Hammer 40k: Far East Storm

Chapter 227 Take it slow

Others naturally had no way of knowing what happened on the golden plain.

In the Eridanus galaxy deep in the Far East, Li was still analyzing the overall situation and weighing the gains and losses.

Li studied the star map and the situation around the war zone for a long time, then nodded and said, "I understand!" Then he ignored Jacob and shouted to the young man who was still standing in the center of the arena, "Why are you still standing there! The winner is you, you can go down and rest, the next group!"

"The young man glanced at the man lying on the ground bleeding, and then left alone. Soon, a servant rushed out from the corner, carried the seriously injured and dying man away, wiped the blood on the ground, and then sprinkled sand and wiped it again. When the sand was swept up, the ground was as smooth as before. They worked so quickly and skillfully that after a few minutes, there was no trace of the previous fight in the hall.

In this hall, nearly five hundred duels have been held. The servants had been trained to become skilled workers through repeated processes. It was not uncommon for people to be chopped into pieces in the hall, let alone a broken hand. It would only take a few minutes for these servants.

Just as the servants retreated to the corner, another group of people came to the hall to duel, and the duel began again.

When Li and the Star Wars arrived at first, it was really an unprecedented grand occasion, which was completely incomparable to Li's last silent arrival.

Countless warriors, admirers, people with ulterior motives, and even some kings and dukes who hoped to recruit warriors gathered in the Silver Armor City, the headquarters of the Blue Knights, and the merchants who came with the flow of people, making this newly built city noisy and noisy in an instant.

The Blue Knights developed so rapidly in this world. With the support of the local church, relying on the superb fighting skills given by Li and the exquisite and powerful weapons that the local natives had never seen, Li's apprentice Ryan and student Qiao Mina quickly made the Blue Knights organization colorful. The two accepted many poor girls as their apprentices, teaching them fighting skills while slowly instilling the concept of loyalty in them. Strict guidance, perfect and advanced education, and the concept of brainwashing instilled into the girls, soon, the Blue Knights appeared on this continent. The girls wore gorgeous blue armor and walked in the jungle and countryside like heroes in the legend, helping everyone who encountered difficulties.

Of course, the place where they appeared most often Still on the battlefield. The Blue Knights always favor those truly brave warriors, the best warriors and the most heroic warriors who performed the best in battle. In the past, these warriors only received a few rewards from the nobles, but now, most of them can receive invitations from the Blue Knights. In recent years, this invitation has also become the greatest recognition of warriors.

Those warriors who are truly selected by the Blue Knights will be told that they will participate in a series of extremely cruel tests. Those who can finally pass the test will have the honor to become a member of the Blue Knights, and all this is just the beginning. Only the best male Blue Knights, after passing many tests, will have the opportunity to serve the God Emperor, join the legendary Star Wars, and become a legendary knight walking in the starry sky.

This is an excellent layered selection mechanism that Ryan has worked hard to establish in the past few years. Of course, this is a good set of processes, which ensures that the selected people are not only loyal enough, but also have trustworthy abilities.

But if you want to do it completely according to this set, it will take a long time and the effect will be slow.

So when Li arrived with the battle group, he convened a fighting election. He said some key words in the statement issued by the Blue Knights, any warrior can participate in the election, and the final winner will not only receive valuable prizes, but also have the opportunity to join the Star Wars.

A simple and rough approach, doesn't it require warriors? Simple, gather all those who think they are warriors, let them fight, and the one who can win in the end is probably the most capable warrior.

As a result, not long after the event started, the number of people who signed up almost overwhelmed the headquarters of the Blue Knights, and everyone wanted to try their luck because the rewards were so attractive. It was not until a series of rules were added that those who wanted to fish in troubled waters voluntarily withdrew from the competition.

The additional rules are simple. There are no rules on the ring. Except for a series of banned weapons and poisons, anyone can go to the ring with any weapon to compete and strive for the final generous reward. Of course, before going on stage, you need to sign a contract to show that you are willing to go to the ring and fight to the death. Even if you are killed on the ring, you will not have any resentment.

