humans can only hide in their bunkers and cannot make any big waves. But the decisive battle is about to come, and a large number of human legions are trying to kill in this area with murderous intent. The orc warriors on the Autumn Star have already gathered in this area, ready to give the incoming humans a head-on blow. Here, At this time, the location of this hill seems extremely special.

At first, the orcs really didn't take these humans seriously, and even the occasional attacks were experimental in nature. But it wasn't until several attacks completely failed that the orcs began to understand that there were extremely terrifying humans on this hill. Those little human shrimps will use weird spells, making it impossible for the orcs to kill them easily!

The orcs were very disdainful for such despicable humans.

"What a bunch of cowards! You have the guts to compete with me! You have to compete face to face! These little shrimps are so insidious!"

"Using bad magic! What a scumbag!"

"I despise these cowards!"

No matter how much these greenskins hate such a nasty way of fighting, the reality is that they have no way to break the egg shell for a while, and the human army is getting closer and closer, so even if they hate the humans here very much , not wanting to fight these bastards, they had to work hard to break through the defense line and take back this highland.

Outside Jacob's window, hundreds of orcs suddenly rose from the distance. Then these thick ones raised the crude wings on their arms, fanned the wind, and reluctantly flew towards the human front. The backs of these flying orcs Xanadu was carrying a Explosive Jumper on his back. Obviously, the orc commander on the opposite side had a new idea popping up in his mind. This time it was the orc's meat dog bombing force.

Then Yabuge extended his fist towards the window, and the orcs who were flying hard in the air and close to the human front suddenly hovered in the sky. No matter how hard they waved their arms, the simple things on their arms were moved. With their wings, they were unable to take even the tiniest step forward. Then Jacob popped out his index finger, and an orc spun and flew back toward where he came from, like a thrown debris. In the line of the orcs, there was an explosion, another panic, and then Yabuge popped out his middle finger, and another orc was thrown back with a scream. Yabuge withdrew his fist, and then With the palm withdrawing, hundreds of flying orcs all flew back. The flying dog bombing brigade thrown by the orcs flew back into the orc camp, blasting the orcs into pieces.

"It's really good. I haven't felt this feeling in a long time..." Jacob closed his eyes, took a deep breath, then opened his eyes and looked back at Li Anjie, and asked softly: " You think so too, with such sweet power, it seems like you can control the whole world by yourself."

"Yes!" Li Anjie said a little uneasily: "I don't think I have anything to fear now. Whether it's the humans or orcs fighting here, they all look..." For a moment, Li Anjie couldn't find him. When it came to words to describe the feelings in her heart, no, the fact was that it had been lingering on her lips those times, but she did not have the courage to say it out. Vaguely, she also felt that this was wrong and abnormal.

"They all seem insignificant, ridiculous, and meaningless." Yabuge's old man's eyes shone with spiritual energy and wisdom, as if he had completely seen through Li Anjie. The old man looked at the frightened Li Anjie and smiled and said: "You don't need to be surprised. I can't read your thoughts. My ability is not about thoughts. I just understand how you feel, because I feel the same as you." Jacob took a deep breath. With a breath, he walked up to Li Anjie and sat down in front of her. With a casual move, an empty cup automatically flew to the coffee machine. He filled Jacob's cup with coffee, and then flew smoothly like this. Arriving in front of Yabuge, Yabuge took the coffee cup, took a sip, and then said: "You also saw that I just stretched out my hand and blocked a wave of attacks from the orcs, and I was able to accurately Control my power. This power is not only powerful, but also completely driven by my thoughts. I can make an orc I don’t like fly away alone. Any one, I can make them fly as I want. I can also throw their colleagues into the air at different locations, both in terms of strength and control accuracy, which have all been improved. I just used my psychic ability to control the coffee cup to drink a cup of coffee for myself, and then it flew smoothly. In my hands, of course, I can usually do this kind of thing, but it won't be as easy as now. I might as well walk a few steps to expend that effort, but now, I don't even have to move a finger, just a thought , the power moves according to my will, and when I do this, I don’t even feel a trace of fatigue. I feel that this power is endless. These orcs are really nothing in front of me, even if there are more orcs , I will kill them all by myself, without the help of others. The hard work of those people fighting against the orcs is really meaningless. As long as I want to, I can easily win by walking out. "

"Yes," Li Anjie's breathing quickened, "That's what it feels like."

"This is an illusion," Jacob said decisively: "Of course, the power has become stronger, this is a fact. But it is not as strong as you feel. When we use spiritual energy, spiritual energy is also tempting. We, it provides you with power, and at the same time it also tempts you, allowing you to see wonderful sights and feel the taste of power, thus prompting you to continue to pursue more powerful power and use more psychic powers. No psychic can truly escape this simple trap. Just imagine, who can resist the temptation of being as high as a god, looking down on all living beings? "

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