In short, the situation on the Bojiang galaxy is very good. Li is very satisfied with Ryan and the Blue Knights' work in the past few years.

"My lord?" Yabug reminded on the side: "Is there nothing? After you understand?"

"Are you talking about the war that took place on the golden plains?"


"I looked carefully. This should be an extremely difficult task. No wonder the main hall gave such a high merit value as a reward. Moreover, as the key point of the war zone, the Golden Field has obviously become a key point that must be fought for. Once our army fails, it will inevitably bring about an avalanche-like chain reaction. The legions that have been attracted to the war in the past ten years will join the chain because of the failure of the Golden Field. At that time, it will be a complete defeat. The situation of the empire in the Far East will also plummet. Am I right?"

"Yes, your Excellency is right. I think so too. This victory is crucial."

"This is true for the empire, but it is just the same for us!" Li said calmly: "Yabug, don't put on that expression. Even if the empire wins the war in the Golden Field, will it make Reach safer? No, our situation has hardly changed. We have always been outside the territory of the empire and under the control of the empire. The weakest area of ​​the system. Even if the Empire wins this battle, it will be a miserable victory. We cannot expect the Empire's assistance and protection in the next 100 years. "

"You are the leader of the Knights, how can you be so indifferent! You should understand that if the Empire fails in the Golden Wilderness, our environment will undoubtedly become worse. "

"You are right about this. Who knows what the Eldar are thinking? If they are interested in Eden today, they may not be interested in our Reach tomorrow. "Li sighed and said, "But the biggest problem is not that I am indifferent, but that we can't do this job, at least not now. The enemy is too strong and the stage is too vast. We are just a newly established regiment. If we just go to participate in the war, there is no problem, but if we are fully committed to the consumption of offense and defense, we can't bear that kind of consumption. "

Yabuge shut up at this time. He thought about it carefully, and he had to admit that he was too impatient.

Such a huge battle, fought to this point, both sides have exhausted their cards, when the bottom cards are all exposed, what is left is the most primitive fight.

As long as you look back at the process of the war, you can find that the Eldar have completely played the commanders of the human race this time. The Eldar patiently attracted the human forces in the Far East to the front line step by step in ten years, and then nailed them step by step, put pressure on them, and forced the Empire to continue to send troops to the front line until everything was arranged. Only then did they launch the final attack, giving the Empire the heaviest blow. From a grand strategic point of view, the Eldar have almost won a complete victory, and the remaining work is just to reap the fruits of victory.

It is too intense at this time. To put it bluntly, for the defense army, life or death depends on this fight. If the Eldar succeed, the Empire's army in the Far East will naturally be slaughtered, a complete failure. If the defense army defends desperately and survives until the arrival of reinforcements, then this war can still be fought.

In any case, if the Golden Plains still needs reinforcements, it must mean that the defenders of the Golden Plains will shed their last drop of blood, and the Eldar will launch a fierce attack at all costs. If you rashly join them at this time, you can only fight the Eldar on the front line, and in the end, you may die without a trace.

"In any case, reinforcements are certain, but we must consider it and join the war at the right time. There is no need to rush. If the Golden Plains falls because we are two days late, then we should be thankful, because with such a weak defense, even if we arrive two days earlier, it will only delay its fall, and we will have to sacrifice ourselves in the end."

Yabuge nodded suddenly. He agreed with Li's words. If the defense is too weak, then it will be useless even if you go, and you will have to sacrifice yourself, which is really a loss.

"So we might as well take a look first. When fighting against such an enemy, we can't fight a stupid battle, let alone a simple war of attrition. That kind of thing is the job of the defense army. We have to appear as a sharp blade, not just a shield." Li said: "Well, let's take a look at the duel first. These people are all good seedlings. Maybe they will be our brothers on the battlefield soon."

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